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Setting Up Trees

This section provides an overview of Workforce Analytics trees and discusses how to:

Understanding Workforce Analytics Trees

Trees define hierarchical relationships for dimensions in Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). Trees add a visual layer to dimensions, helping you see where detail items (such as departments or job codes) fit into your organization's structure. Insight analysis templates in the HCM Warehouse use these hierarchical relationships to facilitate drilldown and roll-up through dimension data. The system also uses these trees to control and organize processing rules.

Warning! PeopleTools does not require you to use levels when creating trees. However, in EPM, the use of levels is required whenever a tree is referenced by the Insight analysis templates for the HCM Warehouse. Workforce Analytics trees provide a hierarchical roll-up structure for the system dimensions. If you don't use levels within your trees, the analysis templates cannot access the data in the data warehouse tables. For each of the trees discussed in this section, you must specify the use of levels on the Tree Definition Properties page, and you must define each level. The maximum number of tree levels that you can define for trees used with Insights is 16.

The following table defines some of the terms used in a subsequent table to summarize the main trees in Workforce Analytics.

Reviewing Trees Used in Workforce Analytics

The following table lists the trees that you may need to set up for the various workforce analytic applications. The last column uses these abbreviations:

Tree Structure ID/ Tree Name/ Dimension Name

Use Sample with SetID of

Tree Category (SHARE or WA)

Workforce Analytics Application





CMP_WA02 / COMPCODE / Compensation Code







PWDP (optional)

DEPT ID / DEPARTMENT / (Financials-Related) Department




FIN_WA05 / FINCODE / Financial Size




GE0_WA03 / GEOGRAPHY / Geography




PWDP (optional)

ORG_WA07 / ORG/DEPT_SECURITY / Organization (or Department)




PWDP (optional)

IND_WA04 / INDUSTRY / Industry Type




JOB_WA01 / JOBCODE / Job Code




POS_WA08 / POSITION / Position




UNT_WA06 / UNITCODE / Unit Size




Note: Before you begin building your trees, you can load the dimension data needed to build the trees. You can load the remainder of the dimension data later. Before you load any dimension data into your system, Oracle strongly recommends that you read the remainder of this topic and the topic in this documentation entitled "Importing External Survey Data into Data Warehouse Tables."

Note: If your implementation includes HCM MDW, depending on the reporting tool that you choose, you may need to flatten the PeopleSoft dimension trees before processing them. Consult your system's implementation team.

Setting Up the Account Tree

This tree provides structure for the WFA account (Workforce Analytics account) dimension for general ledger roll-up and drilldown.

It is a standard tree, meaning that it has leaves, or details. You can expand the number of levels of nodes and add nodes, and you can change and add details as needed to suit the revenue and expense account structure for your organization.

Setting Up the Compensation Code Tree

This tree provides structure for the compensation code dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of CMP_WA02. All earnings codes, deduction codes, benefits plan types, and pay item name codes from your source data must map to a compensation code if you plan to include them in your analysis.

It is a winter tree, meaning that it has nodes, but no details. The Model version of the tree has the minimum number of levels and the necessary nodes required for the system to aggregate your compensation data properly. The delivered nodes must be used for data to be correctly interpreted by the system.

You can add lower levels of nodes and add nodes to the existing levels as needed to suit the needs of your organization. To add nodes, you use the Compensation Code page (COMPCODE_D00).

On the COMPCODE tree, all regular base pay plans should point to or roll up into the tree node 600 Regular Base Compensation. Overtime earnings codes should point to or roll up into the 610 Premium Base Compensation tree node. Similarly, all health benefit plans should point to or roll up into the 550 Medical tree node, under the 450 Health & Welfare Benefits tree node.

Later in the setup process, you use the compensation mapping pages to map your earnings codes and deduction codes to these compensation codes.

Setting Up the Competency Tree

This tree provides structure for the competency dimension, that is, you can use it to provide a hierarchical structure for competency groupings. The competency tree is used in Workforce Planning, although its use is optional. If you choose to use a competency tree, then you must use tree structure WA_COMPETENCY. Use the sample tree that Oracle delivers (tree structure WA_COMPETENCY, tree name WP_COMPETENCY) as an example. The nodes are competencies and no details are available. Note that this is not exactly the same as the HRMS competency tree, which has nodes that are competency types and details that are competencies.

