Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E40565-01

Required Parameters for the Samba smb.conf File

This section contains the following lists of required parameters for the Samba smb.conf file that is located within each configuration directory:

Refer to the smb.conf[5] man page for complete configuration information about Samba smb.conf file parameters.

Samba Parameters Required in smb.conf

  • bind interfaces only – Must be set to yes.

  • interfaces – Must be defined to the logical hostname.

  • lock dir – Must include the samba-configuration-directory in its path.

  • netbios name – Must be set to the NetBIOS name by which the Samba server is known.

  • pid directory – Must include the samba-configuration-directory in its path.

  • security – Specifies the security mode under which the Samba instance will run.

  • smb passwd file – Must include the samba-configuration-directory in its path.

winbind Parameters Required in smb.conf

  • bind interfaces only – Must be set to yes.

  • idmap-related variables – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • interfaces – Must be defined to the logical hostname.

  • lock dir – Must include the samba-configuration-directory in its path.

  • netbios name – Must be set to the NetBIOS name by which the winbind server is known.

  • password server – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • pid directory – Must include the samba-configuration-directory in its path.

  • template homedir – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • template shell – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • winbind enum groups – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • winbind enum users – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.

  • winbind use default domain – Must be set to yes.

  • workgroup – Must be set to the same value as the Samba smb.conf entry.