11 Troubleshooting

This chapter includes information to help you troubleshoot the LTFS-LE system. The following topics are included:

Volume Processing Failure Due to File System Check Timeout

During library discovery, LTFS-LE processes each volume. As part of this process, LTFS-LE performs a file system check.

In certain instances, a volume may not be processed due to a file system check timeout. This is indicated in the Recent Events pane displayed in the LTFS-LE BUI Dashboard page, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 11-1 File System Check Timeout

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 11-1 File System Check Timeout''

As shown in Figure 11-1, the file system check for volume F52268 failed due to an auto processing event lasting more than two hours.

This is indicated by the following event entries near the top of the display:

Volume F52268 auto processing complete.
Dismount File System for Volume F52268 failed.
Check the system for volume F52268 failed.
Dismount File System for Volume F52268 failed.

When this condition occurs, perform the following steps to re-process the volume:

  1. Log into the LTFS-LE server and issue the following command to check whether the file system check (ltfsck) command is still running:

    [root@ltfssrv LTFS_LE_TUTILS]# ps -elf | grep ltfsck

    Example output:

    0 S root     30029 29971  0  78   0 - 16485 wait   13:12 pts/12   00:00:00 sh -c /usr/local/bin/ltfsck  -e orcltape /dev/st0 2>&1
    4 S root     30030 30029  0  75   0 - 12804 sg_ioc 13:12 pts/12   00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/ltfsck -e orcltape /dev/st0
    0 S root     30032 28601  0  78   0 - 15293 pipe_w 13:13 pts/18   00:00:00 grep ltfsck
  2. Once you confirm that there is no ltfsck process running, use ACSLS to dismount the volume.

  3. Once the volume is successfully dismounted from ACSLS, use the LTFS-LE BUI to eject the volume. See "Ejecting Volumes".

  4. Once the volume is successfully ejected, transfer the volume to a standalone server with LTFS Open Edition (LTFS-OE) installed.

  5. Issue one of the following file system check (ltfsck) commands to perform a manual file system check for the drive that has mounted the volume:

    /usr/local/bin/ltfsck –e orcltape /dev/st?
    /usr/local/bin/ltfsck –e ibmtape /dev/IBMTape?
    /usr/local/bin/ltfsck –e ltotape /dev/st?

    Substitute the actual drive identifier for st? or IBMTape?.

    Refer to the LTFS Open Edition Readme for a list of available command options.

  6. Once the ltfsck command succeeds, you may re-introduce the volume into the library. See "Entering Volumes Using ACSLS".

  7. Wait for LTFS-LE auto-processing to complete to begin using the volume.

Log Rotation and Orphan Logs

As with any normally functioning software system, LTFS-LE generates logging information that is persisted in the internal drives.

LTFS-LE utilizes standard Linux log rotating functionality to maintain disk usage at a manageable size while providing up to date information to help the service representative debug an issue. Once logs reach a certain size, they are rotated and old logs are purged.

To further manage disk space, the service representative may choose to change the number of logs retained in the system. This may result in old orphan logs being retained, but not rotated. In this situation, it is recommended that the service representative manually remove the orphan logs. These logs are identified by dated timestamps, and are larger than the new log rotate value.

Handling Unavailable Volumes

When a volume appears "greyed out" on the LTFS-LE BUI Manage Volumes page, this indicates that this volume is unavailable.

The following figure shows the LTFS-LE BUI Manage Volumes page, with the highlighted volume (ISR932) greyed-out.

Figure 11-2 Unavailable Volume

Surrounding text describes Figure 11-2 .

This condition can occur for the following reasons:

  • A user opens the library and physically removes volume media. When the library is either manually or automatically rediscovered, LTFS-LE is out of sync with ACSLS. LTFS-LE marks the removed volume as unavailable in its database, and the volume is greyed out in the LTFS-LE BUI.

