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StorageTek Tape Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.1
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1 Installing Linux

Before installing Linux on the STA server, review the system requirements in the STA Requirements Guide.


You cannot perform an in-place upgrade of Linux 5.x to Linux 6.x. If you are installing Linux 6.x as part of an upgrade to STA 2.0.x, consult Chapter 9, "Upgrading STA."

To install and configure Linux for STA, perform the tasks in Table 1-1.

1.1 Preparation

Task 1   Review Related Documentation

Due to the wide variety of network configuration requirements and options, refer to the following documents for help with installing and configuring the hardware, software, and network. IPv4 and IPv6 network configuration are discussed in detail in these documents.

Task 2   Download the Linux Installer Media Pack

You must obtain Oracle Linux from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website. If you do not have a user ID and password, contact Oracle Support.

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website:

  2. Click Sign In/Register.

  3. Enter the user ID and password provided by Oracle Support.

  4. On the Terms & Restrictions screen, select the boxes to indicate your acceptance of the License Agreement and Export Restrictions, and then click Continue.

  5. On the Media Pack Search screen:

    1. In the Select a Product Pack menu, select Oracle Linux.

    2. In the Platform menu, select x86 64 bit (STA requires 64-bit Linux).

    3. Click Go.

  6. Select a Linux version, and then click Continue.

    For Linux version requirements, see the STA Requirements Guide.

  7. Click Download for the 64-bit option.

  8. Save the ISO file and write it to media.

1.2 Installation

The following procedures assume an Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 6u4 DVD installation with graphical installer and setup agent. If you install a different version of Linux, use different media, or use the console mode, the steps and packages may vary.

Task 1   Gather Required Information

Check with your system administrator to obtain:

  • Hostname and IP address for the STA server

  • Gateway IP address and netmask for your network

  • DNS server IP addresses and search domains for your network

  • IP address of the NTP (network time protocol) servers you will be using

  • Network proxy information, if applicable

Task 2   Install Linux
  1. Connect the installation media to the STA server.

  2. Start the Linux installer using the instructions in the README file on the media.

  3. Select Install or upgrade an existing system.

  4. If you are installing from a DVD, the CD Found screen appears. You can optionally perform a test of the media. To skip the test, press Tab to highlight the Skip option, and then press Spacebar.

  5. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  6. Select a language, and then click Next.

  7. Select a keyboard layout, and then click Next.

  8. Select Basic Storage Devices, and then click Next.

  9. Enter a hostname for the STA server, and then click Configure Network.

  10. Select the network adapter name, and then click Edit.

  11. Ensure that Connect automatically and Available to all users are both selected.

  12. In the remaining tabs, configure the adapter as per your network administrator's IPv4 or IPv6 specifications. You must specify a static IP address for the STA server, and at least one DNS server. When done, click Apply, Close, and Next.

  13. Select the STA server's time zone, select the System clock uses UTC check box, and then click Next.

  14. Enter and confirm a root password for the server, and then click Next.

  15. Identify a partitioning layout to use on the server:

    1. Because STA requires a dedicated server, Oracle recommends selecting Use All Space.

    2. Select the Review and modify partitioning layout check box, and then click Next.

  16. Use Table 1-2 to modify the filesystem layout, as the default does not meet the minimum requirements for STAFoot 1 . When done, click Next.


    Oracle recommends creating all of these filesystems in advance of installing STA; otherwise, STA will be installed in the "/" and /var directories, requiring additional space allocation to those directories. While the STA installer will create directories as needed, you will have greater control of filesystem properties if you create them in advance.

    Table 1-2 Recommended Filesystem Structure

    Filesystem Directories/ Mountpoints Size Purpose Recommendations



    32 GB minimum

    /tmp files

    If /tmp is contained on this filesystem, a minimum of 4 GB of free space should be maintained. This space is required during STA installations and upgrades.

