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Understanding Workflow Functionality

The system provides workflow for notifications of KPI assessments when they meet the threshold set in their associated target rules, and for approvals of scorecard comments and assessment overrides.

KPI assessment notification occurs during KPI and scorecard processing. The notification is based on the activities associated with an action that is assigned to a target rule. The activities are set up by using the Activity Definition page.

Workflow can also be used for approving comments and assessment overrides. You establish whether or not to use workflow on the KPI Options page.

KPI notification workflow sends emails to individuals or to a role (such as department managers). To send emails to a role, such as managers, a public query role is used. The delivered query, which is defined and ready to use within the workflow business process, is _BSC_ROLE_QUERY. For role usage, you must define the role and then associate the role with a user ID using PeopleSoft Security.

To set up roles:

  1. Navigate to select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select Permissions and Roles, then select Roles, then select General.

  2. Select the Members tab to assign members to a role.

  3. Select the Workflow tab.

    1. Set the Workflow Routing Options field to Use Query to Route Workflow.

    2. Set the Query Name field to _BSC_ROLE_QRY.

    3. Save the page.

For comments and approval workflow processing to work, the user profile must have a supervisor ID defined, and there must be an email address for the supervisor.

To review user profiles:

  1. Navigate to select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles, then select User Profiles, then select General.

  2. Click the Edit Email Address link to verify the email address for the user ID.

  3. Select the Workflow tab to verify that there is an email address for the Supervising User ID field.

See also PeopleTools: Security Administration, PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide, and PeopleTools: Workflow Technology.