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Using PeopleSoft Commitment Control

PeopleSoft Commitment Control is an optional feature of the PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions, Enterprise Services Automation, and Supply Chain Management product lines that enables you to actively control expenditures against predefined, authorized budgets. In PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting, you can develop budget data for a control budget type while leveraging the rules from Commitment Control definitions that are set up in the PeopleSoft Financial Management database. This feature enables you to validate budget data according to rules that you are also using in PeopleSoft General Ledger. After you complete the development of a control budget, export the budget data to the Commitment Control ledger in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

This section discusses how to:

See the Commitment Control documentation delivered as part of your PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions Document library.

Setting Up and Using PeopleSoft Commitment Control

Complete the following steps to set up and use the PeopleSoft Commitment Control rules and features in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting:

  1. Use the delivered ETL tool to import ledger data from PS_LEDGER_KK into the OWS and OWE tables in the PeopleSoft EPM database.

    Use the delivered ETL tool also to load other related information, such as control budget rules, into the warehouse.

    Note: The ETL process loads the data from the Financial Management database into the OWS tables. After they are loaded to the OWS (PS_LEDGER_KK) table, run a second ETL job to load the data from the OWS tables into the OWE table (PS_BP_LED_KK_F00) for use by Planning and Budgeting.

  2. Use the Scenario and Scenario Group pages in Planning and Budgeting to set up budget parameters for a Commitment Control budget type:

    1. For a historical planning scenario, select History as the scenario type on the Scenario page that can be used as a seed/source for base budget and historical comparison scenarios. For a historical scenario type that uses a control budget ledger ID, you will need to select a transaction type (Trans Type).

      PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting uses the transaction type on the Scenario page to filter the data rows from the source commitment control ledger tables. Available transaction type options include original and final budget data. During the staging process, only those data rows associated with the selected transaction type are populated in the staging tables as you prepare for the model staging process.

      Note: The transaction type applies only to ledgers associated with the Commitment Control budget ledger when integrated with PeopleSoft Financial Management General Ledger.

      The calendar selected for each ledger in a scenario for which you want the system to enforce commitment control definitions determines the ruleset definitions used in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting. Planning and Budgeting supports a single calendar per defined scenario. Rulesets that do not use the selected calendar are not used in Planning and Budgeting. The rulesets and their related calendars apply only to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

    2. For the proposed planning type (a nonhistory scenario type), select the From and To budget period that represents the date range of your budgeting cycle on the Scenario page.

    3. On the Scenario Group page, select Controlled Budget Ledger as the budgeting type.

  3. Use the Activity and Activity Group pages in Planning and Budgeting to set up dimensions (ChartFields), trees, and members that are to be used in the Commitment Control budget type.

    The setIDs used for dimensions should be the same as those used by your commitment control rules from PeopleSoft General Ledger.

    Note: Using the same trees used by your commitment control rules is not necessary, but the dimension summarization defined for the activity scenario in the planning model should be consistent with the rules.

  4. Define a planning model.

    Using the Planning Model page, select the scenario group that you defined with the controlled budget ledger as the budgeting type.

  5. Using the Activity Scenario Line Item Defaults page, select the Enforce Budget check box next to each line item activity scenario for which you want the system to enforce the control budget rules.

    Note: The Enforce Budget check box is available only for line item activity types, because ledger ID is a required field when recognizing the control budget rules for validation.

  6. When the data staging process for the line item activity runs, the process will validate all ChartField (dimension) combinations against the control budget definitions that you mapped over from PeopleSoft General Ledger.

    Any rows that do not pass the validation against the control budget ruleset will still be staged but will be marked in error when they are inserted into the proposed control budget.

    After the budgeting process begins, a preparer who submits a line item budget to the next planning center level must correct any rows marked in error or delete them before submission; to do this, access the Dimension Error Corrections or Dimension Errors page.

    Note: When the row marked in error is from a child activity (such as that in an asset or position type), you will need to make the dimension corrections in the child activity.

Using Control Budget Rules

When developing data for a controlled budget ledger for PeopleSoft General Ledger, PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting uses rulesets to determine:

  • Valid ChartField values for each dimension.

  • Valid combinations of ChartFields and ChartField values.

  • Valid rulesets for calendars used for a ledger.

  • Account types and values excluded by the ruleset.

In the PeopleSoft Financial Management database using the Budget Definitions component, set up commitment control definitions—including the control ChartField, key ChartFields, and translation rules—for each commitment control ledger group. From this source, PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting uses the relevant records to enforce the control budget definitions.

