Oracle® Hyperion Smart View for Office

Accessibility Guide


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Authors: EPM Information Development Team

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Table of Contents:

Enabling Accessibility for Smart View

Smart View Keyboard Equivalents

Installing and Configuring Help Locally

This document describes the accessibility features of Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office. For information regarding supported assistive technologies, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here.

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program web site at

Enabling Accessibility for Smart View

You do not need to enable accessibility specifically for Smart View; it is always in accessible mode. Smart View output is in the form of Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, and PowerPoint slides, which are accessible through Microsoft Office. For information about Excel, Word, or PowerPoint accessibility, refer to Microsoft Office product documentation.


If you are using JAWS® Screen Reading Software, we recommend using the Internet Explorer browser.

Smart View Keyboard Equivalents

This section describes the keyboard equivalents for the following:


Keyboard equivalents for languages other than English may be different from those listed in these tables.

Keyboard equivalents for provider ribbons may vary if other Office add-ins or extensions are installed. For example, Y may become Y1 or Y2 if there are ribbons created by add-ins in addition to Smart View.

Smart View Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents

Table 1 shows the keyboard equivalents for the Smart View ribbon in Excel 2007 and 2010. Table 2 shows the keyboard equivalents for the Smart View ribbon in Word and PowerPoint 2007. Table 3 shows the keyboard equivalents for the Smart View ribbon in Word and PowerPoint 2010.

Table 1. Smart View Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Excel

Alt+SDisplay Smart View ribbon
Alt+S+C+TConnections, Active Connections
Alt+S+C+EConnections, Reset to Default Connection
Alt+S+C+OConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document
Alt+S+C+O+EConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit
Alt+S+C+O+CConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit Connection
Alt+S+C+UConnections, Recently Used
Alt+S+E+NUndo (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+2 Undo (Office 2010)
Alt+S+E+DRedo (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+3Redo (Office 2010)
Alt+S+E+CCopy Data Point (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+4Copy Data Point (Office 2010)
Alt+S+E+VPaste Data Point (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+5Paste Data Point (Office 2010)
Alt+S+U+MFunctions, Manage POV
Alt+S+U+BFunctions, Build Function
Alt+S+U+ZFunctions, Visualize
Alt+S+U+Z+EFunctions, Visualize, Excel
Alt+S+D+RRefresh (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+6Refresh (Office 2010)
Alt+S+D+R+RRefresh, Refresh (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+6+RRefresh, Refresh (Office 2010)
Alt+S+D+R+SRefresh, Refresh All Worksheets
Alt+S+Y+6+SRefresh, Refresh All Worksheets (Office 2010)
Alt+S+YSubmit Data (Office 2007)
Alt+S+Y+7Submit Data (Office 2010)
Alt+S+H+CHelp, Contents
Alt+S+H+PHelp, Oracle user Productivity Kit
Alt+S+H+SHelp, Technical Support
Alt+S+H+EHelp, EPM Documentation
Alt+S+H+ZHelp, About
Alt+S+FSheet Info
Alt+S+R+M+GMore, Migrate Active Workbook (Financial Management)
Alt+S+R+M+BMore, Migrate Batch (Financial Management)
Alt+S+R+M+RMore, Migrate Active Workbook (Hyperion Enterprise)
Alt+S+R+M+EMore, Migrate Batch (Hyperion Enterprise)
Alt+S+R+M+IMore, Insert Connection List
Alt+S+R+M+PMore, Import Metadata

Table 2. Smart View Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Word and PowerPoint 2007

Alt+S+2Display Smart View ribbon
Alt+S+2+C+OConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document
Alt+S+2+C+O+CConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Create Template
Alt+S+2+C+O+RConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Refresh Template
Alt+S+2+C+O+EConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit
Alt+S+2+C+O+CConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit Connection
Alt+S+2+C+UConnections, Recently Used
Alt+S+2+E+CCopy Data Point
Alt+S+2+E+VPaste Data Point
Alt+S+2+E+MManage POV
Alt+S+2+D+EVisualize in Excel
Alt+S+2+H+CHelp, Contents
Alt+S+2+H+PHelp, Oracle User Productivity Kit
Alt+S+2+H+SHelp, Technical Support
Alt+S+2+H+EHelp, EPM Documentation
Alt+S+2+H+ZHelp, About

