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Writing Device Drivers in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

LDI Kernel Interfaces Example

This section shows an example kernel device consumer that uses some of the LDI calls discussed in the preceding sections in this chapter. This section discusses the following aspects of this example module:

This example kernel device consumer is named lyr. The lyr module is a layered driver that uses LDI calls to send data to a target device. In its open(9E) entry point, the lyr driver opens the device that is specified by the lyr_targ property in the lyr.conf configuration file. In its write(9E) entry point, the lyr driver writes all of its incoming data to the device specified by the lyr_targ property.

Device Configuration File

In the configuration file shown below, the target device that the lyr driver is writing to is the console.

Example 57  Configuration File
# Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

name="lyr" parent="pseudo" instance=1;

Driver Source File

In the driver source file shown below, the lyr_state_t structure holds the soft state for the lyr driver. The soft state includes the layered driver handle (lh) for the lyr_targ device and the layered identifier (li) for the lyr device. For more information about soft state, see Retrieving Driver Soft State Information.

In the lyr_open() entry point, ddi_prop_lookup_string(9F) retrieves from the lyr_targ property the name of the target device for the lyr device to open. The ldi_ident_from_dev(9F) function gets an LDI layered identifier for the lyr device. The ldi_open_by_name(9F) function opens the lyr_targ device and gets a layered driver handle for the lyr_targ device.

Note that if any failure occurs in lyr_open(), the ldi_close(9F), ldi_ident_release(9F), and ddi_prop_free(9F) calls undo everything that was done. The ldi_close (9F) function closes the lyr_targ device. The ldi_ident_release (9F) function releases the lyr layered identifier. The ddi_prop_free (9F) function frees resources allocated when the lyr_targ device name was retrieved. If no failure occurs, the ldi_close (9F) and ldi_ident_release (9F) functions are called in the lyr_close() entry point.

In the last line of the driver module, the ldi_write(9F) function is called. The ldi_write (9F) function takes the data written to the lyr device in the lyr_write() entry point and writes that data to the lyr_targ device. The ldi_write (9F) function uses the layered driver handle for the lyr_targ device to write the data to the lyr_targ device.

Example 58  Driver Source File
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/open.h>
#include <sys/cred.h>
#include <sys/cmn_err.h>
#include <sys/modctl.h>
#include <sys/conf.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ddi.h>
#include <sys/sunddi.h>
#include <sys/sunldi.h>

typedef struct lyr_state {
    ldi_handle_t    lh;
    ldi_ident_t     li;
    dev_info_t      *dip;
    minor_t         minor;
    int             flags;
    kmutex_t        lock;
} lyr_state_t;

#define LYR_OPENED      0x1     /* lh is valid */
#define LYR_IDENTED     0x2     /* li is valid */

static int lyr_info(dev_info_t *, ddi_info_cmd_t, void *, void **);
static int lyr_attach(dev_info_t *, ddi_attach_cmd_t);
static int lyr_detach(dev_info_t *, ddi_detach_cmd_t);
static int lyr_open(dev_t *, int, int, cred_t *);
static int lyr_close(dev_t, int, int, cred_t *);
static int lyr_write(dev_t, struct uio *, cred_t *);

static void *lyr_statep;

static struct cb_ops lyr_cb_ops = {
    lyr_open,            /* open */
    lyr_close,           /* close */
    nodev,               /* strategy */
    nodev,               /* print */
    nodev,               /* dump */
    nodev,               /* read */
    lyr_write,           /* write */
    nodev,               /* ioctl */
    nodev,               /* devmap */
    nodev,               /* mmap */
    nodev,               /* segmap */
    nochpoll,            /* poll */
    ddi_prop_op,         /* prop_op */
    NULL,                /* streamtab  */
    D_NEW | D_MP,        /* cb_flag */
    CB_REV,              /* cb_rev */
    nodev,               /* aread */
    nodev                /* awrite */

static struct dev_ops lyr_dev_ops = {
    DEVO_REV,            /* devo_rev, */
    0,                   /* refcnt  */
    lyr_info,            /* getinfo */
    nulldev,             /* identify */
    nulldev,             /* probe */
    lyr_attach,          /* attach */
    lyr_detach,          /* detach */
    nodev,               /* reset */
    &lyr_cb_ops,         /* cb_ops */
    NULL,                /* bus_ops */
    NULL,                /* power */
    ddi_quiesce_not_needed,     /* quiesce */

static struct modldrv modldrv = {
    "LDI example driver",

static struct modlinkage modlinkage = {

    int rv;

    if ((rv = ddi_soft_state_init(&lyr_statep, sizeof (lyr_state_t),
        0)) != 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "lyr _init: soft state init failed\n");
        return (rv);
    if ((rv = mod_install(&modlinkage)) != 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "lyr _init: mod_install failed\n");
        goto FAIL;
    return (rv);
    return (rv);

