About the Bills Section

The Bills section provides information about specific bills. The upper area is an overview of the selected bill. The initial view is of the bill in progress. If there are multiple bill units, the bill in progress for the default bill unit is shown.

The information shown depends on the bill and bill history. The information may include:

  • The payment method. If there is no payment method, the Assign link appears. Click to add a payment method. See "Adding a Payment Method" for more information.

  • The account's service charges.

  • Charges from other accounts. If there are charges from other accounts, click the link to see the charge details.

  • A/R actions. If there are A/R actions, click the link to see the adjustment or dispute details.

  • Payment applied. If there is a payment, click the link to see the payment details.

  • Total due for this period.

  • Number of days overdue.

Field Description
Switch Bills Click to access other bills. If there is more than one bill unit, select the one you want to work with. The list displayed includes the bill in progress and the bills for the 12 past billing cycles.
Actions Use this menu for these bill-related activities:
  • Make Payment

  • Adjust Bill

  • Dispute Bill

  • Settle Bill Dispute

The Actions menu does not appear until a bill is selected.

Bill Details Use this field to find specific charges. Enter all or part of the service type, service ID, or device ID.
My Charges Shows the charges for the selected bill that are generated by the account. Click the charges in the following areas to view more information:
  • Account Charges

  • Account and Sharing Charges

  • Service Charges

You can view an invoice from the details window.

Charges from Other Accounts Shows the charges for the selected bill that are generated by other accounts. Click the charges in the following areas to view more information:
  • Account Charges

  • Account and Sharing Charges

  • Service Charges

You can view an invoice from the details window.

Related Tasks

Making a Payment

Adjusting a Bill

Disputing a Bill

Related Topics

Account Profile Dialog Box