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StorageTek Tape Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.1
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2 Installing STA

This chapter details the STA download and installation process, and assumes you are installing STA for the first time. If you are upgrading STA, consult Chapter 9, "Upgrading STA" (Oracle recommends you install or upgrade to the latest version of STA). If you need to uninstall or reinstall STA, see Chapter 10, "Uninstalling and Reinstalling STA."


Oracle will provide support only if STA is installed on a server dedicated to STA.

2.1 Installation Checks

The STA installer will check that the following conditions are true for your environment. Contact your Linux administrator if you are unsure of the status of these items.

  • Existing software is removed

    The installer will check your environment for existing software and settings:

    • If the installer detects software in the /Oracle/Middleware directory, allow the installer to remove and reinstall it.

    • If the installer detects an existing MySQL installation, allow the installer to remove it.

    • If you are prompted to overwrite existing files, allow the installer to do so.


    Before choosing to permanently remove or replace existing software, back up files as needed.

  • 64-bit Linux is installed with the required packages

    See the STA Requirements Guide for supported operating systems. The installer will also check for the required Linux packages mentioned in Chapter 1, "Installing Linux."

  • SELinux is disabled

    Oracle highly recommends you disable SELinux before installing STA. If Linux was installed as instructed in Chapter 1, "Installing Linux," SELinux should already be disabled.

  • Linux firewall (IPTables) is stopped

    Oracle highly recommends you stop IPTables before installing STA. If Linux was installed as instructed in Chapter 1, "Installing Linux," IPTables should already be stopped. Once you install STA, configure the libraries, and confirm STA is monitoring the libraries successfully, you can enable IPTables. Then, ensure that STA is successfully monitoring the libraries after enabling IPTables.

  • SNMP services are deconfigured and stopped

    To avoid network port collisions and other issues, the STA platform must not run other SNMP services:

    • The installer will check to see if snmpd and snmptrapd are running on your system. You must stop and deconfigure these services before installing STA.

    • The installer will also check to ensure that UDP ports 161 (SNMP) and 162 (SNMPTRAP) are available. If they are not, the installer will quit.

    To check the status of, deconfigure, and stop typical SNMP daemon and SNMP trap daemon services, you can issue the following commands:

    • Check the status of SNMP services:

      # service snmpd status 
      # service snmptrapd status 
      # chkconfig --list snmpd 
      # chkconfig --list snmptrapd 
    • Deconfigure SNMP services:

      # chkconfig snmpd off 
      # chkconfig snmptrapd off 
    • Stop SNMP services:

      # service snmptrapd stop 
      # service snmpd stop 


    If you receive a ”FAILED” error when executing the ”service stop” commands, these SNMP services may already be stopped.

2.2 User Accounts

The following accounts are required and established during STA installation. These account usernames are STA-specific; they are not Linux/Unix users. After installation, additional user accounts with assignable roles can be created within the STA UI, as described in Chapter 6, "Configuring Users and Email."

WebLogic accounts (Table 2-1) are used to access either the WebLogic administration console or the STA UI with a web browser, while database accounts (Table 2-2) are used by STA to manage the STA database.

Username Requirements

  • At least one character, with a maximum of 16 characters

  • All usernames must be unique

Password Requirements

  • Must contain more than seven characters and less than 32 characters

  • Cannot contain spaces

  • Must contain at least one number or special character, except:

    & ( ) < > ? {}*\`"

Table 2-1 WebLogic Accounts

Account Description Username Password

Admin Console Login

Use to log in to the WebLogic console to make changes to the WebLogic environment (for example, to connect WebLogic to an LDAP or RACF server).

CAUTION: The Admin Console Login username and password are not retrievable. If these credentials are lost, STA must be re-installed.


Use to log in to the STA GUI application.

Table 2-2 MySQL Database Accounts

Account Description Username Password

Root Account

Owns the MySQL database and is used to create the root DB installation. The pre-set username is root and cannot be changed.

CAUTION: The database root account password is not retrievable.


Application Account

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, staapp) that STA uses to connect to the database. It is required to create, update, delete, and read privileges on data tables.

Reports Account

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, starpts) that non-STA and third-party applications may use to connect to the database. It has read-only access to certain database tables.

DBA Account

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, stadba) that STA administration and monitoring utilities use to connect to the database to primarily configure and run scheduled backups. It has all DBA privileges except the ”grant option” on all database tables.

