Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E40565-01

How to Verify the Configuration of Samba Software

Perform this procedure from one node of the cluster.

  1. Test the smb.conf file.
    phys-schost-1# samba-bin-directory/testparm > samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
  2. If winbind is used, start and test winbind.
    1. Start and test winbind.
      phys-schost-1# samba-sbin-directory/winbindd \
      -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf
      phys-schost-1# getent passwd
      phys-schost-1# getent group
    2. Test whether the fault monitor user can be resolved.
      phys-schost-1# getent passwd samba-fault-monitor-user

      This test must succeed. If you encounter problems, restart winbindd with debug information by using the -d 3 option. Then retest and observe the winbindd log file, which is located at samba-configuration-directory/logs/log.winbindd.

      Note -  Winbind caching can affect the results from getent passwd samba-fault-monitor-user, which might not be up to date. See the winbind[8] man page for more information about winbind caching. See the smb.conf[5] man page for more information about winbind cache time.
  3. Start and test Samba.
    1. Start the Samba instance.
      • If you use the smbd daemon, run the following command:
        phys-schost-1# samba-sbin-directory/smbd \
        -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf -D
      • If you use the nmbd daemon, run the following command:
        phys-schost-1# samba-sbin-directory/nmbd \
        -s samba-configuration-directory/lib/smb.conf -D
    2. Test whether the smbclient program can access Samba.
      phys-schost-1# samba-bin-directory/smbclient -N -L NetBIOS-name
      phys-schost-1# samba-bin-directory/smbclient '\\NetBIOS-name\scmondir' \
      -U samba-fault-monitor-user -c 'pwd;exit'

      This test must succeed. If you encounter problems, restart smbclient with debug information by using the -d 3 option.

  4. Stop the smbd, nmbd, and winbindd daemons.

    Perform this step in the global zone only.

    phys-schost-1# pkill -TERM -z zonename 'smbd|nmbd|winbindd'

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Go to Installing the HA for Samba Package.