Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle GoldenGate Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E48593-01

Registering and Configuring the HA for Oracle GoldenGate by using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)

The procedures in this section describe the registration and configuration of the following components of the Oracle GoldenGate by using Oracle Solaris Cluster CLI.

How to Register and Configure the Oracle GoldenGate Resource

The Oracle GoldenGate resource must be co-located with the database resource. You can achieve this by setting strong positive affinities between the two resource groups, or by placing both resources in the same resource group. The Oracle GoldenGate resource must depend on the database resource, to ensure that it gets started after the database.

You have to configure the Oracle GoldenGate resource to depend on its storage resource. This dependency ensures that the Oracle GoldenGate resource does not attempt to start until its associated storage resource is online.

  1. Register the ORCL.GoldenGate resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.GoldenGate

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for Oracle GoldenGate .

  2. Create an Oracle GoldenGate resource.

    Note - You can choose to create a failover resource or a multiple master resource as follows.
    • Create a failover Oracle GoldenGate resource.
      # clrs create -d-g db-rg \
      -t ORCL.GoldenGate \
      -p user=goldengate_owner \
      -p Basepath=/goldengate \
      -p port=7809 \
      -p parameter_file=/goldengate/dirprm/mgr.prm \
      -p database_resource=database-rs \
      -p resource_dependencies=database-rs, logical-host \ 
      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=gg-hsp-rs \ 
    • Create a multiple master Oracle GoldenGate resource.
      # clrs create -d-g db-rg \
      -t ORCL.GoldenGate \
      -p user{node1}=goldengate_owner_1 \
      -p user{node2}=goldengate_owner_2 \
      -p Basepath{node1}=/goldengate_1 \
      -p Basepath{node2}=/goldengate_2 \
      -p port{node1}=7809 \
      -p port{node2}=7909 \
      -p parameter_file{node1}=/goldengate_1/dirprm/mgr.prm \
      -p parameter_file{node2}=/goldengate_2/dirprm/mgr.prm \
      -p database_resource{node1}=database1-rs \
      -p database_resource{node2}=database2-rs \
      -p resource_dependencies{LOCAL_NODE}=database1-rs, database2-rs \
      -g db-rg

      Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed either as a failover resource group or as a multiple master resource group.

      -t ORCL.GoldenGate

      Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.GoldenGate resource type.

      -p user=goldengate_owner

      Specifies the Oracle GoldenGate software owner.

      -p Basepath=/goldengate

      Specifies the path of the Oracle GoldenGate installation.

      -p port=7809

      Specifies the port on which the Oracle GoldenGate manager listens.

      -p parameter_file=/goldengate/dirprm/mgr.prm

      Specifies the absolute path to the manager's parameter file.

      -p database_resource=database_rs

      Specifies the name of the database resource.

      -p resource_dependencies=database-rs, logical-host

      Specifies the list of dependencies.

      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=gg-hsp-rs

      Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies.


      Specifies the resource name of the Oracle GoldenGate resource.

  3. Verify that the default values for the GoldenGate extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to ORCL.GoldenGate Extension Properties.

  4. Enable the GoldenGate resource.
    #  clresource enable goldengate-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.