Table 3. Smart View Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Word and PowerPoint 2010

Alt+Y+1+SDisplay Smart View ribbon
Alt+Y+1+C+OConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document
Alt+Y+1+C+O+CConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Create Template
Alt+Y+1+C+O+RConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Refresh Template
Alt+Y+1+C+O+EConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit
Alt+Y+1+C+O+CConnections, Reporting and Analysis Document, Edit Connection
Alt+Y+1+C+UConnections, Recently Used
Alt+Y+1+Y+2Copy Data Point
Alt+Y+1+Y+3Paste Data Point
Alt+Y+1+Y+4Manage POV
Alt+Y+1+Y+5Visualize in Excel
Alt+Y+1+H+CHelp, Contents
Alt+Y+1+H+PHelp, Oracle User Productivity Kit
Alt+Y+1+H+SHelp, Technical Support
Alt+Y+1+H+EHelp, EPM Documentation
Alt+Y+1+H+ZHelp, About

Office 2010 Data Provider Keyboard Equivalents

Table 4 lists the keyboard equivalents on data provider ribbons for Office 2010. Table 5 lists the keyboard equivalents for items on the Essbase, Planning Ad Hoc, HFM Ad Hoc, Enterprise Ad Hoc ribbons in Excel 2010. Exceptions are noted in parentheses.

Table 4. Data Provider Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Excel 2007

Alt+Y+1+Y+3Analyze (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+R+R Refresh, Refresh
Alt+Y+1+D+R+ARefresh, Refresh All
Alt+Y+1+A+MAdd Member
Alt+Y+1+D+BSubmit Data
Alt+Y+1+D+ACell Actions
Alt+Y+1+D+ECell Actions, Comments
Alt+Y+1+D+PCell Actions, Supporting Detail (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+TCell Actions, Attachment (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+HCell Actions, History
Alt+Y+1+D+LLock (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+C+BCalculate, Business Rules (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+C+UCalculate, Rules on Form (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+C+DCalculate, Calculate
Alt+Y+1+D+C+FCalculate, Force Calculate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+C+TCalculate, Translate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+C+RCalculate, Force Translate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2Consolidate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2+NConsolidate, Consolidate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2+SConsolidate, Consolidate All (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2+LConsolidate, Consolidate All With Data (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2+AConsolidate, Calculate Contribution (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+1+D+O+2+OConsolidate, Force Calculate Contribution (HFM only)
Alt+Y+1+WView Comments
Alt+Y+1+D+U+JAdjust, Adjust
Alt+Y+1+D+U+GAdjust, Grid Spread (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+U+AAdjust, Mass Allocate (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+MMore (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+JMore, Job Console (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+MMore, Member Formula (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+IMore, Instructions (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+FMore, Offline (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+F+TMore, Offline, Take Offline (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+F+YMore, Offline, Sync Back to Server (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+D+M+F+RMore, Offline, Refresh Offline Definition (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+4Approvals (Planning only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+5Copy Version (Planning only)

Table 5. Essbase and Ad Hoc Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Excel 2010

Alt+Y+1+Y+3Zoom In
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+NZoom In, Next Level
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+AZoom In, All Levels
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+BZoom In, Bottom Level
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+EZoom In, Same Level (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+LZoom In, Sibling Level (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+GZoom In, Same Generation (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+3+FZoom In, Formulas (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+4Zoom Out
Alt+Y+1+Y+5+PPivot, Pivot
Alt+Y+1+Y+5+TPivot Pivot to POV
Alt+Y+1+Y+6Keep Only
Alt+Y+1+Y+7Remove Only
Alt+Y+1+Y+8Member Selection
Alt+Y+1+Y+9+QQuery, Query Designer
Alt+Y+1+Y+9+RQuery, Run Report
Alt+Y+1+Y+9+EQuery, Execute MDX (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+9+DQuery, Data Filter
Alt+Y+1+Y+AMember Information (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+BPreserve Format (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+1+Y+CChange Alias (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+DData Perspective (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+Y+ESmart Slice (except Enterprise)
Alt+Y+1+Y+FCascade (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+1+Y+F+SCascade, Same Workbook (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+1+Y+F+NCascade, New Workbook (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+1+Y+F+DCascade, Different Workbooks (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+1+D+R+R Refresh, Refresh
Alt+Y+1+D+R+ARefresh, Refresh All
Alt+Y+1+D+WView Comments
Alt+Y+1+D+ZVisualize (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+D+Z+EVisualize, Visualize in Excel (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+JLinked Objects (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+1+D+BSubmit Data