  • LTFS-LE software cannot resolve errors on a tape or tape drive. The volume is left in the drive, but LTFS-LE marks the volume as unavailable in its database, and the volume is greyed out in the LTFS-LE BUI.

In both cases, an error message is displayed in the LTFS-LE Dashboard, indicating that manual intervention is required to correct the problem.

If this condition occurs, perform the following steps to remove the volume from the LTFSLE database:

  1. From the Manage Volumes page in the LTFSLE BUI, record the Volume Serial Number for the unavailable volume that is greyed out.

  2. Log in to the LTFSLE server as the root user.

  3. Issue the following command to navigate to the LTFS-LE bin directory:

    # cd /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin

  4. Issue the following command to run the LTFS-LE CLI tool:

    # java -jar LTFSLE_FixTool.jar

    Command List.                                                                      
           1. chgdrvpendingsta command.                                                
                   Usage: chgdrvpendingsta <Drive serial number>                       
                   Example 1: chgdrvpendingsta 576001000419                            
                   Example 2: chgdrvpendingsta 576001000421                            
           2. delunavailablevol command.                                               
                   Usage: delunavailablevol <Volume serial number>                     
                   Example 1: delunavailablevol ISR401                                 
                   Example 2: delunavailablevol ISR402                                 
           3. quit.                                                                    
  5. Run the delunavailablevol command on the Volume that is grayed out, supplying the Volume Serial Number you recorded in step 1.

    For example:

    ltfs> delunavailablevol ISR213                                                     
    Unavailable volume <ISR213> is deleted successfully!                               
  6. Issue the following command to quit the LTFS-LE CLI Tool:

    ltfs> quit

  7. Issue the following command to stop LTFS-LE services:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -t

  8. Issue the following series of commands to check whether the back end LTFS file system is still mounted, and then dismount all file systems. Wait until the LTFS process completes.

    # mount | grep -i LTFS_LE

    # dismount -f <LTFS mount point>

    # ps -elf | grep "/usr/local/bin/ltfs"

  9. Issue the following series of commands to identify drives with mounted volumes, and rewind and unlock the volumes:

    # sg_inq /dev/st?

    # mt -f /dev/st? rewind

    # mt -f /dev/st? unlock

  10. Use the file system check (ltfsck) command to repair the volume's file system. Refer to the LTFS Open Edition Readme for a list of available command options.

    If this action fails, issue the ltfsck command from a standalone system with LTFS Open Edition software installed.

  11. Using ACSLS, manually remove the volume from the drive and eject it from the library. Use the Force option.

  12. Issue the following command to restart LTFS-LE services:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -s

  13. Issue the following command to ensure that all LTFS-LE services are running:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -i

  14. Re-enter the volume with the repaired file system into the library.

Handling Drives in Pending State

When you want to place all drives of a specific type (for example, all T10000C drives) offline, it is important to first place all media of that type offline. Otherwise, the last drive matching that drive type may remain in an Availability "Pending" state on the Manage Drives page in the LTFS-LE BUI, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 11-3 Drive in Pending State

Surrounding text describes Figure 11-3 .

As shown in Figure 11-3, the highlighted drive (579001000425) displays a "Pending" Availability state, and cannot be used.

If this condition occurs, perform the following steps to clear the drive from the "Pending" state:

  1. From the Manage Drives page in the LTFSLE BUI, record the drive serial number for the drive that is in a "Pending" state.

  2. Log in to the LTFSLE server as the root user.

  3. Issue the following command to navigate to the LTFS-LE bin directory:

    # cd /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin

  4. Issue the following command to run the LTFS-LE CLI tool:

    # java -jar LTFSLE_FixTool.jar

    Command List.                                                                      
           1. chgdrvpendingsta command.                                                
                   Usage: chgdrvpendingsta <Drive serial number>                       
                   Example 1: chgdrvpendingsta 576001000419                            
                   Example 2: chgdrvpendingsta 576001000421                            
           2. delunavailablevol command.                                               
                   Usage: delunavailablevol <Volume serial number>                     
                   Example 1: delunavailablevol ISR401                                 
                   Example 2: delunavailablevol ISR402                                 
           3. quit.                                                                    
  5. Run the chgdrvpendingsta command on the drive that is a "Pending" state, supplying the serial number you recorded in step 1.