    STA Oracle


    20 GB minimum

    30 GB optimum

    STA application

    This should be a separate filesystem on a separate volume. Maintain a minimum of 4 GB free space for STA installations and upgrades. Maintain an additional 5 GB free space for WebLogic log rotation.

    STA creates the following Oracle Middleware subdirectories:

    • Rotated WebLogic logs:


    • RDA last CLI snapshot:


    • STA GUI snapshot log bundles:




    1/2X-1X RAM

    Swap space

    None. Defined as memory.

    STA var


    10 GB minimum

    50 – 100 GB optimum

    STA logs

    This should be a separate volume at this mount point. Content is managed through log rotation.

    Note: Except for log rotation, STA does not perform space management.

    Caution: You must configure the STA backup utility to manage the log files in /var/log/tbi/db/stadb_bin. Otherwise, these files may require manual management (see "MySQL Binary Logs" in the STA Administration Guide).



    250 GB – 2 TB

    STA database

    Oracle highly recommends you place this directory on its own volume, separate from /root, /swap, /Oracle, and /var, on separate mirrored or striped drives.

    Required size depends on the number of libraries, drives, media, exchanges per day, and historical years of data. Oracle recommends that you configure STA services to alert if space utilization exceeds a specified percentage.

    STA_DB local backup


    60-70% of /dbdata

    STA last local DB backup

    This should be on a different volume from /dbdata, and on mirrored or striped drives, in case of database corruption or failure.

  17. When ready, select Write changes to disk.

  18. In the boot loader screen, leave all options as-is, and then click Next.

  19. In the software selection screen, select Basic Server, and do not change the repository options. Then, select Customize now, and then click Next.

  20. In the package selection screen, use Table 1-3 to configure the packages for each package category:

    1. Select a package category.

    2. Select the box for each package in the Select column.

    3. If a package requires an option (indicated with a +), highlight the parent package, click the Optional packages button, select the child package in the list, and then click Close.

    4. Deselect the box for each package in the Deselect column.

    5. Leave other check boxes as-is.

    Table 1-3 Linux Package Selection

    Package Category Select Deselect

    Base System

    • Base

    • Compatibility libraries

    • Console internet tools

    • Java Platform

    • Legacy UNIX compatibility

      + ksh-xxxxxxxx-xx.el6.x86_64

    • Debugging Tools

    • Dial-up Networking Support

    • Directory Client

    • Hardware monitoring utilities

    • Large Systems Performance

    • Network file system client

    • Performance Tools



    Web Services


    All packages



    All packages

    System Management






    DesktopsFoot 2 

    • Desktop

    • Desktop Platform

    • General Purpose Desktop

    • Graphical Administration Tools

      + system-config-lvm-x.x.xx-xx.el6.noarchFoot 3 

    • Legacy X Window System compatibility

    • X Window System





    • Development tools

      + expect-x.xx.x.xx-x.el6.x86_64





    Footnote 1 Optional.

    Footnote 2 Recommended. Used to perform certain post-installation steps in a graphical environment, as documented later in this chapter.

    Footnote 3 Optional. Can be used to configure or re-configure the filesystem once Linux installation is complete.

    Footnote 4 Optional. Can be used to locally configure and manage the STA server with the GUI interface.

  21. When you are finished with package selection, click Next. Installation will begin.

    If you accidentally click Next before configuring all the packages, click Back after the software completes a dependency check.

  22. When the Congratulations screen appears, remove the installation media, and then click Reboot.

    A complete log of the installation can be found in /root/install.log.

Task 3   Run the Linux Setup Agent

The Linux Setup Agent starts automatically when you reboot the Linux server.

  1. On the Welcome screen, click Forward.

  2. Read the License Agreement, select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement, and click Forward.

  3. On the Software Updates screen, if you'd like to register your system for updates, select Yes, I'd like to register now. Otherwise, select No, I prefer to register at a later time, and click Forward.

  4. On the Finish Updates Setup screen, click Forward.

  5. On the Create User screen, leave the fields blank, click Forward, and then Yes to continue. The STA server does not require a non-administrative user.

