Installing Oracle API Gateway Analytics


This topic describes how to install Oracle API Gateway Analytics on the following platforms:

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Solaris

System Requirements

See the System Requirements to ensure that the target machine is of a suitable specification. For details on API Gateway components and concepts, see the Oracle API Gateway User Guide.

PDF Report Generation

If you wish to enable the automatic generation of PDF reports, you must download the wkhtmltopdf tool, and install it into your API Gateway Analytics installation when installed. For more details, see the section called “Next Steps”.

[Note] Note

This topic describes how to install the Oracle API Gateway Analytics component. For details on installing other components, see

GUI Installation

When you run the installation executable in default GUI mode, you are presented with an introductory welcome screen. Click Next to continue with the installation.

Installation Location

Enter or click Browse to specify the directory where you wish to install API Gateway components, for example:

Windows C:\OAG-
Linux/UNIX /opt/OAG-

Click Next to continue.

Select Components

Select the Oracle API Gateway Analytics component from the list, and click Next to continue.

Oracle API Gateway Analytics Information

[Important] Important

Before starting API Gateway Analytics, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new database instance. For more details, see Configuring the Database for Oracle API Gateway Analytics. Alternatively, if you already have an existing database, skip to the next step.

  2. Setup your database tables using the dbsetup script. For more details, see Configuring the Database for Oracle API Gateway Analytics.

  3. Configure your API Gateway Analytics settings using the configureserver script. For more details, see Configuring Oracle API Gateway Analytics.

Oracle API Gateway Analytics is about to be installed.

Ready to Install

The installer is ready to start installing the selected components and settings on your system.

Click Next to continue.


A screen is displayed showing the progress of the installation of files. Please wait for the installation to complete.

Click Next to continue.

Completing the Oracle API Gateway Analytics Setup

After the installer has finished, click Finish to complete the installation.

Next Steps

When you have installed API Gateway Analytics, the next step is Configuring the Database for Oracle API Gateway Analytics.

PDF Report Generation

If you wish to enable the automatic generation of PDF reports, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the wkhtmltopdf tool from the following location:

  2. Install wkhtmltopdf into the following directory in your API Gateway Analytics installation:

    Windows INSTALL_DIR\oaganalytics\Win32\lib\wkhtmltopdf
    UNIX/Linux INSTALL_DIR/oaganalytics/posix/lib/wkhtmltopdf

Unattended Installation

You can run the API Gateway installer in unattended mode on the command line. The following command shows an example of installing the API Gateway Analytics component only:


OAG- --mode unattended 
  --enable-components analytics --disable-components nodemanager,policystudio


./ --mode unattended 
  --enable-components analytics --disable-components nodemanager,policystudio

The specified components are installed in the background.

Further Information

For a description of all available command options and default settings, enter the --help option. This outputs the help text in a separate console.