Command global options

The Endeca Server command interface has several global options that allow you to specify the host, port, and context root of the Oracle Endeca Server, and enable the interface for SSL.

The global options are:
  • --host
  • --port
  • --root
  • --help
  • --keystore
  • --truststore
  • --ssl
  • --password
  • --keystore-password
  • --truststore-password
  • --key-password
Do not forget to specify global options with endeca-cmd. If you do not specify them, endeca-cmd assumes that the defaults are used for the Endeca Server (such as the default port and host). For example, assume you have configured the Endeca Server application in WebLogic domain to use a port that is different from a default port of 7001 (in a non-SSL installation). In this case, in order for endeca-cmd to find the correct port, you should list it explicitly, as one of the global options. For example, this command creates a data domain my_test_dd in the Endeca Server running on port 9001 (the data domain is disabled when created):
endeca-cmd create-dd my_test_dd --port 9001 --is-enabled false

Getting online help

The --help option provides usage help for the Endeca Server commands.

The syntax for obtaining general help is:
endeca-cmd --help
The syntax for obtaining help on a specific command is:
endeca-cmd <command> --help
This example displays usage help for the create-dd command:
endeca-cmd create-dd --help