Open additional sheet views

From an earned value sheet, more sheet views may be available, depending on the data source for the sheet (cost sheet or schedule manager).

If the source is cost sheet, the default View by WBS Codes is the only view option.

If the source is schedule manager, you can view additional sheets described below.

WBS Codes is the default view when the EV sheet source is cost sheet or schedule manager. It displays EV data by WBS code in a flat list. It is applicable when Progress option on BCWP is “Activity % Complete.”
WBS Codes - Group by Summary Codes: The data in this view is grouped by summary WBS codes retrieved from the cost sheet. The summary codes show all levels that are defined in the cost sheet. It assumes that there are summary WBS codes. If the cost sheet is in flat mode, data is shown with leaf level WBS codes.
WBS Codes - Group by Work Package: The data is grouped by work package, and then by summary WBS codes. This is applicable even if cost sheet is in flat mode. Summary rows show totals from leaf codes; work package summary rows show the totals per work package.
Earned Value Components: In this view, data is grouped by earned value components. The rows are the components of the earned value sheet: BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, EAC. The columns are time periods based on the time scale for the sheet. Data is not totaled at the bottom of the sheet. Note the sliding scale in the upper portion of the sheet. This allows you to move the view of the sheet to display different time periods. Display Options allows you to change UOM (unit of measure) value only.
Schedule Sheet - Activities: The activities displayed on this view are the activities defined in the schedule sheet. All activities are displayed regardless of whether progress entries have been made for them.
Schedule Sheet - Activities - Group by WBS Codes: In this view, EV data is grouped by WBS code, and by activity associated with each WBS code.

For these additional sheets, you can create snapshots in the default WBS Codes view and the Schedule Sheet-Activities view. You can change the Display Options and export data from any view.

To view more sheets

1 Open the earned value sheet.
2 Click the More Sheets button. The More Sheets window opens. The window lists sheets that are generated along with the current sheet.
3 Select a sheet and click OK. The sheet opens.





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