Configuring the Database for Oracle API Gateway Analytics


The API Gateway stores and maintains the monitoring and transaction data read by Oracle API Gateway Analytics in a JDBC-compliant database. This topic describes how to create and configure the reports database for use with Oracle API Gateway Analytics. It describes the prerequisites and shows an example of creating a reports database. It also shows how to setup the database tables or upgrade them from a previous version.


The prerequisites for setting up the database are as follows:

JDBC Database Installation

You must have a JDBC-compliant database installed to store the API Gateway monitoring and transaction data. API Gateway Analytics provides setup scripts for the following databases:

  • MySQL

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Oracle

  • IBM DB2

For details on how to install your chosen JDBC database, see your database product documentation.

API Gateway Analytics Installation

For details on how to install Oracle API Gateway Analytics, see the topic on Installing Oracle API Gateway Analytics.

Creating the Reports Database

API Gateway Analytics reads message metrics from a database and displays this information in a visual format to administrators. This is the same database in which the API Gateway stores its audit trail and message metrics data. You first need to create this database using the database product of your choice (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or IBM DB2). For details on how to do this, see the product documentation for your chosen database. In this topic, the example database is named reports, but you can use whatever name you wish.

The following example shows creating a MySQL database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE reports;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Setting up the Database Tables

When you have created the reports database, the next step is to set up the database tables. You can do this by running the dbsetup command from the following API Gateway Analytics directory:

Windows INSTALL_DIR\oaganalytics\Win32\bin
Linux/UNIX INSTALL_DIR/oaganalytics/posix/bin

The following example command shows setting up new database tables:

> dbsetup.bat
New database
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

Upgrading Existing Database Tables

The dbsetup utility also enables you to upgrade an existing reports database from an initial API Gateway version schema to version 11.1.2.x schema.

[Important] Important

You must upgrade version database schemas to 11.1.2.x for the API Gateway to function correctly. Pre- database schema upgrades are not supported. If your existing API Gateway installation is version 11.1.2.x, you do not need to upgrade the database tables.

The dbsetup utility always checks the existing version, and modifies only if an update is required. For example, to start an interactive upgrade, run this script as follows:

> dbsetup.bat
Connecting to configuration at: federated:file:///INSTALL_DIR\oaganalytics/conf/fed/

Using Configured Database:
DB Name: Default Database Connection
DB URL: jdbc:mysql://
DB User: root
Current schema version: 000-initial
Latest schema version: 001-topology
Continue with upgrade (Y, N) [N]: y
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

dbsetup uses SQL upgrade scripts for all supported databases located in the following directory:


The subdirectories are named for the upgrade applied, and the order in which they must be executed. The following upgrades are currently available:

Upgrade Name Description
000-initial version of the schema.
001-topology 11.1.2.x version of the schema.

Specifying Options to dbsetup

[Note] Note

When you specify command-line arguments to dbsetup, the script does not run interactively, and the setup is fully automatic.

You can specify the following options to the dbsetup command:

Option Description
-h, --help Displays help message and exits.
-p PASSPHRASE, --passphrase=PASSPHRASE Specifies the configuration passphrase (blank for zero length).
--dbname=DBNAME Specifies the database name (mutually exclusive with --dburl, --dbuser, and --dbpass).
--dburl=DBURL Specifies the database URL.
--dbuser=DBUSER Specifies the database user.
--dbpass=DBPASS Specifies the database passphrase.
--reinstall Forces a reinstall of the database, dropping all data.
--stop=STOP Stops the database upgrade after the named upgrade.

The following are some examples of using dbsetup command options:

Connecting to a Named Database

You can use the --dbname option to connect to a named database connection configured under the External Connections node in the Policy Studio tree. For example:

> dbsetup.bat --dbname=Oracle
Current schema version: 001-initial
Latest schema version: 001-topology
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

Connecting to a Database URL

You can use the --dburl option to manually connect to a database instance directly using a URL. For example:

> dbsetup.bat --dburl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/reports --dbuser=root --dbpass=admin
Current schema version: 001-initial
Latest schema version: 001-topology
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

Installing a Database

You can also use the --dburl option to setup a newly created database instance where none already exists. For example:

> dbsetup.bat --dburl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/reports --dbuser=root --dbpass=admin
New database
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

Reinstalling a Database

You can use the --reinstall option to wipe and reinstall a database. For example:

> dbsetup.bat --dburl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/reports --dbuser=root --dbpass=admin 
Re-installing database...
Schema successfully upgraded to: 001-topology

SQL Database Schema Scripts

As an alternative to using the dbsetup command, API Gateway Analytics also provides separate SQL schema scripts to set up the database tables for each of the supported databases. However, these scripts set up the new tables only, and do not perform any upgrades of existing tables. These scripts are provided in the INSTALL_DIR/system/conf/sql folder in the following directories:

  • /mysql
  • /mssql
  • /oracle
  • /db2

You can run the SQL commands in the db_schema.sql file in the appropriate directory for your database. The following example shows creating the tables in a MySQL database:

mysql> \. C:\oracle\oaganalytics\system\conf\sql\mysql\db_schema.sql
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Next Steps

When you have set up your database, you must ensure that the API Gateway is configured correctly for API Gateway Analytics before launching API Gateway Analytics. For more details, see Configuring Oracle API Gateway Analytics.