    For example:

    ltfs> chgdrvpendingsta HU1104ETMM
    Drive Status was set to Offline state if previous state is Pending.(Current        @ Status is Offline.)
  6. Issue the following command to quit the LTFS-LE CLI Tool:

    ltfs> quit

  7. Issue the following command to stop LTFS-LE services:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -t

  8. Issue the following command to restart LTFS-LE services:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -s

Linux Commands and Utilities

The following Linux commands and utilities may be useful when troubleshooting LTFS-LE server issues.

Managing LTFS-LE Services

Issue the following command to start, stop, or disable LTFS-LE services, or to display information about LTFS-LE services:


/var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices [-h] [-s] [-t] [-i] [-r] [-a] [-d] [-l]

-h displays this (help) message

-s starts LTFS-LE services

-t terminates/stops/shuts down LTFS-LE services

-i displays information/status LTFS-LE services

-r is reserved for future services use

-a adds an LTFS-LE service

-d deletes/disables an LTFS-LE service

-l lists service by name in start order

Sample Output

The following is sample output of this command with the -i option specified:

Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Beginning Management of LTFS-LE Services...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE MySQL Replication Master: LTFS-LE MySQL Replication Master instance is up and running, pid=6225...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE MySQL Replication Slave: LTFS-LE MySQL Replication Slave instance is up and running, pid=6282...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Global Namespace Service: INFO: LTFS-LE Global Namespace Service filesystem is mounted and available, filesystem(s)=/mnt/LTFS_LE/metadata on /LTFSLE type LTFS_LE (rw,dir=/mnt/LTFS_LE/metadata/,debug=1)...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Weblogic Application Server: INFO: LTFS-LE Weblogic Server process is up and running, pid(s)=6496...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Backup Service: LTFS-LE Backup Service instance is up and running, pid=6763...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Tape Automation Service: INFO: LTFS-LE Tape Automation Main Service process is up and running, pid(s)=6977...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Tape Monitor Service: LTFS-LE Tape Automation Monitor Service process is up and running, pid(s)=7014...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE JMS Utils Service: INFO: LTFS-LE JMS Tape Utils Service process is up and running, pid(s)=7114...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Statusing LTFS-LE Comm Service: INFO: LTFS-LE Comm Service process is up and running, pid(s)=7249...
Wed Jul 17 17:18:56 MDT 2013 - INFO: Finishing Management of LTFS-LE Services...

Terminating LTFS-LE Services Prior to Server Reboot

Before rebooting the LTFS-LE server, use the following commands to gracefully shut down LTFS-LE services.

  1. Issue the following command to stop LTFS-LE services:

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -t

  2. Issue the following command to confirm that LTFS-LE has shut down without error (no "manual intervention" messages):

    # /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE/bin/manageLtfsleServices -i

    If the manageLtfsleServices command has not completed without error and the -i information option does not indicate "Not running" for all services, then you must manually interrogate LTFS-LE and ACSLS to determine whether any tapes remain loaded in the tape drives.

  3. Once you confirm that LTFS-LE services have successfully terminated and that all volumes are in their home slots (via ACSLS), it is safe to reboot the server.

