Create a commitment funding sheet structure


Structures are created by copying a commitment funding template. The commitment funding structure defines the column structure that will be used for the individual commitment funding sheets that are created from base commit records. It can also define the assignment levels and rules to use for each sheet (in the Properties window). (These procedures assume a commitment funding template has been created and set up).

Structures can also be created in a project or shell template, which will then be copied to projects/shells created from it. Structures created in project/shell templates can also be “pushed” to existing projects using Update Projects or Update Shells.

If you modify the columns or properties of the commitment funding structure, existing sheets will not be affected. New sheets created from the edited structure will reflect the modifications. You can modify the columns and properties of individual commitment funding sheets without affecting the default structure.

To create a commitment funding sheet structure

1 Open the project or shell and click Cost Manager > Funding > Commitment Funding Sheet in the left Navigator. The Commitment Funding Sheet log opens. The log should be empty. If commitment funding sheets are already present, then a structure already exists.
2 Click the Create Structure button. The Commitment Funding Sheet window opens, listing the available templates.

Note: When a structure is created, the Create Structure button becomes Update Structure.

3 Select a template from the list and click Open. Click Yes to confirm. You can use this structure as is or make edits as necessary.

To view or edit the commitment funding sheet structure

1 From the Commitment Funding Sheet log, click the Update Structure button. The Commitment Funding Structure window opens.
2 Click the Columns button to add, view or edit columns. Managing columns on the structure is done the same way as on a commitment funding sheet template. For details about commitment funding columns.
3 You can also modify the structure properties:
a In the structure window, click the File menu and choose Properties.
b In the General tab, you can modify the Title and Description. The Title will be used as the default name of each commitment funding sheet created from it.
c You can also modify assignment levels and rules. Click the Assignment tab.
4 Close the Commitment Funding Structure window





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