You can create new communities from a command line using the SpawnCommunity tool. You can find UNIX and Windows versions of this tool in the <ATG10dir>/Portal/PDK/ManifestLoader folder.

To create a new community using the SpawnCommunity tool:

A new community is created, taking its values from the community template. You can then edit the gears and pages of the new community as needed. Note that you can pass arguments to the SpawnCommunity tool to override many of the parameters of the community template.

The SpawnCommunity tool uses the following syntax: -template COMMUNITY_TEMPLATE -name COMMUNITY_NAME
 -url COMMUNITY_URL <optional arguments>
SpawnCommunity Arguments

The SpawnCommunity command takes the following arguments:



Default Value


The template XML file exported from the Portal Administration.

Required. Use the pathname of the template file, which can be either an absolute pathname or a pathname relative to the directory from which you run SpawnCommunity.


The name of the new spawned community.

Required. No default.


The URL of the new spawned community.

Required. No default.


The ID of the parent folder for the spawned community.

The parent folder ID of community template


Is the new community enabled? One of true or false.

The enabled value of community template


Description text for the spawned community.

The description of the community template


Membership request level for the spawned community.

Membership request level of community template.


The ID of the page template for the spawned community.

The page template ID of community template.


The ID of the style for the spawned community.

The style ID of community template.


The ID of the gear template for the spawned community.

The gear template ID of community template.


The customization level for the spawned community.

The customization level of community template.


The access control level for the spawned community.

Integer. The access control level of the community template.


The hostname of the machine currently running you application server. If you do not specify this argument and the -port argument, then the SpawnCommunity tool will start and stop its own Nucleus service rather than using the currently running ATG instance.

Defaults to localhost if no hostname is specified.


The port for the RMI server on the currently running ATG server.



Should the spawned community clone shared gears, rather than refer to the original gears?

Boolean. Defaults to false.

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