Listing Drives on the Linux System

Issue the following commands to obtain drive information, including vendor, model, device path, and firmware version:


# lsscsi -g | grep tape

Sample Output

[7:0:0:0]    tape    STK      T10000C          1.57  /dev/st0  /dev/sg2
[7:0:1:0]    tape    STK      T10000C          1.57  /dev/st1  /dev/sg3
[7:0:2:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   I3CS  /dev/st2  /dev/sg4
[7:0:3:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   I59S  /dev/st3  /dev/sg5
[7:0:4:0]    tape    IBM      ULTRIUM-TD5      B173  -         /dev/sg6
[7:0:5:0]    tape    IBM      ULTRIUM-TD5      BBN2  -         /dev/sg7
[7:0:6:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   I59S  /dev/st4  /dev/sg8
[7:0:7:0]    tape    IBM      ULTRIUM-TD5      BBN2  -         /dev/sg9
[7:0:8:0]    tape    STK      T10000D          406.  /dev/st5  /dev/sg10
[7:0:9:0]    tape    STK      T10000D          406.  /dev/st6  /dev/sg11


# cat /proc/scsi/scsi

Sample Output

Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST973402SSUN72G  Rev: 0603
  Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST973402SSUN72G  Rev: 0603
  Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: STK      Model: T10000C          Rev: 1.57
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
  Vendor: STK      Model: T10000C          Rev: 1.57
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP       Model: Ultrium 5-SCSI   Rev: I3CS
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 03 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP       Model: Ultrium 5-SCSI   Rev: I59S
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: IBM      Model: ULTRIUM-TD5      Rev: B173
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
  Vendor: IBM      Model: ULTRIUM-TD5      Rev: BBN2
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP       Model: Ultrium 5-SCSI   Rev: I59S
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 07 Lun: 00
  Vendor: IBM      Model: ULTRIUM-TD5      Rev: BBN2
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 06
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 08 Lun: 00
  Vendor: STK      Model: T10000D          Rev: 406.
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi7 Channel: 00 Id: 09 Lun: 00
  Vendor: STK      Model: T10000D          Rev: 406.
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 05

Listing IBM Tape Devices

Issue the following command to list IBM tape device numbers and driver versions:


# cat /proc/scsi/IBMtape

Sample Output

lin_tape version: 1.76.0
lin_tape major number: 252
Attached Tape Devices:
Number  model       SN                HBA             SCSI           FO Path
0       ULTRIUM-TD5 1068008446        lpfc            7:0:4:0        NA
1       ULTRIUM-TD5 9068800738        lpfc            7:0:5:0        NA
2       ULTRIUM-TD5 9068800775        lpfc            7:0:7:0        NA

Determining Drive Communications

Issue this command to determine whether a drive is communicating. The drive serial number is also returned.


# sg_inq /dev/sg3

Sample Output

standard INQUIRY:
  PQual=0  Device_type=1  RMB=1  version=0x05  [SPC-3]
  [AERC=0]  [TrmTsk=0]  NormACA=0  HiSUP=0  Resp_data_format=2
  SCCS=0  ACC=0  TPGS=1  3PC=0  Protect=1  BQue=0
  EncServ=0  MultiP=1 (VS=0)  [MChngr=0]  [ACKREQQ=0]  Addr16=0
  [RelAdr=0]  WBus16=0  Sync=0  Linked=0  [TranDis=0]  CmdQue=0
  [SPI: Clocking=0x0  QAS=0  IUS=0]
    length=74 (0x4a)   Peripheral device type: tape
 Vendor identification: STK
 Product identification: T10000C
 Product revision level: 1.57
 Unit serial number: 576001000504

Displaying Drive Status

Issue this command to obtain current drive status details.


# mt -f /dev/st2 status

Sample Output

SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x4c (no translation).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (41010000):

Viewing LTFS-LE Error Messages

Issue this command to search for LTFS-LE error messages.


# view /var/log/messages

Sample Output

Search for "LTFS" and "ltfs"

Listing LTFS-LE Drive Dumps

LTFS-LE drive dumps are located in /var/log.