Table 6. Oracle BI EE Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Office 2010 (assumes Oracle BI EE Ribbon is Y1)

Alt+Y+1+Y+2View Designer
Alt+Y+1+Y+3Publish View
Alt+Y+1+Y+5Edit Prompts
Alt+Y+1+Y+6Edit Page Prompts
Alt+Y+1+Y+AMask Data

Office 2007 Data Provider Keyboard Equivalents

Table 7 lists the keyboard equivalents on data provider ribbons for Office 2007. Table 8 lists the keyboard equivalents for items only on the Essbase, Planning Ad Hoc, HFM Ad Hoc, and Enterprise Ad Hoc ribbons for Office 2007. Exceptions are noted in parentheses.

Table 7. Data Provider Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Excel 2007

Alt+Y+YAnalyze (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+R+R Refresh, Refresh
Alt+Y+D+R+ARefresh, Refresh All
Alt+Y+A+MAdd Member
Alt+Y+D+BSubmit Data
Alt+Y+D+ECell Comments
Alt+Y+D+PSupporting Detail (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+TDocument Attachment (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+LLock (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+C+BCalculate, Business Rules (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+C+UCalculate, Rules on Form (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+C+DCalculate, Calculate
Alt+Y+D+C+FCalculate, Force Calculate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+C+TCalculate, Translate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+C+RCalculate, Force Translate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2Consolidate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2+NConsolidate, Consolidate (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2+SConsolidate, Consolidate All (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2+LConsolidate, Consolidate All With Data (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2+AConsolidate, Calculate Contribution (HFM and Enterprise only)
Alt+Y+D+O+2+OConsolidate, Force Calculate Contribution (HFM only)
Alt+S+WView Comments
Alt+Y+D+U+JAdjust, Adjust
Alt+Y+D+U+GAdjust, Grid Spread (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+U+AAdjust, Mass Allocate (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+MMore (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+JMore, Job Console (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+MMore, Member Formula (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+IMore, Instructions (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+FMore, Offline (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+F+TMore, Offline, Take Offline (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+F+YMore, Offline, Sync Back to Server (Planning only)
Alt+Y+D+M+F+RMore, Offline, Refresh Offline Definition (Planning only)
Alt+Y+W+PApprovals (Planning only)
Alt+Y+W+VCopy Version (Planning only)

Table 8. Essbase and Ad Hoc Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Excel 2007

Alt+Y+A+ZZoom In
Alt+Y+A+Z+NZoom In, Next Level
Alt+Y+A+Z+AZoom In, All Levels
Alt+Y+A+Z+BZoom In, Bottom Level
Alt+Y+A+Z+EZoom In, Same Level (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+Z+LZoom In, Sibling Level (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+Z+GZoom In, Same Generation (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+Z+FZoom In, Formulas (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+UZoom Out
Alt+Y+A+T+PPivot, Pivot
Alt+Y+A+T+TPivot Pivot to POV
Alt+Y+A+KKeep Only
Alt+Y+A+ORemove Only
Alt+Y+A+IMember Selection
Alt+Y+A+Q+QQuery, Query Designer
Alt+Y+A+Q+RQuery, Run Report
Alt+Y+A+Q+EQuery, Execute MDX (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+Q+DQuery, Data Filter
Alt+Y+A+EMember Information (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+PPreserve Format (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+A+AChange Alias (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+DData Perspective (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+A+SSmart Slice (except Enterprise)
Alt+Y+A+CCascade (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+A+C+SCascade, Same Workbook (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+A+C+NCascade, New Workbook (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+A+C+DCascade, Different Workbooks (except Enterprise Ad Hoc)
Alt+Y+D+R+R Refresh, Refresh
Alt+Y+D+R+ARefresh, Refresh All
Alt+Y+D+WView Comments
Alt+Y+D+ZVisualize (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+D+Z+EVisualize, Visualize in Excel (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+JLinked Objects (Essbase only)
Alt+Y+D+BSubmit Data

