Viewing Incident Tickets

Use this procedure to view an Incident Ticket.

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. From the Search IM Ticket page, search for Incident tickets as described in "Searching Incident Tickets".

  3. To view an Incident Ticket, locate the Incident Ticket, then click View.

    The View IM Ticket page appears for the selected Incident Ticket with the WorkLog subpage open. Note that you can click the Print Ticket icon then use your browser's print function to print the contents of this page. For more details, see Printing Incident Tickets.

  4. Review the information on the View IM Ticket page as required.

  5. Select the following subpages and review the related information.

    • Ticket Detail

    • Eventlog

    • Attachments