# ls /var/log/ltfs*

Sample Output

# ls /var/log/ltfs*
/var/log/ltfs_20130522_063813_HU1246T79Y.ltd  /var/log/ltfs_20130610_094800_HU1246T79Y.ltd
/var/log/ltfs_20130522_083536_HU1246T79Y.ltd  /var/log/ltfs_20130610_094828_HU1246T7B4.ltd
/var/log/ltfs_20130522_093815_HU1246T79Y.ltd  /var/log/ltfs_20130610_144131_HU19477N8F.ltd
/var/log/ltfs_20130523_114650_HU1246T7B4.ltd  /var/log/ltfs_2013_0610_144600.dmp
/var/log/ltfs_20130523_114917_HU1246T7B4.ltd  /var/log/ltfs_2013_0610_144600_f.dmp

Obtaining Detailed SCSI Traces in /var/log/messages

Issue this series of commands to obtain SCSI traces.

Commands and Sample Output

Display current level:

# sysctl dev.scsi.logging_level
dev.scsi.logging_level = 0

If not level 128, enable level 128:

# sysctl -w dev.scsi.logging_level=128
dev.scsi.logging_level = 128

For very detailed scsi logging for short periods of time, enable level -1:

# sysctl -w dev.scsi.logging_level=-1
dev.scsi.logging_level = -1

Log output will be in /var/log/messages.

Displaying Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) Version

Issue this command to display information about the OEL version currently running.


# uname -a && cat /etc/*release

Sample Output

Linux busch.central.sun.com 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:39 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)

Displaying Detailed Drive and Media Status

Issue this command to display detailed drive and media status details.


# tapeinfo -f /dev/sg2

Sample Output

Product Type: Tape Drive
        Vendor ID: 'HP      '
        Product ID: 'Ultrium 5-SCSI  '
        Revision: 'I59S'
        Attached Changer: No
        SerialNumber: 'HU19477N8F'
        SCSI ID: 0
        SCSI LUN: 0
        Ready: yes
        BufferedMode: yes
        Medium Type: Not Loaded
        Density Code: 0x58
        BlockSize: 0
        DataCompEnabled: yes
        DataCompCapable: yes
        DataDeCompEnabled: yes
        CompType: 0x1
        DeCompType: 0x1
        BOP: yes
        Block Position: 0

Displaying Mounted File Systems

Issue this command to display file system information, along with used space and available space.


# df

Sample Output

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     525579536  18681380 479769532   4% /
/dev/sda1               988088     29736    907348   4% /boot
tmpfs                 12265656         0  12265656   0% /dev/shm
                     525579536  18681380 479769532   4% /LTFSLE
ltfs                 4383036416         0 4383036416   0% /mnt/LTFS_LE/objects/loss_576004000641


The file system labeled ltfs is mounted on the drive with serial number 576004000641.
# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
/mnt/LTFS_LE/metadata on /LTFSLE type LTFS_LE (rw,dir=/mnt/LTFS_LE/metadata/,debug=1)
ltfs on /mnt/LTFS_LE/objects/loss_HU19477NE4 type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,default_permissions,allow_other)
ltfs on /mnt/LTFS_LE/objects/loss_576004000641 type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,default_permissions,allow_other)

Listing Processes with Open Files

Issue this command to determine which processes currently have files open on a file system.


# lsof /mnt/LTFS_LE/objects/loss_576004000641

Sample Output

vi      21155 root    3u   REG   0,23    12288    7 /mnt/LTFS_LE/objects/loss_576004000641/.mjg.swp

Displaying the LTFS Open Edition (LTFS-OE) Version

Issue this command to display the LTFS-OE version that is currently running.


# ltfs -V

Sample Output

LTFS version 2.0.0 (20130108_orcl)
LTFS Format Specification version 2.0.0
# rpm -q ltfs

Determining the Cause of a Unit Attention on a Drive

Issue this command when a unit attention occurs on a drive.


