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Understanding Gap Analysis

The system performs gap analysis to determine which objectives to assign to learners. During gap analysis the system compares the objectives that learners must know for their job roles (job code or position number) to the objectives that the learners have already completed. The difference is the learning gap. After completing gap analysis, the system assigns needed objectives to learners to fulfill the learning gaps.

The following tables lists the conditions that trigger the objective gap analysis process.

Condition that Triggers Gap Analysis


You load competency, job role competency, person competency, and rating model data from the external human resources system to Enterprise Learning Management.

After all data loads successfully, the system compares competencies required by each job role to a learner's met objectives.

Enterprise Learning Management receives incremental sync messages from the human resources system.

Changes that you make to a learner's job or position information, person competencies, or job role competency data in the human resources system, trigger an incremental sync message (WORKFORCE_SYNC, PERSON_COMPETENCY_SYNC, or ROLE_COMP_SYNC) to Enterprise Learning Management with the data changes. When Enterprise Learning Management receives the messages it compares competencies required by each job role to a learner's met objectives.

When a learner's job code or position number changes, the system deletes any objectives for the learner's previous job code or position number that have a status of Needed and that do not have any other association with the learner. Objectives that the learner has completed for a previous job code or position number are kept in the learner's objectives history record.

A manager completes a performance review in ePerformance with one or more target ratings that is blank.

Saving a performance document that includes competencies for which a learner has a blank target rating triggers the EP_COMP_RATING message to Enterprise Learning Management with the competencies that have a blank rating.

See the product documentation for PeopleSoft HCM: ePerformance.

You change objectives that are mapped to a job code or position number in Enterprise Learning Management.

When you make changes on the Maintain Job Code Objectives page and Position Objectives page, the system triggers the gap analysis process when you save the page. The system compares objectives required by the job role to a learner's met objectives.

See Assigning Objectives to Jobs and Position Numbers.

You run the Process Job Role Objectives process

If you create future-dated objective assignments to job codes and position numbers, you must run the Process Job Role Objectives process to initiate gap analysis for these objective assignments. The system compares the objectives required by the job role to a learner's met objectives.

See Assigning Objectives to Jobs and Position Numbers.

The system receives needed learner objectives from an external system other than human resources.

The system compares the needed learner objectives received from the external system with a learner's met Enterprise Learning Management objectives.

See Importing Learner Objective Data.

A new person is added in HR.

The system compares the competencies required by the learner's job role to the learner's met objectives, taking into account any changes to objectives entered on the Maintain Job Code Objectives page or the Position Objectives page.

See Assigning Objectives to Jobs and Position Numbers.

Gap Analysis Hierarchy

When a rating model is associated with an objective, the system compares proficiency levels of objectives to determine whether a learning gap exists. To determine which proficiency is higher, the system uses numeric ratings, review points, and review ratings.

See Creating and Reviewing Rating Models.

The system uses this sequence (hierarchy) to determine which proficiency is higher:

  1. Numeric ratings.

    The system compares the numeric rating of the objective with the learner's current numeric rating for that objective.

  2. Review points.

    If the numeric rating for the objective or learner objective is unavailable or equals 0, the system compares review points.

  3. Review ratings.

    If review points are unavailable or equal 0, the system compares review ratings. Review ratings in a human resources system are equivalent to proficiencies in Enterprise Learning Management.