Working with Worksheets

Worksheets are extensions of the cost sheet. They can be used as subcost sheets, enabling specific calculations or data entry in a separate sheet, which can then be rolled up into a defined project or shell cost sheet column. The rows equal the WBS codes on the cost sheet. Worksheets can have multiple columns for data entry or formula calculations, but do not support data rolled up from business processes.

Example uses of a worksheet:

A worksheet can be used to off-load complex calculations requiring multiple columns. The final value can be rolled up into a single cost sheet column.
Worksheets are governed by individual permissions. You can design worksheets to use as a method of data entry or review for users that you do not want to have any access to the project or shell cost sheet, for example, a contractor who is developing an estimate.

A cost sheet column can be associated with a worksheet as the data entry method. A worksheet column can also be associated with another worksheet, as long as there is not a circular reference. There can be multiple worksheets in a project or shell.

A worksheet template can be created in Administration Mode. Permissions can be controlled for individual worksheets. Worksheets are not independently reportable; however, cost sheet columns that reference worksheets can be reported on.


Create a worksheet

Open a worksheet

View or edit worksheet properties

Modify worksheet default view

Add a worksheet column to the cost sheet

Assign permissions to the worksheet

Import worksheet column details

Export worksheet details




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