Add a schedule Sheet column


There are three default columns: Start Date, Finish Date and Duration. Duration always displays the result of Finish Date minus Start Date. You can add other columns as needed. You can add baseline columns that map to Start, Finish, and Duration. See Setting_Schedule_Sheet_Baselines.htm

Note: Any changes to an activity start date, either in Activity Properties or directly in a schedule sheet column, will trigger Primavera Unifier to recalculate the role amount of the role assigned to the activity. See Define activity properties in the Primavera Unifier User Guide for a discussion on role-related calculations.

To add a schedule column

1 In User Mode, open the project or shell where the schedule sheet resides and click Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheet. The Schedule Sheets log opens.
1 Open the schedule sheet and click the Columns button. The Columns Log opens
2 Click the New button. The Column Properties window opens.
3 Complete the Column Properties window as described in the following table.
4 Click OK.



In this field:

Do this:


This field is populated with the chosen Data Source

Data Source

Select a Data Source from the dropdown list. The options include the data elements in the activity Properties window. If a schedule attribute form has been imported from Primavera uDesigner, the data sources include all elements on the form, including hidden elements. This list also shows data elements based on Sys Project Cost Data Source data definitions.

Entry Method

Choose one (the options that are available are dependent on the data source chosen):

Manual Entry: Users enter values directly on the schedule sheet
Formula: Value is calculated using the entered formula. Formulas can include calculating differences between date columns, or adding / subtracting numeric columns / values from dates. This is useful to calculate durations or to calculate one date from another date by adding/subtracting days.
Cost Sheet Column: Select a Cost Sheet column to associate with the data element based on the data definition Sys Project Cost Data Source. This pull-down menu lists all of the columns defined on the Cost Sheet. The cost data is refreshed when you or a user choose File > Refresh in a Schedule Sheet and refresh immediately or set up a refresh frequency. The Cost Sheet Column selector is available on schedule sheets in projects or shells and in project or shell templates.

Note: The Cost Sheet Column definition must be reselected in a new schedule sheet that you create by copying a sheet or template, or by copying a project or shell. Definition must also be reselected if you link the schedule sheet.

Data Format

This controls how data is displayed on the schedule sheet. Options are:

Show as percentage. Data is displayed as %
Decimal places. Choose 1 to 8
Use 1000 Separator. Select checkbox to include a comma (,) separator
Negative Number Format. Choose parentheses or minus sign


This controls the display of numeric and date column data on summary rows.

Display: Select the checkbox to display summary data for the column
Date Rollup: Available only for Date data types. Select Earliest Date or Latest Date.
Earliest Date: To summarize columns that represent activity start dates (e.g. start, planned start, actual start, etc.). The cell on the summary activity will show the earliest date from all child activities.
Select Latest Date to summarize columns that represent activity finish dates (e.g. finish, planned finish, actual finish, etc.). The cell on the summary activity will show the latest date from all child activities.
Number Rollup: Available for numeric columns. Choose Total (displays sum total of the rows), Average (displays average value of the rows), or Weighted Average based on and select a field from the Activity Attributes form. For example, you might choose Total for currency or other numeric types; for percentage columns, you might want to choose Average.

Weighted Average Based On:

The drop-down menu for this option lists the data elements available on the Activity Attribute form. Only data elements of the type Numeric are available for selection. Selecting this option and a data element allows Primavera Unifier to calculate the weighted average of summary rows.

For example:


Display Mode

Choose to Show or Hide the column from user view. Users with Create permissions can see hidden column in the Columns Log.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected.


Create a formula column in a schedule sheet




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Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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