Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Data Guard

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Updated: September 2014, E39669-02

How to Replicate the Oracle Data Guard Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

Perform this procedure from a node of the cluster to which you want information replicated, for example, phys-newyork-1.

Note -  You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager GUI. Click Partnerships, then click the partnership name. In the Protection Groups section, click Get Protection Groups and select the protection group to replicate. For more information about Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager, see Chapter 13, Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster GUI, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide .

Before You Begin

Before you replicate the configuration of an Oracle Data Guard protection group to a partner cluster, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The protection group is defined on the remote cluster, not on the local cluster.

  • The Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration in the protection group on the remote cluster exists on the local cluster.

  • The application resource groups in the protection group on the remote cluster exist on the local cluster.

  • The Auto_start_on_new_cluster property of the resource groups is set to False. You can view this property by using the clresourcegroup show command.

    phys-node-n# clresourcegroup show -p Auto_start_on_new_cluster apprg

    Set the Auto_start_on_new_cluster property to False as follows:

    phys-node-n# clresourcegroup set -y Auto_start_on_new_cluster=False apprg1

    Setting the Auto_start_on_new_cluster property to False prevents the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource group manager from automatically starting the resource groups in the protection group. The Geographic Edition software restarts and communicates with the remote cluster to ensure that it is running and that it is the standby cluster for that resource group. The Geographic Edition software does not automatically start the resource group on the primary cluster.

    When the protection group is activated, application resource groups need to be online only on the primary cluster.

  • You have not added the shadow Oracle database-server resource group for an Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration to a protection group application resource group list before that resource group exists on all clusters.

    Note -  You must replicate the protection group configuration to a partner cluster before you can add a shadow Oracle database-server resource group to a protection group.

    When you successfully add the Oracle Data Guard configuration to the protection group on the clusters on which the protection group exists, Oracle Data Guard creates the shadow Oracle database-server resource group on the clusters. The means by which you can successfully add a shadow Oracle database-server resource group to a protection group include the following:

    • If an Oracle Data Guard protection group contains an Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration, when you replicate the protection group to the partner cluster, the Geographic Edition module for Oracle Data Guard creates any missing shadow Oracle database-server resource group on the partner cluster.

    • If an Oracle Data Guard protection group does not contain an Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration, once you replicate the protection group on the partner cluster and add the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration to it, the Geographic Edition module for Oracle Data Guard adds the shadow Oracle database-server resource group on both clusters.

    Once a shadow Oracle database-server resource group exists on both clusters, you can add that resource group to the protection group.

  1. Assume the root role or assume a role that is assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile.

    For more information about RBAC, see Securing Geographic Edition Software in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide .

    Note -  If you use a role with Geo Management RBAC rights, ensure that the /var/cluster/geo ACLs are correct on each node of both partner clusters. If necessary, assume the root role on the cluster node and set the correct ACLs.
    # chmod A+user:username:rwx:allow /var/cluster/geo

    The /var/cluster/geo directory must have the correct access control lists (ACL) applied for compatibility between the Geo Management RBAC rights profile and Oracle Data Guard.

  2. Replicate the protection group configuration to the partner cluster.
    phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s partnership ODG-protection-group
    –s partnership

    Specifies the name of the partnership from which the protection group configuration information is gathered.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    The geopg get command retrieves the configuration information of the protection group from the remote cluster and creates the protection group on the local cluster. If the corresponding Oracle Data Guard configuration is enabled, the geopg get command also disables the Oracle Data Guard configuration.

    The geopg get command replicates Geographic Edition related entities. To replicate Oracle Solaris Cluster resource groups, resource types, and resources, use the cluster export -t rg,rt,rs command to generate an XML cluster configuration file, modify the XML file for the expected configuration on the secondary cluster. Then run the clresource create command with the –a option to apply the configuration updates. For more information, see How to Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software on All Nodes (XML) in Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide and the cluster(1CL)and clresource(1CL)man pages.

Example 3-3  Replicating the Oracle Data Guard Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

This example shows how to replicate the configuration of sales-pg to cluster-newyork.

# ssh root@phys-newyork-1
phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s paris-newyork-ps sales-pg

The configuration of the protection group is retrieved from the remote cluster, in this example cluster-paris, and then validated by the data replication subsystem on the local cluster cluster-newyork.

  • If the validation is successful, the Configuration status is set to OK and the protection group is created on the local cluster.

  • If the validation fails, the protection group is not created on the local cluster. Resolve the error and replicate the protection group again.