Record in FMS

Data Entry Page


Control Budget Options


Ruleset ChartField


Ruleset ChartField


Keys and Translations


Control ChartField


Excluded Account Types


Excluded Account Types

Using Control Budget Options

For the PeopleSoft Financial Management database, the following field in the Control Budget Rules page applies for control budget types created in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting:

Using the Ruleset ChartField

When you create control budgets in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting, the following rules from the RuleSet ChartField page in General Ledger apply:

  • The ruleset ChartField and the associated ruleset definition, or group of ruleset definitions for a ledger group, are defined.

    A ruleset ChartField can have multiple ruleset definitions; however, they must be mutually exclusive and cannot overlap. Rulesets can also be defined using different tree levels.

  • When you select the tree used for the planning center ChartField (dimension) definition, PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting requires that all planning centers requiring a detailed budget are on the same level of the tree.

    In addition, a detail tree used for the planning center definition cannot have missing levels. The control budget definitions in PeopleSoft General Ledger must use a tree with the detail budget level on the same level as that used in Planning and Budgeting for the planning center tree. To meet this requirement, you may need to modify a new tree in Planning and Budgeting (such as create additional levels of approval).

    Note: When using the Control Budget definitions from PeopleSoft General Ledger, you must also move into the PeopleSoft EPM database any trees used by the ChartField rulesets.

Using Keys and Translations

When you create control budgets in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting, the following attributes from the Keys and Translations page in General Ledger apply:

If you selected the Enforce Budget check box on the Line Item Default page in the planning model, the system will refer to the PS_KK_KEY_CF record to determine some of the validation rules for the control budget.

See Understanding the Combination Data Validation Process.

When you run validations for control budgets in Planning and Budgeting, the following fields apply from the Keys and Translation page in Financial Management:

Single Calendar for Ledger for PeopleSoft Financial Management

The calendar defined for the scenario (within the scenario group definition) determines the rulesets used for validation that is associated with that scenario. Only those rulesets that use the same calendar as that defined for the scenario are valid.

For example, suppose that you define this scenario group:

Scenario Group: 2006 Controlled Budget

Scenario: 2006 Dept Control Budget, where Calendar is MN (month)

2006 Dept Control budget has these three rulesets associated with it:


Ruleset ChartField

Calendar ID

Default Ruleset













PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting considers as valid only those rulesets with a monthly calendar (MN). The ruleset Group3 is excluded from the control definition, and ChartField values of 70000–79999 are considered invalid. Optionally, you could define a second scenario that uses the quarterly (QT) calendar if planning and budgeting is required for Group3.

Using the Control ChartField

In PeopleSoft General Ledger, the Control ChartField page lets you specify tolerance exceptions entered on the Control Budget Options page.

If the budget data entered does not fall within the Range From and Range To values, it is considered invalid. PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting does not use any other options on this page.

To use all the control ChartField values, select the All Control Values check box.

Using Excluded Account Types

In PeopleSoft General Ledger, the Excluded Account Types page enables you to specify account types and account values that you want to be excluded from the budget.

The budget data entered in Planning and Budgeting should not include Account Type and Account values that are a part of the excluded rule, and would be considered invalid when used.

Exporting Control Budget Data

After you complete the planning and budgeting process, you can export the control budget data to PeopleSoft General Ledger. You do this by running the Export to General Ledger process, selecting the PeopleSoft General Ledger option to populate the staging table. Then, use the ETL tool to transfer the staged data to the corresponding staging table of the same name in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

When the data is exported to the General Ledger database, access this database and run the BPLEDGUPDATE process from the Import Budgeting Data page in the PeopleSoft General Ledger application to update the PS_LEDGER_BUDG_KK table located in the PeopleSoft General Ledger application.

Note: In PeopleSoft General Ledger, use the Allocation process to create budget journals and allocate the budget data in PS_LEDGER_BUDG_KK to the Commitment Control budget header and line tables (PS_KK_BUDGET_HDR and PS_KK_BUDGET_LN) and the Commitment Control ledger (PS_LEDGER_KK). You can also run the Commitment Control Posting process to edit and post the budget journals to PS_LEDGER_KK if you do not do so as part of the Allocation process.

The release of PeopleSoft Financial Management that you are using will determine the name of the allocation process (for example, GL_ALLOC in PeopleSoft General Ledger 8.4 and FS_ALLC in PeopleSoft General Ledger 8.8).

See your PeopleSoft Commitment Control Document for more information about using allocations and integration with Planning and Budgeting.

See Understanding Exporting General Ledger Budget Data from the Planning Model.