Table 9. Oracle BI EE Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Office 2007 (assumes Oracle BI EE ribbon is Y1)

Alt+Y+Y+1View Designer
Alt+Y+Y+2Publish View
Alt+Y+Y+4Edit Prompts
Alt+Y+Y+5Edit Page Prompts
Alt+Y+Y+9Mask Data

Smart View Panel Navigation

Table 10 displays the keys for navigating in the Smart View Panel.

Table 10. Smart View Panel Navigation

Alt+S+PLaunch the Smart View Panel (Office 2007 and 2010)
F6Switch between Smart View and Office components
TabScroll through Smart View Panel
Up and down arrow keysScroll through items in tree view
Left and right arrow keys

In toolbars - move through buttons

In tree views - expand or collapse a node

Alt+tabMove from tree view to Action Panel
Alt+down arrowOpen the drop-down menu
Up and down arrow keysScroll through drop-down list
EnterSelect an item in the drop-down menu
EscapeCancel selection

Smart Query Panel Navigation

Table 11. Smart Query Panel Navigation

F6Switch between Smart Query and Office components
Ctl+Enter Set focus from a dimension down to its properties
Ctl+X and Ctl+V Move dimensions between axes

Smart Query Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents

Table 12 shows the keyboard equivalents for Office 2010. Table 13 shows the keyboard equivalents for Office 2007.

Table 12. Smart Query Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Office 2010

Alt+Y+1+Y+4Designer Panel
Alt+Y+1+Y+AAutomatic Refresh
Alt+Y+1+Y+BChange Alias
Arrow key + EnterChange Alias, None
Arrow key + EnterChange Alias, More Alias Tables
Alt+Y+1+Y+DShow Distinct Member Names
Alt+Y+1+Y+ESuppress Rows with No Data

Table 13. Smart Query Ribbon Keyboard Equivalents for Office 2007

Alt+Y+Y+0+2Designer Panel
Alt+Y+Y+0+8Automatic Refresh
Alt+Y+Y+0+9Change Alias
Arrow key + EnterChange Alias, None
Arrow key + EnterChange Alias, More Alias Tables
Alt+Y+Y+1+1Show Distinct Member Names
Alt+Y+Y+1+2Suppress Rows with No Data

Installing and Configuring Help Locally

After installing Smart View, the online help is retrieved from a URL hosted on the web site. This is the default behavior for Smart View, and no changes are required by users to launch help.

However, you may require that the help be installed locally for Section 508 accessibility purposes. To accommodate this, help must be downloaded from My Oracle Support and placed on a local drive or web server, and the Smart View properties.xml file must be modified.

  To install and configure Smart View help locally:

  1. Obtain the file from My Oracle Support.

  2. Extract the contents of to a local folder on the computer where Smart View is installed.

    For example, extract the contents locally to:


    Under the smartview_help folder, there are 28 language folders; for example:


    The following language folders contain translated versions of the Smart View help:


    The remaining language folders contain the English version of the help. When you run Smart View in one of those languages (for example, Swedish) and you click a button for Help, the English help is displayed.

    Additionally, the English folder contains a copy of the help in PDF format, smartview_user.pdf.

  3. Modify the helpurlcontext property in the Smart View properties.xml file:

    1. In your Smart View installation, navigate to the SmartView\cfg folder.

    2. Make a backup copy of the original properties.xml file.

    3. Open properties.xml for editing.

    4. Modify the helpurlcontext property, providing the path to the folder that is parent to the language folders, providing the path to the folder that is parent to the language folders using the following syntax:



      Use forward slashes in the syntax and ensure that you enter a final forward slash (/) after the parent language folder path that you provide.

      Using the example from step 2, after extracting the zip contents to C:\Oracle\SmartView, the smartview_help folder is the parent folder of the language folders. Thus, you would modify the parent_language_folder_path placeholder as follows:

  4. Restart your Microsoft Office applications and access the help from the Smart View ribbon.

  5. Repeat this procedure for each computer that requires Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office local help.