Searching Incident Tickets

Use this procedure to search for open Incident Tickets. The fields displayed on the Search Incident Ticket page depend on the authorization associated with your Oracle Advanced Support Platform login.

To search for incident tickets:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. From the Incident tab, select Search IM Tickets.

    The Search IM Ticket page appears similar to Figure 6-1.

    Figure 6-1 Search IM Ticket Page

  4. Use any of the following criteria to search for an Incident Ticket:

    Search Criteria Description
    Ticket ID The Incident Ticket ID
    Ticket Summary The Incident Ticket summary
    Knowledge ID The knowledge base reference ID
    Ticket External Ref ID The reference ticket ID from an external ticketing system
    CI/CI Group Name The name of the CI or CI Group associated with the Incident Ticket
    Ticketed Only  
    Use Time Frame Select Use Time Frame if you want to search within a predefined time period, such as the last 24 hours.
    Creation Date (Start) Use the calendar icon to select a start date to create a time period within to search.

    Note: This field is unavailable if you select Use Time Frame.

    Creation Date (End) Use the calendar icon to select a end date for a time period within to search.

    Note: This field is unavailable if you select Use Time Frame

    Time Frame Select a predefined time period within to search.

    Note: This field is available only if you select Use Time Frame

    Ticket Status From the Ticket Status area, you can refine the search to select specific ticket status:
    • Cancelled

    • Closed

    • Draft

    • On Hold

    • Pending Assignment

    • Resolved

    • WIP

    Ticket Severity From the Ticket Severity area, you can refine the search to select tickets with specific severities.
    Service Interruption The service interruption
    Customer Select the customer name from the list.
    Ticket Tag Select any tags that you want to associate with the search.

  5. Select Search IM Ticket.

    The processing time for any search varies depending on the size of the data file being searched. To decrease processing time, narrow the search by using multiple search fields.

  6. Oracle Advanced Support Platform displays the results in the Ticket Search Results table.

    You can choose to display 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, or 100 tickets per page. 10 tickets per page is the default. Re-sort the data by clicking any column heading.

    Where a ticket lists one or more MOS SR IDs, click the hyperlinked MOS SR ID to view details of the selected SR in MOS.

    Note that you can click Printable Page then use your browser's print function to print the contents of this page. For more details, see Printing Incident Tickets.