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Defining Vendors

To set up vendor profiles use the Define Vendors (LM_VENDOR_MAIN) component.

This topic lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Create a vendor profile for each organization from which you purchase goods and services for classes and programs. All vendor data is manually entered and maintained. You can associate vendors with the instructors, delivery methods, materials, and facilities that you define later.

Pages Used to Define Vendors

Page Name

Definition Name



Vendor Profile


select Enterprise Learning, then select Organizations, then select Vendors, then select Vendor Profile

Define vendor profile information.

Vendors - Address History


select Enterprise Learning, then select Organizations, then select Vendors, then select Address History

Define address details specifying the vendor's primary address.

Edit Address


Click the Edit Address link on the Address History page.

Edit vendor address information.

Vendor Products


select Enterprise Learning, then select Organizations, then select Vendors, then select Vendor Products

Define learning-related vendor product information.

Prerequisites for Defining Vendors

Before you can set up vendors, you must:

  • Set up vendor product types.

  • Set up vendor pricing types.

  • Set up vendor product packaging types.

Vendor Profile Page

Use the Vendor Profile page (LM_VENDOR_MAIN) to define vendor profile information.

Image: Vendor Profile page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Vendor Profile page.

Vendor Profile page

Primary Communication

The system displays the vendor's primary communication information, as defined on the Address History page.

Vendors - Address History Page

Use the Vendors - Address History page (LM_VENDOR_ADDR) to define address details specifying the vendor's primary address.

Image: Address History page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address History page.

Address History page



Vendor Products Page

Use the Vendor Products page (LM_VNDR_PROD) to define learning-related vendor product information.

Image: Vendor Products page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Vendor Products page.

Vendor Products page