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Package oracle.iam.scheduler.vo

Interface Summary
StoppableTask This object represents a Schedule task which can be stopped.


Class Summary
CronTrigger This object represents a Cron type trigger.
JobDetails This value object contains all the information about a Scheduled Job.
JobHistory This value object contains the information regarding a Job History Job Name, Job Start Time, Job End Time, Error Data if any, Status of the job, ID: Unique Instance of the Job
JobParameter This value object contains the information about the Job Parameters Name of the Parameter, Value of the Parameter, Data Type of the Parameter, Help Text of the parameter, Is Parameter encrypted or not, Is Parameter required or not
NowTrigger This class is used to create an immediate Trigger with repeat interval as 0.
ScheduledTask This class is Data Object corresponding to a Job's associated Task Task Name, Task Class Name, Task Description, Task Listener, Retry Count, Parameters
SearchResult This object represents a schedule job search result.
TaskSupport This is a base class for each schedule task implementation class.
Trigger This value object contains the information about the 'mechanism' by which Jobs are scheduled.


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