Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Data Guard

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Updated: September 2014, E39669-02

How to Start and Recover Your Standby Database

  1. Restore the database backup.

    Continuing to work on the cluster-newyork cluster, you can now restore the data from the backup of the primary database to the standby database.

    The following example shows how to use the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) utility.

    oracle (phys-newyork-1) rman
    RMAN> connect target sys/oracle@sales-svc;
    RMAN> connect auxiliary /;
    RMAN> duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck;
  2. Add standby redo logs to the standby database.

    The exact requirements that you must meet depend on your configuration. The steps you follow are identical to those that you followed for the primary cluster.

  3. Enable flashback on the standby database.
    oracle (phys-newyork-1)$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
    SQL> alter database flashback on;
    Datbase altered.
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    SQL> startup mount;
    ORACLE instance started.
  4. Recover the standby database.
    oracle (phys-newyork-1) sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
    SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;