Setting Up the Financials-Related Department Tree

This tree provides structure for the financials-related department dimension. The system uses this tree to roll up account data through the accounting relationship for your departments.

It is a standard tree, meaning that it has leaves, or details. You can expand the number of levels of nodes and add nodes, and change and add details as needed to suit the financial roll-up structure of the departments in your company.

The details, or leaves, for the DEPARTMENT tree come from the DEPARTMENT_TBL.DEPTID field. Either you import, using ETL, the department IDs that populate the DEPARTMENT_TBL table, or you add or change departments using the Department Table page.

Setting Up the FINCODE Tree

This tree provides a hierarchical structure for the financial size dimension. This tree is used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use financial codes to define the relative financial size of an organization, categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of FIN_WA05.

It is a winter tree, meaning that it has no leaves, or details. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to financial categories appropriate for your industry. Use the WA_FINCODE_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree.

Setting Up the Geography Tree

This tree provides structure for the geography dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of GE0_WA03. All locations (from the location table) for your internal source data must map to, and roll up to, a geography ID (identification) code.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details.

Review all of your locations in your internal source data, and determine the GEOGRAPHY tree nodes (geography ID codes) that you want them to map to. Then use the Geography page to create the Geography ID codes used for the nodes of the tree.

After you've created a GEOGRAPHY tree, map all of your location codes to nodes on this tree. You can import your locations into the LOCATION_D00 table, or add or change locations using the Locations page. Later in the setup process, you use the WA_LOCATION_MAP page to map your locations to these geography ID codes.

Setting Up the Organization (Department) Tree

This tree provides structure for the organizationally related department dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of ORG_WA07. In this structure, your departments are tied to their organizational reporting hierarchy. The system uses this tree to roll up departmental-level data, such as compensation data for employees within departments. A secondary purpose of this tree is to provide a reference for setting up row-level employee security.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no details, or leaves. It uses the departments from the department table (DEPARTMENT_TBL) for its nodes.

Note: If your implementation includes row-level security at the employee level, based on JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00, then first load the JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00 tables before setting up security.

Setting Up the INDUSTRY Tree

This tree provides structure to the industry type dimension. Industry codes are used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use industry codes to define the industry that an organization is in, categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of IND_WA04. Use the WA_INDUSTRY_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree, called industry ID codes. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to industries that are more appropriate for your organization.

Setting Up the JOBCODE Tree

This tree provides structure for the job code dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of JOB_WA01. The JOBCODE tree must have at least two levels. The highest level is for all job codes. The next level down is for logical groupings of job codes into tree nodes called job code sets. The leaves of the job code set nodes are the individual job codes.

This is a standard tree, meaning it has details, or leaves.

You use the Job Code Set page to create the nodes for the tree. A job code set is a group of related job codes, or any node on the JOBCODE tree. Most nodes are only labels to define relationships. The real meaning is in the details of the tree, which are the job codes grouped together under that node. You either import your job codes to the JOBCODE_D00 table using ETL, or view and edit job codes using the Job Code page.

Setting Up the Position Tree

This tree provides structure for the position dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of POS_WA08. You import position data into the POSITION_D00 table. You can use the POSITION_D00 page to access these positions and use them for the nodes for the tree.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no details, or leaves. It uses the positions from the position table (POSITION_D00) for its nodes.

Setting Up the UNITCODE Tree

This tree provides structure for the unit size dimension. Unit codes are used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use unit codes to define the relative size of an organization (using a criteria other than a financial one), categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of UNT_WA06. You use the WA_UNITCODE_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree, called unit codes. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to a unit of measure that is more appropriate for your industry.

Defining Which Trees the System Uses

After you have set up trees for Workforce Analytics, use the Workforce Analytics, Workforce Setup, Setup Workforce Trees page to define which versions of the trees the system uses. The page is discussed in detail in the topic titled "Importing External Survey Data to Data Warehouse Tables."