Package com.endeca.infront.assembler

Contains the core interfaces for the Assembler.


Interface Summary
Assembler Used to invoke a single assembly process.
AssemblerFactory Interface for assembler factory implementations.
CartridgeHandler<T extends ContentItem> An interface for inserting custom cartridge logic into the assembler.
ContentItem The interface that defines the data object (model) in the assembly process.
ContentItemInitializer An interface for initializing a ContentItem with configuration properties.

Class Summary
AbstractCartridgeHandler An abstract implementation of CartridgeHandler that provides no-op implementations of CartridgeHandler.initialize(ContentItem) and CartridgeHandler.preprocess(ContentItem).
AssemblerSettings Used to configure an Assembler.
BasicContentItem Convenience class to extend when implementing ContentItem

Exception Summary
AssemblerException Indicates that an exception occurred while creating or processing an assembler request.
CartridgeHandlerException Indicates that an exception occurred while invoking a single cartridge handler.

Package com.endeca.infront.assembler Description

Contains the core interfaces for the Assembler.

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