  6. In the Date and Time screen:

    1. Set the current date and time.

    2. Select the Synchronize date and time over the network check box.

    3. Add or remove the desired NTP servers (obtained from your IT administrator), and then click Forward.


    To ensure that STA data and log files are correct, the date and time on the STA server must be correct. Additionally, any library connected to STA must also have the correct time.

  7. On the Kdump screen, do not select Enable kdump?, and then click Finish.

    The system will reboot.

  8. After the system reboots, log in as the root user:

    1. Click Other....

    2. Enter username root, and then click Log In.

    3. Enter the root password, and then click Log In again.

      If a message appears about being logged in as root super user, you may ignore the message.

  9. (Optional) You can confirm the Linux release and update level by issuing the following command:

    # cat /etc/issue
    Oracle Linux Server release 6.4
    Kernel \r on an \m

1.3 Post-Installation

Task 1   Disable SELinux

Oracle recommends disabling SELinux on the STA server.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server.

  2. Open the SELinux configuration file with a text editor.

    # vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
  3. In the file, set SELINUX to disabled:

  4. Save and exit the file.

Task 2   Disable the Linux Firewall

Oracle recommends disabling the firewall on the STA server. However, you may choose to enable and configure the firewall depending on your site requirements.

To disable the firewall:

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server.

  2. Check the settings of the Linux firewall (for next boot) by issuing the following command:

    # chkconfig --list |grep "ip"

    If the firewall is set to be disabled on next boot, all output for both iptables and ip6tables will show as off. If this is not the case, disable the firewall:

    # chkconfig iptables off
    # chkconfig ip6tables off
  3. Check the current status of the Linux firewall by issuing the following commands:

    # service iptables status
    # service ip6tables status

    The command output will indicate if the firewall is currently running. If the firewall is running, stop the firewall:

    # service iptables stop
    # service ip6tables stop
  4. If either of the following is true, you will need to reboot the server.

    • You disabled SELinux in Task 1.

    • You disabled the Linux firewall (using chkconfig) in this section.

Task 3   Disable Access Control

Access control must be disabled for certain directories.

  1. Execute the ls -ld command for the /Oracle, /dbbackup, /dbdata, and /var/log/tbi directories.

    # ls -ld directory-name

    For example:

    # ls -ld /Oracle
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 11 15:09 /Oracle
    # ls -ld /dbbackup
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Aug  8  2013 /dbbackup
  2. In the output for each command, look for a dot at the end of the stated permissions. In the below example, note the "." after drxwr-xr-x:

    # ls -ld /Oracle
    drxwr-xr-x.  5  root  root  4096  Mar  17  18:27  /Oracle
  3. If none of the directories contain a period after the permissions statement, access control is already disabled, and you can skip to the next task. If access control is enabled on a directory, as root, execute the following command for that directory:

    # setfattr -h -x security.selinux directory-name

    For example:

    # setfattr -h -x security.selinux /Oracle
Task 4   Set Up the Network Proxy

You can configure the STA server to connect to the network directly or through a proxy server.

  1. From the Linux desktop, select System > Preferences > Network Proxy.

  2. In the Network Proxy Preferences dialog box, specify the proxy configuration per your site requirements.

  3. Click Close.

Task 5   Ensure Proper Setup of yum

Yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is used for managing software package updates. Use this procedure to ensure that yum is configured correctly on the STA server.

The following command examples use the yum repository for Oracle Linux. In these commands, the ”l” in ”ol6” is lowercase 'L'.


This procedure assumes you can reach Oracle's public yum server. If your network firewall prohibits external network access, you can install locally available packages from the Linux media. For example:
# cd /mnt/install-media-mount-location/packages
# yum install ./package-name

  1. Ping the Oracle public-yum server to ensure the network connection is working.

    # ping
  2. Change to the yum repository directory and determine the yum repository filename.

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    # ls
  3. Remove the existing yum repository file.

