Filter the curves to display on the cash flow worksheet

You may need to maintain a large number of curves on a worksheet for various reasons, but at times, you may want to only display some of them. You can select which curves to show and hide on the worksheet graph. Note that this level of filtering will not be saved; by default, every time you open a worksheet, all graphs will display by default.

To show or hide curves on the cash flow worksheet

1 Open the Cash Flow Worksheet.
2 Click the Filter button in the upper right portion of the window. The Filter Graph window opens.
3 Select which curves to display. Deselect any curves you don’t want to display.
4 To select or deselect all curves, click the checkbox at the top. This will toggle between selecting and deselecting all the curve checkboxes.
5 Click OK.

The graph will display only the curves that are selected. The data at the bottom of the worksheet will be unaffected. This display remains active as long as the window is open. The next time you open the worksheet window, all curves will again display by default.





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