About ownership and permissions

Like other Primavera Unifier modules, access to the Document Manager features is based on permissions set at the module level in Administration mode. Each Document Manager node—project or shell Documents, Company Documents, and Unpublished Documents—have separate permissions. The Unpublished Documents node is controlled by module-level permissions in Administration Mode only.

In the project or shell and Company Documents nodes, access to specific folders, documents, and shortcuts is also independently controlled by permissions that can be set within the Document Manager.

Note: Folder and document permissions are set at the folder level and can be changed independently or inherited by subfolders and documents. Unlike module-level permissions, permissions set at the folder level can differ from project or shell to project or shell.

The creator of a folder, document or shortcut is, by default, its owner, and has full access (privileges to view, manage, grant permissions, delete, transfer ownership, etc.). The owner must grant other users or groups permission to view and manage these documents, folders, or shortcuts. Otherwise, other users will not have access to them. (Exception: some administrators will have access permissions and will be able to view all items in the document manager.)

For this reason, it is also important to verify the permission settings for all files and folders that you upload, create, revise, check in, copy, or modify to make sure that it is accessible by the people who need them. For example, if one user creates folders, and then another user attempts to move documents among those folders, the move will not be permitted by the system unless that user attempting that move has specific permissions granted (in this case, Copy and Delete to achieve the document move).

For more information about permission settings, see "Modify folder permissions", "Modify document permissions", and "Modify shortcut permissions".

Note: Document Manager e-mail notifications as set in User Preferences are only sent if the user has at least view permission in the Document Manager node on the item triggering the e-mail, and if the item owner enables e-mail notification. If you make changes in the Document Manager root folder, to get e-mail notifications regarding events in the root folder, you must have at least view permission because the root folder has no owner.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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