Class RefinementMenuRequestParamMarshaller

  extended by com.endeca.infront.cartridge.RequestParamMarshaller
      extended by com.endeca.infront.cartridge.RefinementMenuRequestParamMarshaller

public class RefinementMenuRequestParamMarshaller
extends RequestParamMarshaller

Creates RefinementMenuHandler configuration from the parameters present in a request URL. The following mapping is used:

Field Summary
          Name of request parameter that sets the navigation refinement menu configuration.
static String SHOW_MORE
          Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by NAV_REFINEMENT_MENU_CONFIG.
Name of request parameter that sets the list of Dimension IDs for which ALL dimension values will be shown. The value can be pipe delimited to expand multiple refinement menus. e.g. /N-83092?showMoreIds=10021|1000482
          Query parameter name for turning on debug information about what triggered precedence rules to fire for dimensions which are not always displayed, "whyprecedencerulefired".
Fields inherited from class com.endeca.infront.cartridge.RequestParamMarshaller
mRequest, mRequestMap
Constructor Summary
          Creates the marshaller for reading request parameters related to RefinementMenuConfig.
Method Summary
 ContentItem marshall()
          Creates a new ContentItem and populates it with information from the HttpServletRequest.
 void override(ContentItem contentItem)
          Helper method for layering a ContentItem on top of another ContentItem.
Methods inherited from class com.endeca.infront.cartridge.RequestParamMarshaller
convertToBoolean, convertToInt, convertToList, convertToLong, setHttpServletRequest, setRequestMap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SHOW_MORE
Deprecated. As of release 3.1.1, replaced by NAV_REFINEMENT_MENU_CONFIG.
Name of request parameter that sets the list of Dimension IDs for which ALL dimension values will be shown. The value can be pipe delimited to expand multiple refinement menus. e.g. /N-83092?showMoreIds=10021|1000482
See Also:
RefinementMenuConfig.setShowMore(boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final String NAV_REFINEMENT_MENU_CONFIG
Name of request parameter that sets the navigation refinement menu configuration. Each entry is delimited by a pipe character and must start with a dimension id. Notation: Nrmc=DIMENSION_ID+show:VALUE|DIMENSION_ID+show:VALUE, Valid values for show : "all", "some", "none". Example: Nrmc=123+show:all|456+show:some

See Also:
RefinementMenuConfig.getRefinementsShown(), Constant Field Values


public static final String WHY_PRECEDENCE_RULE_FIRED
Query parameter name for turning on debug information about what triggered precedence rules to fire for dimensions which are not always displayed, "whyprecedencerulefired". Any available debug information will appear in the RefinementMenuItem output model's attribute with the key "DGraph.WhyPrecedenceRuleFired". This parameter value overrides the default value that is set up by the application. e.g. /N-83092?whyprecedencerulefired=1

See Also:
RefinementMenuConfig.setWhyPrecedenceRuleFired(boolean), Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public RefinementMenuRequestParamMarshaller()
Creates the marshaller for reading request parameters related to RefinementMenuConfig.

Method Detail


public ContentItem marshall()
Description copied from class: RequestParamMarshaller
Creates a new ContentItem and populates it with information from the HttpServletRequest. More specifically, this method iterates through the keys in the request map; for each key (URL parameter), if a corresponding value exists in the HttpServletRequest, then this method stores the value in the new ContentItem using the ContentItem key obtained from the request map.

marshall in class RequestParamMarshaller


public void override(ContentItem contentItem)
Description copied from class: RequestParamMarshaller
Helper method for layering a ContentItem on top of another ContentItem.

override in class RequestParamMarshaller
contentItem - the ContentItem to mutate by overlaying the values from another ContentItem

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