Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle WebLogic Server Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39648–01

How to Register and Configure HA for WebLogic Server Reverse Proxy Servers (clsetup)

Use this procedure to configure Reverse Proxy Servers for HA for WebLogic Server using the clsetup utility. The utility starts a wizard to guide you through the creation of resource groups and resources for the reverse proxy server instance.

These instructions assume that you are at the WebLogic Server Configuration list of options for configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for WebLogic Server in the clsetup utility.

Before You Begin

You must perform the steps in How to Register and Configure HA for WebLogic Server Managed Servers (clsetup) before configuring proxy servers.

  1. In the WebLogic Server Configuration panel, type the number for the Reverse Proxy Server option, and press Return.

    If you are configuring in a zone cluster, the zone cluster nodes are displayed.

    If you are configuring in a global cluster on Oracle Solaris 11, a list of global cluster nodes is displayed.

  2. Press Return to continue.

    The utility prompts you to enter the location of the domain.

  3. Type the full path to the WebLogic domain directory and press Return.

    The default path to the domain directory is typically similar to /WebLogic-installation-dir/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domain-name where the WebLogic-installation-dir and the domain-name are specific to your installation.

    The utility prompts you to enter the location of the WebLogic home directory.

  4. Specify the WebLogic home directory by doing one of the following:
    • Type the number of a directory in the list and press Return.
    • Type e and press Return, type the full path to the WebLogic home directory that you want to use, and press Return.

      The directory you specify must be accessible from each cluster node.

  5. Specify the full path to the start script for the reverse proxy server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility supplies the default path to the script found in the WebLogic domain directory. You can press Return to accept this value or type a new path and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts for the path to the WebLogic Server environment file.

  6. Type the path to the WebLogic Server environment file and press Return.

    You can accept the default by pressing Return, or enter a new name. The environment file is typically $WEBLOGIC_HOME/server/bin/ if WebLogic Server is configured through the installation wizard.

    The clsetup utility finds the names of reverse proxy instances and prompts you to specify one to configure.

  7. Type the number that corresponds to the reverse proxy server instance to configure, and press Return.

    The utility prompts you to specify the logical hostname resource for the reverse proxy server.

  8. Type the number of the logical hostname resource you want to use for the reverse proxy server and press Return.

    The logical hostname resource you choose is configured as the host for the reverse proxy server resource that is created.

    A single failover resource group will be created for the reverse proxy server instance. The reverse proxy server resource will be configured in the resource group of the selected logical hostname resource. The reverse proxy server resource will have a strong dependency on the logical host resource and an offline restart dependency on the storage resource. The failover resource group will be created with a strong positive affinity on the storage resource group.

    The clsetup utility prompts you to specify the optional monitoring URI. This URI can be used by the Fault Monitor to test the functionality of the Oracle WebLogic Server by doing an HTTP GET on the URI.

  9. Specify the optional monitoring URI as follows:
    • If you do not want to use a monitoring URI, press Return.
    • If you want to use a monitoring URI, type one or more URIs in the form http://path/to/monitor with commas separating multiple URIs, then press Return.

    The URIs will be validated against the configured logical host resources when the resource is created.

  10. Type the number of the storage resource to use for the reverse proxy server and press Return.

    The storage resources must contain the WebLogic home and domain directory.

    The storage resources displayed should be based on the WebLogic home directory value you specified earlier, but if clsetup cannot find any, all configured storage resources on the selected cluster are displayed instead.

    You can select one from the list, or proceed without selecting anything by typing d and pressing Return.

  11. Review the configuration information in the review panel for all the properties associated with the reverse proxy server.
    • If the configuration information is correct and you do not want to change anything, type d to indicate you are done.
    • Optionally, to edit the name of the Managed Server resources, type the number for Reverse Proxy Server Resource and press Return.

      A new panel is displayed where you can then edit the reverse proxy server resource name, then type d when you are done.

      The utility displays a summary of the information that will be used to create the configuration for the WebLogic Reverse Proxy Server instance for your review. You cannot edit any of the values here except by typing < to go back to the step where the value is specified.

  12. Type c and press Return to create the configuration.

    The utility displays the list of commands that are invoked on the cluster and also shows a status message indicating a success or failure. In the event that the configuration fails, a rollback is attempted.

  13. (Optional)Type q and press Return repeatedly until you quit the clsetup utility.

    If you prefer, you can leave the clsetup utility running while you perform other required tasks before using the utility again.