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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.1 Administration Guide
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1 Software

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

Chapter 14 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview

Collection Phase

Preparation Phase

Conversion Phase

Back-End Devices

Installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool

Prerequisites for using the SPARC P2V Tool

Limitations of Using the SPARC P2V Tool

How to Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool

Using the ldmp2v Command

Chapter 15 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Configuration Assistant (Oracle Solaris 10)

Using the Configuration Assistant (ldmconfig)

Installing the Configuration Assistant

Prerequisites for Running the Configuration Assistant

Limitations and Known Issues of the Configuration Assistant

ldmconfig Features

Chapter 16 Using Power Management

Using Power Management

Power Management Features

Viewing Power-Consumption Data

Chapter 17 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview

Related Products and Features

Software Components

System Management Agent

Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB

Parsing the XML-Based Control Interface

Providing SNMP Traps

Providing Fault and Recovery Information

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Object Tree

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software

How to Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software Package

How to Load the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Module Into the Oracle Solaris SNMP Agent

How to Remove the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software Package

Managing Security

How to Create the Initial snmpv3 User

Monitoring Domains

Setting Environment Variables

Querying the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB

Retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Information

Domain Table (ldomTable)

Environment Variables Table (ldomEnvVarsTable)

Domain Policy Table (ldomPolicyTable)

Service Processor Configuration Table (ldomSPConfigTable)

Domain Resource Pool and Scalar Variables

Virtual CPU Table (ldomVcpuTable)

Virtual Memory Tables

Virtual Memory Table (ldomVmemTable)

Virtual Memory Physical Binding Table (ldomVmemPhysBindTable)

Virtual Disk Tables

Virtual Disk Service Table (ldomVdsTable)

Virtual Disk Service Device Table (ldomVdsdevTable)

Virtual Disk Table (ldomVdiskTable)

Virtual Network Tables

Virtual Switch Service Table (ldomVswTable)

Virtual Network Device Table (ldomVnetTable)

Virtual Console Tables

Virtual Console Concentrator Table (ldomVccTable)

Virtual Console Group Table (ldomVconsTable)

Virtual Console Relationship Table (ldomVconsVccRelTable)

Cryptographic Units Table (ldomCryptoTable)

I/O Bus Table (ldomIOBusTable)

Core Table (ldomCoreTable)

Scalar Variables for Domain Version Information

Using SNMP Traps

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Module Traps

How to Send Traps

How to Receive Traps

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Trap Descriptions

Domain Creation (ldomCreate)

Domain Destroy (ldomDestroy)

Domain State Change (ldomStateChange)

Virtual CPU Change (ldomVCpuChange)

Virtual Memory Change (ldomVMemChange)

Virtual Disk Service Change (ldomVdsChange)

Virtual Disk Change (ldomVdiskChange)

Virtual Switch Change (ldomVswChange)

Virtual Network Change (ldomVnetChange)

Virtual Console Concentrator Change (ldomVccChange)

Virtual Console Group Change (ldomVconsChange)

Starting and Stopping Domains

How to Start a Domain

How to Stop a Domain

Chapter 18 Logical Domains Manager Discovery

Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager

Multicast Communication

Message Format

How to Discover Logical Domains Managers Running on Your Subnet

Chapter 19 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager

XML Transport

XMPP Server

Local Connections

XML Protocol

Request and Response Messages

Request Messages

<LDM_interface> Tag

The <cmd> Tag

The <data> Tag

Response Messages

Overall Response

Command Response

Object Response

Event Messages

Registration and Unregistration

<LDM_event> Messages

Event Types

Domain Events

Hardware Events

Progress Events

Resource Events

All Events

Logical Domains Manager Actions

Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource

CPU (cpu) Resource

MAU (mau) Resource

Memory (memory) Resource

Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource

Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource

Disk (disk) Resource

Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource

Network (network) Resource

Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource

Variable (var) Resource

Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource

SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource

DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource

Console (console) Resource

Domain Migration

XML Schemas



How to Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool

This procedure describes how to install the ldmp2v command on an Oracle Solaris 10 system by using the SUNWldmp2v package.

On an Oracle Solaris 11 system, the ldmp2v command is installed by default when you install the ldomsmanager package.

  1. From the Oracle VM Server for SPARC download page at, download the P2V software package, SUNWldmp2v.

    The SUNWldmp2v package is included in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC zip file.

  2. Become an administrator.
  3. Use the pkgadd command to install the SUNWldmp2v package.
    # pkgadd -d . SUNWldmp2v
  4. Create the /etc/ldmp2v.conf file and configure the following default properties:
    • VDS Name of the virtual disk service, such as VDS="primary-vds0"

    • VSW Name of the virtual switch, such as VSW="primary-vsw0"

    • VCC Name of the virtual console concentrator, such as VCC="primary-vcc0"

    • BACKEND_TYPE Back-end type of zvol, file, or disk

    • BACKEND_SPARSE Determines whether to create back-end devices as sparse volumes or files (BACKEND_SPARSE="yes") or non-sparse volumes or files (BACKEND_SPARSE="no")

    • BACKEND_PREFIX Location to create virtual disk back-end devices

      When BACKEND_TYPE="zvol", specify the BACKEND_PREFIX value as a ZFS dataset name. When BACKEND_TYPE="files", the BACKEND_PREFIX value is interpreted as a path name of a directory that is relative to /.

      For example, BACKEND_PREFIX="tank/ldoms" would result in having ZVOLs created in the tank/ldoms/domain-name dataset, and files created in the /tank/ldoms/domain-name subdirectory.

      The BACKEND_PREFIX property is not applicable to the disk back end.

    • BOOT_TIMEOUT Timeout for Oracle Solaris OS boot in seconds

    For more information, see the ldmp2v.conf.sample configuration file that is part of the downloadable bundle.