Add a baseline curve

You can construct cash flow curves by project or shell, summary WBS codes, by WBS, or by a specific commitment business process and record. Baseline curve options reflect the detail level selections you made on the General tab.

To add a baseline curve for cash flow by project/shell

1 Open the Properties window of the cash flow detail curve. Be sure the Detail Level is Project/Shell.
2 Click the Curves tab.
3 Click Add and choose a data source of type Baseline. The Cash Flow by Project/Shell - Baseline window opens.
4 Complete the window using the information in the table below.



In this Field:

Do This:


This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source


This field displays the curve type: Baseline


Distribution drives how the amount value will be distributed over the time periods. Choose one:

Manual. You enter values into each field manually.
Auto by default profile. Allows you to choose one of the available Distribution Profiles, defined in Standards & Libraries > Cash Flow > Distribution Profiles, or that were defined directly in the project or shell cash flow log (Edit > Distribution Profiles). This will be used as the default profile; however, at runtime, the user can change which profile to use.

Click the Select button. The Distribution Profiles window opens. Select a profile to use as the default profile for the curve.

Note: The default profile is used for the initial display and calculations in the cash flow worksheet. You can change the distribution profile from the worksheet. If you do this, the default profile will automatically update to reflect the current selection.


Choose one:

Manually enter amounts for each period (available if you chose Manual above). You can enter cost information in the Total field on the worksheet.
Auto distribute total amount across all periods (available if you chose Auto by default profile above). This will automatically distribute the amount in the Total field using the selected default profile.
Distribute amount from cost sheet column. This will take the amount in the selected Cost Sheet column, and either allow you to distribute it manually (if you chose Manual distribution), or use the default distribution profile (if you chose Auto by default profile). An example column would be a budget,

Cost column can be chosen when creating a curve in a project or shell, but not in templates.


Here you define the range of dates to use to plot the cash flow data. If you choose to take dates from the schedule sheet elements, the Master schedule sheet for the project/shell is used.

From Date and To Date

Determines what dates to start the curve and end the curve. Choose one for each:

Manual. User enters the date directly in the cash flow worksheet.
Data element from schedule sheet. Choose a schedule sheet data element from the list. The date will be populated automatically from the Master schedule sheet when the cash flow curve is refreshed.

If the these dates are changed on the Master schedule sheet, then the changes will be reflected on cash flow after the next refresh of the curves.


5 Click OK.

To add a baseline curve for cash flow by WBS

1 Open the Properties window of the cash flow detail curve. Be sure the Detail Level is WBS (for cash flow by individual WBS codes) or Summary WBS (for summary WBS codes).
2 Click the Curves tab.
3 Click Add, and choose a data source of type Baseline. The Cash Flow by WBS - Baseline or Cash Flow by Summary WBS - Baseline window opens.
4 Complete this window in the same way as for a baseline curve for project/shell detail level, with the following exceptions:.
For WBS detail level, the Distribution option Auto by default profile per WBS is available.
For Summary WBS detail level, the Distribution option Auto by default profile per Summary WBS is available.

See the table below for details.


In this Field:

Do This:


This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source


This field displays the curve type: Baseline


Distribution drives how the amount value will be distributed over the time periods. Choose one:

Manual. You enter values into each field manually.
Auto by default profile per WBS (for WBS detail level curves) or Summary WBS (for Summary WBS detail level curves).
You can specify a default profile per WBS code or Summary WBS code. This can be done one at a time or using bulk edit.
This is the default distribution profile, but can be changed at runtime. Follow these instructions.
Click the Details button. The WBS Details window opens.
To set the default distribution profile on one WBS code at a time: double-click in the Default Profile field and choose the profile from the dropdown list.
To set the default profile on multiple codes: Select the WBS or Summary WBS codes from the list. Click Bulk Edit. Select the profile to use and click Select. Click Save.
You can use Find to search for specific WBS codes.
Use data from Schedule Sheet. Allows you to choose a schedule sheet so a project manager you view the cost distribution information by WBS code. Click the Select button and choose the schedule sheet. Selecting a schedule sheet is optional. If a schedule sheet is not selected, the distribution will display zeros along the bottom of the cash flow curves’ graph. Click OK. In the details window, the filter will be applied against the WBS codes coming from the schedule sheet.


See “To add a baseline curve for cash flow by project/shell" above.

Schedule (From Date/To Date)

See “To add a baseline curve for cash flow by project/shell" above.


5 Click OK.

To add a baseline curve for cash flow by commitment

You can build one baseline curve per commitment record. When you build a baseline curve for individual line items, the SOV type influences distribution options. If the SOV lists individual line items by WBS you can distribute cost for each line item individually; if the SOV groups line items, you cannot. For costs distributed in the transaction currency, Primavera Unifier calculates and stores the distribution in project currency using the exchange rate table.

1 Open the Properties window of the cash flow detail curve and click the Curves tab.
2 Click Add, and choose a data source of type Baseline. The Cash Flow Commitment - Baseline window opens.

The Name field shows the name of the data source you chose.

The Type field shows the curve type, in this case Baseline.

3 Choose the Cash Flow Granularity. Cash flow granularity options determine the level of record detail available in the cash flow curve. You can roll up base and change commits, see individual records separately, or drill to individual line items in a commitment record.
4 Choose the Distribution Method. The cash flow granularity you choose determines the distribution options you have. Use the following table to set up the curve options.

Note: By default, Primavera Unifier displays commitment curve cost data in the record transaction currency, which is stored in project currency using the active currency exchange rate table. If the transaction currency is different from the project currency, you can change the currency view between transaction and project currencies, but you can only edit data in the transaction currency. If there is a more recent value in the exchange rate table, refreshing the curve will refresh the cost data.



If you choose:

Your Distribution Method choice is:

Single Distribution of sum of base commit and all changes

Manual entry of values per cash flow period.This is the only available option. In User Mode you must open the cash flow Details window to complete time scale fields and distribute the rolled up values of the base commit record and any change commit records.

By individual record (base commit and all changes separately)

Manual entry of values per cash flow period. Use this option to manually enter the time scale and to distribute costs.
Auto distribution. Use this option to utilize a pre-defined distribution curve.
In User Mode curve data is read-only, but you can change the distribution profile.

This selection requires a sub-selection.

Manual Dates and manual selection of profile. Use this option to manually enter the time scale and select a distribution curve.
Dates from business process, default profile. Use this option to select the time scale from fields on the business process. Click the Details button to open the selection window. There are four columns in the Auto Distribution window.
Business Process – List comes from the Cost-type business processes available in your company
From Data Element – Select the date you want the distribution to start
To Data Element – Select the date you want the distribution to end
Default Profile – If desired, select a predefined profile.

By line items within each individual record

Manual entry of values per cash flow period. Use this option to select record line items. In User Mode you can:
See each selected line item in the cash flow Details window; the columns come from the business process.
Select a profile on the detail window for each line.
Select the distribution profile manually.
Auto distribution. Use this option to manually enter dates and select a distribution profile.


5 In the Commit Change Processes to be included field, you can add Commit Change business processes according to their statuses. These line items are also seen in the cash flow curve Details window.
6 Click OK.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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