With guided navigation, the shopper can make selections to narrow their search results. Commerce Reference Store uses Endeca dimensions and dimension values to populate this section of the guided navigation page, including a special price slider driven by a filter. The navigation screen with callouts indicating dimensions is shown in the following illustration.
Endeca-Driven Search and Guided Navigation
Category is the first dimension that is displayed in this section and since all products that are displayed on the shopping site in Commerce Reference Store belong to a category, Category will always display as a dimension. When a shopper enters a query into the Search Box, search results are returned and any relevant dimensions and dimension values are displayed, in the following order:
On CRS Store
Category - single select.
Price – slider.
Size - multi select.
Brand - single select.
Color - multi select.
Feature - multi select.
On CRS Home
Category – single select.
Price – slider.
Brand – single select.
Wood Finish – multi select.
Feature – multi select.
Dimensions and Dimension Values
The number of results are displayed in parentheses next to each dimension. As the shopper makes further search refinements by selecting dimension values:
The selected values disappear from the list.
The Search Results list refreshes.
The selected values are added to the breadcrumbs above the dimensions.
For multi-select dimensions, there is no limit to the number of dimension values a shopper can select. If the shopper selects all of the available values in a dimension, that dimension is no longer displayed in the dimension area of the left hand rail. For example, if three colors were returned and then they selected each one in turn, the Color dimension no longer displays in the guided navigation list. If they then deselected one of those values in the breadcrumbs area, that dimension and dimension value would redisplay in the dimension area.
Price Slider Behavior
The default state of the price slider displays the full price range of each site. For example, the full price range on CRS Store (US and Germany) is: $0 - $500.
The price slider has a lower limit slider, which can be raised and an upper limit slider, which can be lowered. Whole numbers rather than decimal values are displayed on the price slider.
Guided Navigation Configuration in Experience Manager
Use Experience Manager to control the display and order of dimensions using the ATGRefinementMenu
or PriceSlider
cartridges, which are children of the GuidedNavigation
The RefinementMenu
, PriceSlider
and GuidedNavigation
cartridges are in secondary content on the two-column template pages (category and search results pages).
Display dimensions by using these Guided Navigation child cartridges:
Category -
cartridge.Price: –
cartridge.Size -
cartridge.Brand –
cartridge.Color -
cartridge.Feature -
cartridge.Wood Finish –
For each RefinementMenu
cartridge, the shopper can control the following:
Maximum number of values to display (Max. Refinements).
Enable/Disable the “More” link.
Boost and bury dimension values.
You cannot change the labeling of dimensions and dimension values – these come from the index.
The RefinementMenu
cartridge is a Commerce Reference Store-specific version of the generic Endeca cartridge. The renderer for this cartridge disables the “More” link on the site in Commerce Reference Store for the Category dimension.
Note: There is just one RefinementMenu
cartridge in Commerce Reference Store – you can enable the “More” option, but if it is selected for categories, the renderer ignores it. In other words, if you enable the more “More” option in Experience Manager for the Category dimension, it is ignored since there is no supported mobile renderer.
Price Slider Configuration
You can only change the name of the PriceSlider
Guided Navigation Configuration
In this release:
All dimensions are configured in Experience Manager using cartridges.
The merchandiser cannot control the labeling of dimensions and dimension values – these come from the index.
The price range slider is configured in Experience Manager.