    # rm public-yum-ol6.repo
  4. Download the latest yum repository file from the yum website.

    # wget


    Subsequent executions of this command will copy a new repository file into the yum.repos.d folder with a new extension (for example, public-yum-ol6.repo.1). However, yum always uses the repository file with no extension.

  5. Open the repository file with a text editor.

    # vi public-yum-ol6.repo
  6. In the file, locate the entry that matches your Linux version and enable it by setting enabled=1. Disable all other entries by setting enabled=0.

    For example:

    name=Oracle Linux $releasever Update x installation media copy ($basearch)
  7. Save and exit the file.

Task 6   Install Required Linux Packages

Additional packages are required for STA installation and operation. The STA installer will check for these packages — if they are not present, STA installation will fail.

Depending on your specific Linux installation, some of these packages may have already been installed. If a package is already installed and at the most current version, the system will notify you.


The command used to install the packages will check for and install the most current version (and any dependencies) for your specific Linux version.

To install the packages, do the following.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server.

  2. Issue the following command:

    # yum install package_name

    The package will be downloaded and checked. Follow the prompts to install the package. Repeat this step for each of the following packages:

    • binutils
    • compat-libcap1

    • compat-libstdc++-33.i686

    • cronie

    • expect

    • gcc

    • gcc-c++
    • glibc

    • glibc-devel

    • libaio

    • libaio-devel

    • libgcc

    • libstdc++
    • libstdc++-devel

    • net-snmp-utils

    • rpm-build

    • sysstat

Task 7   Ensure Proper Setup of SSH

Use this procedure to ensure that SSH (secure shell) is set up correctly on the STA server. This will speed up transfers of STA database backups to a remote host.

  1. Open the SSH configuration file with a text editor.

    # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Search for the AddressFamily and UseDNS entries. Modify them so they are not preceded with the comment character and their values are as follows:

    AddressFamily inet
    UseDNS no
  3. Save and exit the file.

  4. Restart the sshd daemon.

    # service sshd restart
Task 8   Ensure Proper DNS Settings

Use this procedure to ensure that the STA server's IP address is mapped to its hostname.

  1. Open the hosts file with a text editor.

    # vi /etc/hosts
  2. At the end of the file, add the STA server's IP address, followed by a tab, and then the STA server's hostname. For example:    localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4...
    ::1          localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6...    sta_server
  3. Save and exit the file. You do not need to restart the STA server for the new setting to take effect.

Task 9   Disable Name Service(s)

Name services such as LDAP can conflict with STA installation. Use this procedure to temporarily disable these services.

  1. Open the Name Service Switch config file with a text editor.

    # vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
  2. Disable any name service entries. For example, to disable LDAP, comment out "ldap" from the following lines as shown:

    passwd:     files #ldap nis nisplus
    shadow:     files #ldap nis nisplus
    group:      files #ldap nis nisplus
  3. Save and exit the file. You do not need to restart the STA server for the new setting to take effect. After you install STA, you can modify the nsswitch.conf file to re-enable the name services.

Task 10   Ensure User and Group Creation Allowed

During STA installation, a temporary local user and group, "install", will be created. If this fails for any reason (for example, due to site security policies), then the installation will fail. Use the following procedure to ensure that this user and group can successfully be created.

  1. Check the user and group definition files for "install".

    #  grep "install" /etc/passwd /etc/group

    Expected result: Neither user nor group should exist (no results are returned).

  2. Test that the "install" user and group can be created.

    # useradd install
    # grep "install" /etc/passwd /etc/group

    Example output:


    If either the user or group was not created, investigate your site for the failure reason.

  3. Remove "install" prior to installing STA.

    # userdel install
Task 11   Ensure Local Browser Functionality (Optional)

To configure and administer STA locally on the STA server, ensure you have the minimum supported browser versions and plugins installed (see the STA Requirements Guide).


Oracle does not recommend local access to the STA application due to server performance degradation.

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: Alternately, you can modify the filesystem after Linux installation with the system-config-lvm utility.