Modify earned value sheet properties

You can modify most of the Properties information on existing earned value sheets, including adding additional curves, entering source detail information, changing the sheet name, etc.

The following information cannot be modified on an earned value sheet: Source and Time Scale, as defined on the EV Properties window, General tab.

To modify earned value sheet properties

1 Open a project or shell and click Cost Manager > Earned Value in the left Navigator.
2 In the log, select a sheet and click the Properties button on the toolbar.
Click the General tab to change general properties information.
Click the Settings tab, then select a curve and click Modify to modify the settings for the curve.

Note: If you rename a custom curve (in the Settings tab), the new name may not be reflected in the graphical display. The graph displays the curve names as they appear in the sheet as column names. If you rename a custom curve, be sure to rename the corresponding column name on the sheet (you may need to add the curve as a column in order for the new name to be reflected on the graph).





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