Class NavigationContainerConfig

  extended by java.util.AbstractMap<K,V>
      extended by java.util.HashMap<String,Object>
          extended by com.endeca.infront.assembler.BasicContentItem
              extended by com.endeca.infront.cartridge.NavigationContainerConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentItem, Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,Object>

public class NavigationContainerConfig
extends BasicContentItem

NavigationContainerHandler configuration model.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V>, AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Constructor Summary
          Creates a NavigationContainerConfig with the following default setting: whyPrecedenceRuleFired = false
NavigationContainerConfig(String pType)
          Creates a NavigationContainerConfig with the specified type and the following default setting: whyPrecedenceRuleFired = false
Method Summary
 String getLessLinkText()
          Returns display text for 'less' links.
 String getMoreLinkText()
          Returns display text for 'more' links.
 Map<String,String> getRefinementsShown()
          Returns a map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show (i.e 123 -> some, 324 -> all)
 String getRefinementsShownByDefault()
          Returns the amount of refinements to show by default.
 List<String> getShowMoreIds()
          Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by getRefinementsShown().
Returns dimension IDs for which 'More' refinement expansion should happen.
 boolean getUseShowMoreIdsParam()
          Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1. Returns true if the show more and less actions should use the deprecated showMoreIds parameter. The default value of this property is true.

 boolean isWhyPrecedenceRuleFired()
          When true, enables the reporting of 'why precedence rule fired' debug information.
 void setLessLinkText(String lessLinkText)
          Sets display text for 'less' links.
 void setMoreLinkText(String moreLinkText)
          Sets display text for 'more' links.
 void setRefinementsShown(Map<String,String> refinementsShown)
          Sets the map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show.
 void setRefinementsShownByDefault(String refinementsShownByDefault)
          Sets the amount of refinements to show.
 void setShowMoreIds(List<String> showMore)
          Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by getRefinementsShown().
Sets dimension IDs for which 'More' refinement expansion should happen.
 void setUseShowMoreIdsParam(boolean useShowMoreIdsParam)
          Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1. Sets whether the deprecated showMoreIds or the navigation refinement menu config parameter should be used. If false, the showMoreIds will be ignored and the expand and collapse action will appear in the RefinementMenu.

 void setWhyPrecedenceRuleFired(boolean whyPrecedenceRuleFired)
          Sets if 'why precedence rule fired' debug information should be enabled.
Methods inherited from class com.endeca.infront.assembler.BasicContentItem
getBooleanProperty, getIntProperty, getLongProperty, getType, getTypedProperty, setType
Methods inherited from class java.util.HashMap
clear, clone, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
equals, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, get, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values

Constructor Detail


public NavigationContainerConfig()
Creates a NavigationContainerConfig with the following default setting:


public NavigationContainerConfig(String pType)
Creates a NavigationContainerConfig with the specified type and the following default setting:

Method Detail


public List<String> getShowMoreIds()
Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by getRefinementsShown().
Returns dimension IDs for which 'More' refinement expansion should happen.

dimension IDs with 'More' designated, may be null.


public void setShowMoreIds(List<String> showMore)
Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by getRefinementsShown().
Sets dimension IDs for which 'More' refinement expansion should happen.

showMore - dimension IDs for 'More' refinement expansion, may be null.


public boolean isWhyPrecedenceRuleFired()
When true, enables the reporting of 'why precedence rule fired' debug information. The default value for this property is false.

Note: in order for debugging information to be returned, debugging must be enabled on NavigationRequest. To accomplish this, specify debugEnabled=true when instantiating MdexRequestBroker.

Whether to enable 'why precedence rule fired' debug info
See Also:
setWhyPrecedenceRuleFired(boolean), MdexRequestBroker


public void setWhyPrecedenceRuleFired(boolean whyPrecedenceRuleFired)
Sets if 'why precedence rule fired' debug information should be enabled. The default value for this property is false.

Note: in order for debugging information to be returned, debugging must be enabled on NavigationRequest. To accomplish this, specify debugEnabled=true when instantiating MdexRequestBroker.

whyPrecedenceRuleFired - true to enable 'why precedence rule fired' debug info
See Also:
isWhyPrecedenceRuleFired(), NavigationContainerRequestParamMarshaller, MdexRequestBroker


public String getMoreLinkText()
Returns display text for 'more' links.

Display text for 'more' links.


public void setMoreLinkText(String moreLinkText)
Sets display text for 'more' links.

moreLinkText - display text for 'more' links.


public String getLessLinkText()
Returns display text for 'less' links.

Display text for 'less' links.


public void setLessLinkText(String lessLinkText)
Sets display text for 'less' links.

lessLinkText - display text for 'less' links.


public boolean getUseShowMoreIdsParam()
Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1. Returns true if the show more and less actions should use the deprecated showMoreIds parameter. The default value of this property is true.

Whether to use the showMoreIds or the refinementMenuConfig parameter.


public void setUseShowMoreIdsParam(boolean useShowMoreIdsParam)
Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1. Sets whether the deprecated showMoreIds or the navigation refinement menu config parameter should be used. If false, the showMoreIds will be ignored and the expand and collapse action will appear in the RefinementMenu.

useShowMoreIdsParam - whether to use the showMoreIds parameter or not


public String getRefinementsShownByDefault()
Returns the amount of refinements to show by default. The default value of this property is "some".

The amount of refinements to show.


public void setRefinementsShownByDefault(String refinementsShownByDefault)
Sets the amount of refinements to show. Valid values are: none, some.

none - Returns no refinements.

some - Returns a shortened list of refinements. The quantity of refinements is defined in the MDEX

refinementsShownByDefault - either "none" or "some"


public Map<String,String> getRefinementsShown()
Returns a map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show (i.e 123 -> some, 324 -> all)

A map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show.


public void setRefinementsShown(Map<String,String> refinementsShown)
Sets the map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show.

refinementsShown - a map between dimension IDs and the amount of refinements to show.

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