_info(struct modinfo *modinfop)
    return (mod_info(&modlinkage, modinfop));

    int rv;

    if ((rv = mod_remove(&modlinkage)) != 0) {
    return (rv);
 * 1:1 mapping between minor number and instance
static int
lyr_info(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_info_cmd_t infocmd, void *arg, void **result)
    int inst;
    minor_t minor;
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_info";

    minor = getminor((dev_t)arg);
    inst = minor;
    switch (infocmd) {
        statep = ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
        if (statep == NULL) {
            cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: get soft state "
                "failed on inst %d\n", myname, inst);
            return (DDI_FAILURE);
        *result = (void *)statep->dip;
        *result = (void *)inst;

    return (DDI_SUCCESS);

static int
lyr_attach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
    int inst;
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_attach";

    switch (cmd) {
    case DDI_ATTACH:
        inst = ddi_get_instance(dip);

        if (ddi_soft_state_zalloc(lyr_statep, inst) != DDI_SUCCESS) {
            cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_soft_state_zallac failed "
                "on inst %d\n", myname, inst);
            goto FAIL;
        statep = (lyr_state_t *)ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
        if (statep == NULL) {
            cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_get_soft_state failed on "
                "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
            goto FAIL;
        statep->dip = dip;
        statep->minor = inst;
        if (ddi_create_minor_node(dip, "node", S_IFCHR, statep->minor,
            DDI_PSEUDO, 0) != DDI_SUCCESS) {
            cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_create_minor_node failed on "
                "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
            goto FAIL;
        mutex_init(&statep->lock, NULL, MUTEX_DRIVER, NULL);
        return (DDI_SUCCESS);
    case DDI_RESUME:
    case DDI_PM_RESUME:
    return (DDI_FAILURE);
    ddi_soft_state_free(lyr_statep, inst);
    ddi_remove_minor_node(dip, NULL);
    return (DDI_FAILURE);

static int
lyr_detach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd)
    int inst;
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_detach";

    inst = ddi_get_instance(dip);
    statep = ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
    if (statep == NULL) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: get soft state failed on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (DDI_FAILURE);
    if (statep->dip != dip) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: soft state does not match devinfo "
            "on inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (DDI_FAILURE);
    switch (cmd) {
    case DDI_DETACH:
        ddi_soft_state_free(lyr_statep, inst);
        ddi_remove_minor_node(dip, NULL);
        return (DDI_SUCCESS);
    case DDI_SUSPEND:
    case DDI_PM_SUSPEND:
    return (DDI_FAILURE);
 * on this driver's open, we open the target specified by a property and store
 * the layered handle and ident in our soft state.  a good target would be
 * "/dev/console" or more interestingly, a pseudo terminal as specified by the
 * tty command
static int
lyr_open(dev_t *devtp, int oflag, int otyp, cred_t *credp)
    int rv, inst = getminor(*devtp);
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_open";
    dev_info_t *dip;
    char *lyr_targ = NULL;

    statep = (lyr_state_t *)ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
    if (statep == NULL) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_get_soft_state failed on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (EIO);
    dip = statep->dip;
     * our target device to open should be specified by the "lyr_targ"
     * string property, which should be set in this driver's .conf file
    if (ddi_prop_lookup_string(DDI_DEV_T_ANY, dip, DDI_PROP_NOTPROM,
        "lyr_targ", &lyr_targ) != DDI_PROP_SUCCESS) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_prop_lookup_string failed on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (EIO);
     * since we only have one pair of lh's and li's available, we don't
     * allow multiple on the same instance
    if (statep->flags & (LYR_OPENED | LYR_IDENTED)) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: multiple layered opens or idents "
            "from inst %d not allowed\n", myname, inst);
        return (EIO);
    rv = ldi_ident_from_dev(*devtp, &statep->li);
    if (rv != 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ldi_ident_from_dev failed on inst %d\n",
            myname, inst);
        goto FAIL;
    statep->flags |= LYR_IDENTED;
    rv = ldi_open_by_name(lyr_targ, FREAD | FWRITE, credp, &statep->lh,
    if (rv != 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ldi_open_by_name failed on inst %d\n",
            myname, inst);
        goto FAIL;
    statep->flags |= LYR_OPENED;
    cmn_err(CE_CONT, "\n%s: opened target '%s' successfully on inst %d\n",
        myname, lyr_targ, inst);
    rv = 0;

