Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle GoldenGate Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E48593-01

How to Verify the Installation of an Oracle GoldenGate Instance

On the node where you installed the Oracle GoldenGate instance, as the root user, do the following:

  1. Switch to the Oracle GoldenGate administrative user.
    # su - goldengate
  2. Run the ggsci utility.
    $ installation directory/ggsci 
  3. Stop the extract and the replicat processes.
    $ GGSCI (node) 1>  stop er *
  4. Stop the manager processes.
    $ GGSCI (node) 2>  stop mgr !
  5. Exit the ggsci utility.
    $ GGSCI (node) 3>  exit
  6. If the replicat processes are configured, kill all remaining server processes.
    $ pkill -f installation directory
  7. Start the manager as well as the configured extract and the replicat processes using the ggsci utility.
    $ installation directory/ggsci
    GGSCI (node) 1>  start mgr
    GGSCI (node) 2>  start er *
  8. Check if the instance goes online.
    $ GGSCI (node) 3>  info all

    Repeat this until all processes show the status as RUNNING.

  9. Stop the Oracle GoldenGate instance using the ggsci utility.
    $ installation directory/ggsci
    GGSCI (node) 1>  stop er *
    GGSCI (node) 2>  stop mgr !
    GGSCI (node) 3>  exit
  10. If the replicat processes are configured, kill all remaining server processes.
    $ pkill -f installation directory