Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Solaris Availability Suite

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Updated: July 2014, E39670-01

Adding an Application Resource Group to an Availability Suite Protection Group

This section contains the following information:

Guidelines for Application Resource Groups in an Availability Suite Protection Group

To make an application highly available, the application must be managed as a resource in an application resource group. Observe the following guidelines for application resource groups:

  • All of the entities that you configure for the application resource group on the primary cluster, such as application data resources, configuration files, and resource groups, must be replicated to the secondary cluster. The resource group names must be identical on both clusters. Also, the data that the application resource uses must be replicated to the secondary cluster.

  • If the application resource group to add is configured with a raw-disk device group, that device group must be specified in the resource group configuration by its data volume, rather than by its device group name. This ensures that the resource will remain monitored after the application resource group is added to a protection group.

    For example, if the device group rawdg has a corresponding data volume of /dev/global/rdsk/d1s0, you must set the GlobalDevicePaths property of the application resource group with the data volume, as follows:

    # clresourcegroup set -p GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/global/rdsk/d1s0 rawdg
  • If the application resource group is a failover type resource group that shares affinities with a device group in the same protection group, the Geographic Edition software alters its RG_affinities property to include a strong, positive affinity to an internal resource group, called a lightweight resource group. This affinity includes failover delegation.

  • The application resource group must not have strong, positive affinities that have failover delegation with other resource groups. Otherwise, trying to include a strong positive affinity with failover delegation on the lightweight resource group fails.

  • The Geographic Edition software also creates strong dependencies between the HAStoragePlus resource in the application resource group and the HAStoragePlus resource in the lightweight resource group for this device group. This redirection occurs when the protection group is brought online or when an online application resource group is added to an online protection group.

  • Do not modify dependencies and resource group affinities between application resource groups and lightweight resource groups.

  • The Geographic Edition software installation process on a single-node cluster creates the /var/cluster/rgm/physnode_affinities file. Its existence causes positive and negative resource group affinities to be enforced at the level of the physical node, as they are in all multi-node clusters. Leave this file in place to assure proper functioning of clustered applications that use resource group affinities. The absence of this file can cause the malfunction of clustered applications, so do not remove it unless you understand the potential consequences of its removal.

For information about the names and values that are supported by Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide .

How to Add an Application Resource Group to an Availability Suite Protection Group

Note -  You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager GUI. Click Partnerships, click the partnership name to go to its page, then click the protection group name. In the Resource Groups section, click Add Resource Groups. For more information about Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager, see Chapter 13, Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster GUI, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide .

Before You Begin

You can add an existing resource group to the list of application resource groups for a protection group. Before you add an application resource group to a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Securing Geographic Edition Software in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide .

  2. Ensure that the Auto_start_on_new_cluster property of the resource group is set to False.
    # clresourcegroup show -p Auto_start_on_new_cluster resource-group

    If necessary, change the property value to False.

    # clresourcegroup set -p Auto_start_on_new_cluster=False resource-group
  3. If the application resource group must have dependencies on resource groups and resources that are not managed by this protection group, ensure that the External_dependencies_allowed property of the protection group is set to TRUE.
    # geopg list protection-group | grep -i external_dependencies_allowed

    If necessary, change the property value to True.

    # geopg set-prop -p External_dependencies_allowed=TRUE protection-group
  4. (Optional) If the protection group is offline, take offline the application resource group.

    If the protection group is offline, the application resource group must also be offline before it can successfully be added to the protection group.

    # clresourcegroup offline resource-group
  5. Add an application resource group to the protection group.
    # geopg add-resource-group resource-group-list protection-group

    Specifies the name of the application resource group. You can specify more than one resource group in a comma-separated list.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    This command adds an application resource group to a protection group on the local cluster. Then the command propagates the new configuration information to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    If the add operation is unsuccessful on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the add operation is unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

Example 2-3  Adding an Application Resource Group to an Availability Suite Protection Group

This example adds two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, to avspg.

# geopg add-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 avspg