2.3 Port Configuration

STA uses the following ports to retrieve and receive data. During installation, you will be asked to choose values for the configurable ports described below. All port values must be unique.


Once you select the configurable port values during STA installation, they cannot be changed without uninstalling and reinstalling STA. If you are unsure about what port numbers to choose, contact your network administrator.

Unconfigurable External Ports

These ports (Table 2-3) are used for communication between the STA server and other network entities and cannot be changed during installation.

Firewall/router configuration: Open between the STA server and backup server (for SSH) and between the STA server and libraries (for SNMP and SNMPTRAP).

Table 2-3 Unconfigurable External Ports

Port Protocol Description/Purpose



Secure Shell. STA database backup; library log-in.



Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For transmittal of SNMP requests.



For reception of SNMP notifications (traps).

Configurable External Ports

These ports (Table 2-4) are used for communication between the STA server and other network entities, and can be changed during STA installation. They must remain available and dedicated to STA.

Firewall/router configuration: Open between the STA server and the client running the STA GUI.

Table 2-4 Configurable External PortsFoot 1 

Default Port Your Port Protocol Description/Purpose



Access to the WebLogic Admin Console, unsecure



Access to the WebLogic Admin Console, secure



staUi managed server. Access to the STA GUI, unsecure.



staUi managed server. Access to the STA GUI, secure.

Footnote 1 These ports are the configurable equivalent of standard ports 80 and 8080 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), and must be unique from other HTTP and HTTPS ports on the network.

Configurable Internal Ports

These ports (Table 2-5) are used internally by STA and can be changed during STA installation.

Firewall/router configuration: NA

Table 2-5 Configurable Internal Ports

Default Port Your Port Protocol Description/Purpose



staEngine managed server. Basic STA internals, unsecure.



staEngine managed server. Basic STA internals, secure.



staAdapter managed server. SNMP communication, unsecure.



staAdapter managed server. SNMP communication, secure.

2.4 Download STA

  1. Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website:

  2. Click Sign In/Register.

  3. Enter the user ID and password provided by Oracle Support, or create a new account.

  4. On the Terms & Restrictions screen, select the boxes to indicate your acceptance of the License Agreement and Export Restrictions, and then click Continue.

  5. Perform the following steps on the Media Pack Search screen:

    1. In the Select a Product Pack menu, select Oracle StorageTek Products.

    2. In the Platform menu, select Linux x86-64.

    3. Click Go.

  6. Select the radio button for Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics 2.0.x, and then click Continue.

  7. Click Download for each of the two media pack ZIP files, and then save the ZIP files to a location containing at least 4 GB of free space.

  8. Copy or move the ZIP files to any location on the target system (for example, /root).

  9. Use an unzip tool to extract the STA TAR file from each ZIP file.


    One of the ZIP files contains the STA release notes PDF. Read this document before installing and using STA.

  10. To maintain correct file ownership/permissions, untar each TAR archive on the STA server using the following command:

    # tar xvf STA_filename.tar

2.5 Install STA

You can install STA with the graphical installer (recommended) or console installer.


Before installing, see "Installation Checks."

  1. If using the graphical installer, set your DISPLAY environment variable. If you used ssh -X or ssh -Y to connect to the server, your DISPLAY variable should already be set.

    # export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0
  2. Change to the Disk1 directory:

    # cd Disk1
  3. As root, launch the installer with one of the following commands:

    • Graphical installer:

      # ./install
    • Console installer:

      # ./install -i console
  4. Follow the wizard instructions to install STA, clicking Next (graphical installer) or pressing Enter (console installer) to advance the steps. Note that:

    • To go back to a previous step, click Previous (graphical installer) or type back (console installer). To cancel the installation, click Cancel (graphical installer) or type quit (console installer).

    • The installer will prompt you to create multiple STA user accounts and passwords. These are described in "User Accounts."

    • The installer will prompt you to choose multiple ports for both internal and external STA server communication. These are described in "Port Configuration." Specified port values will be checked to ensure they are not in use on the network.

    • The installer will prompt you for your company's domain name to configure Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA). RDA is described in the ”RDA Logging” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Guide.

    • System changes are not implemented until you click Install (graphical installer) or press Enter (console installer) on the Pre-Installation Summary screen.

  5. When the installation is complete and the STA installer has closed, ensure all services are running using the following command:

    # STA status all

    STA command usage is described in the ”Server Administration” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Guide.