    /* cleanup on error */
    if (rv != 0) {
        if (statep->flags & LYR_OPENED)
            (void)ldi_close(statep->lh, FREAD | FWRITE, credp);
        if (statep->flags & LYR_IDENTED)
        statep->flags &= ~(LYR_OPENED | LYR_IDENTED);
    if (lyr_targ != NULL)
    return (rv);
 * on this driver's close, we close the target indicated by the lh member
 * in our soft state and release the ident, li as well.  in fact, we MUST do
 * both of these at all times even if close yields an error because the
 * device framework effectively closes the device, releasing all data
 * associated with it and simply returning whatever value the target's
 * close(9E) returned.  therefore, we must as well.
static int
lyr_close(dev_t devt, int oflag, int otyp, cred_t *credp)
    int rv, inst = getminor(devt);
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_close";
    statep = (lyr_state_t *)ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
    if (statep == NULL) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_get_soft_state failed on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (EIO);
    rv = ldi_close(statep->lh, FREAD | FWRITE, credp);
    if (rv != 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ldi_close failed on inst %d, but will ",
            "continue to release ident\n", myname, inst);
    if (rv == 0) {
        cmn_err(CE_CONT, "\n%s: closed target successfully on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
    statep->flags &= ~(LYR_OPENED | LYR_IDENTED);
    return (rv);
 * echo the data we receive to the target
static int
lyr_write(dev_t devt, struct uio *uiop, cred_t *credp)
    int rv, inst = getminor(devt);
    lyr_state_t *statep;
    char *myname = "lyr_write";

    statep = (lyr_state_t *)ddi_get_soft_state(lyr_statep, inst);
    if (statep == NULL) {
        cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s: ddi_get_soft_state failed on "
            "inst %d\n", myname, inst);
        return (EIO);
    return (ldi_write(statep->lh, uiop, credp));

How to Build and Load the Layered Driver

  1. Compile the driver.

    Use the –D_KERNEL option to indicate that this is a kernel module.

    • If you are compiling for a SPARC architecture, use the –xarch=v9 option:

      % cc -c -D_KERNEL -xarch=v9 lyr.c
    • If you are compiling for a 32-bit x86 architecture, use the following command:

      % cc -c -D_KERNEL lyr.c
  2. Link the driver.
    % ld -r -o lyr lyr.o
  3. Install the configuration file.

    As user root, copy the configuration file to the kernel driver area of the system:

    # cp lyr.conf /usr/kernel/drv
  4. Install the driver binary.
    • As user root, copy the driver binary to the sparcv9 driver area on a SPARC architecture:

      # cp lyr /usr/kernel/drv/sparcv9
    • As user root, copy the driver binary to the drv driver area on a 32-bit x86 architecture:

      # cp lyr /usr/kernel/drv
  5. Load the driver.

    As user root, use the add_drv(8) command to load the driver.

    # add_drv lyr

    List the pseudo devices to confirm that the lyr device now exists:

    # ls /devices/pseudo | grep lyr

Test the Layered Driver

To test the lyr driver, write a message to the lyr device and verify that the message displays on the lyr_targ device.

Example 59  Write a Short Message to the Layered Device

In this example, the lyr_targ device is the console of the system where the lyr device is installed.

If the display you are viewing is also the display for the console device of the system where the lyr device is installed, note that writing to the console will corrupt your display. The console messages will appear outside your window system. You will need to redraw or refresh your display after testing the lyr driver.

If the display you are viewing is not the display for the console device of the system where the lyr device is installed, log into or otherwise gain a view of the display of the target console device.

The following command writes a very brief message to the lyr device:

# echo "\n\n\t===> Hello World!! <===\n" > /devices/pseudo/lyr@1:node

You should see the following messages displayed on the target console:

console login:

    ===> Hello World!! <===

lyr_open: opened target '/dev/console' successfully on inst 1
lyr_close: closed target successfully on inst 1

The messages from lyr_open() and lyr_close() come from the cmn_err(9F) calls in the lyr_open() and lyr_close() entry points.

Example 60  Write a Longer Message to the Layered Device

The following command writes a longer message to the lyr device:

# cat lyr.conf > /devices/pseudo/lyr@1:node

You should see the following messages displayed on the target console:

lyr_open: opened target '/dev/console' successfully on inst 1

# Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"

name="lyr" parent="pseudo" instance=1;
lyr_close: closed target successfully on inst 1
Example 61  Change the Target Device

To change the target device, edit /usr/kernel/drv/lyr.conf and change the value of the lyr_targ property to be a path to a different target device. For example, the target device could be the output of a tty command in a local terminal. An example of such a device path is /dev/pts/4.

Make sure the lyr device is not in use before you update the driver to use the new target device.

# modinfo -c | grep lyr
174          3 lyr                              UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED

Use the update_drv(8) command to reload the lyr.conf configuration file:

# update_drv lyr

Write a message to the lyr device again and verify that the message displays on the new lyr_targ device.