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Interface StoppableTask

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractReconTask, EntitlementReconTask, LookupReconTask, com.thortech.xl.scheduler.tasks.SchedulerBaseTask, SearchReconDeleteTask, SearchReconTask, SyncReconTask, TaskSupport

public interface StoppableTask
extends oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.Task

This object represents a Schedule task which can be stopped.

Method Summary
 boolean stop()
          This method is used to stop a schedule task.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.Task
execute, executeJob, getAttributes, getId, getImplementation, getName, getTaskName, isJobSuccess, setAttributes, setImplementation, setName, setTaskName


Method Detail


boolean stop()
This method is used to stop a schedule task. if schedule task is stopped without any error than return TRUE else FALSE.
TRUE if schedule task is stopped otherwise FALSE

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