# sg_turs -v /dev/sg5

Sample Output

        test unit ready cdb: 00 00 00 00 00 00
    test unit ready:  Fixed format, current;  Sense key: Unit Attention
     Additional sense: Import or export element accessed
    Completed 1 Test Unit Ready commands with 1 errors
# sg_logs --verbose /dev/sg5
        inquiry cdb: 12 00 00 00 24 00
       STK       SL150             0182
       log sense cdb: 4d 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
       log sense cdb: 4d 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 08 00
       log sense: requested 8 bytes but got 7 bytes
    Supported log pages:
       0x00        Supported log pages
       0x07        Last n error events
       0x2e        TapeAlert (smc-3)

Displaying Additional Log Details

To get all bytes, add -H to the sg_logs command.


# sg_logs --all /dev/sg5

Sample Output

STK       T10000C           1.57
Supported log pages:
    0x00        Supported log pages
    0x02        Error counters (write)
    0x03        Error counters (read)
    0x06        Non-medium errors
    0x0c        Sequential access device (ssc-2)
    0x17        ??
    0x2e        TapeAlert (ssc-2)
    0x31        [unknown vendor specific page code]
    0x3b        [unknown vendor specific page code]
    0x3c        [unknown vendor specific page code]
Write error counter page
  Errors corrected without substantial delay = 0
  Errors corrected with possible delays = 0
  Total rewrites or rereads = 0
  Total errors corrected = 0
  Total times correction algorithm processed = 0
  Total bytes processed = 2929
  Total uncorrected errors = 0
Read error counter page
  Errors corrected without substantial delay = 0
  Errors corrected with possible delays = 0
  Total rewrites or rereads = 0
  Total errors corrected = 0
  Total times correction algorithm processed = 0
  Total bytes processed = 3875
  Total uncorrected errors = 0

Non-medium error page
  Non-medium error count = 0
Sequential access device page (ssc-3)
  Data bytes received with WRITE commands: 0 GB
  Data bytes written to media by WRITE commands: 0 GB
  Data bytes read from media by READ commands: 0 GB
  Data bytes transferred by READ commands: 0 GB
  Cleaning action not required (or completed)
  Vendor specific parameter [0x8000] value: 2257920
No ascii information for page = 0x17, here is hex:
 00     17 00 00 14 02 03 43 10  07 00 00 00 00 00 00 7a
 10     07 00 00 01 00 00 00 01

Tape alert page (ssc-3) [0x2e]
  Read warning: 0
  Write warning: 0
  Hard error: 0
  Media: 0
  Read failure: 0
  Write failure: 0
  Media life: 0
  Not data grade: 0
  Write protect: 0
  No removal: 0
  Cleaning media: 0
  Unsupported format: 0
  Recoverable mechanical cartridge failure: 0
  Unrecoverable mechanical cartridge failure: 0
  Memory chip in cartridge failure: 0
  Forced eject: 0
  Read only format: 0
Tape directory corrupted on load: 0
  Nearing media life: 0
  Cleaning required: 0
  Cleaning requested: 0
  Expired cleaning media: 0
  Invalid cleaning tape: 0
  Retension requested: 0
  Dual port interface error: 0
  Cooling fan failing: 0
  Power supply failure: 0
  Power consumption: 0
  Drive maintenance: 0
  Hardware A: 0
  Hardware B: 0
  Interface: 0
  Eject media: 0
  Microcode update fail: 0
  Drive humidity: 0
  Drive temperature: 0
  Drive voltage: 0
  Predictive failure: 0
  Diagnostics required: 0
  Obsolete (28h): 0
  Obsolete (29h): 0
  Obsolete (2Ah): 0
  Obsolete (2Bh): 0
  Obsolete (2Ch): 0
  Obsolete (2Dh): 0
  Obsolete (2Eh): 0
  Reserved (2Fh): 0
  Reserved (30h): 0
  Reserved (31h): 0
  Lost statistics: 0
  Tape directory invalid at unload: 0
  Tape system area write failure: 0
  Tape system area read failure: 0
  No start of data: 0
  Loading failure: 0
  Unrecoverable unload failure: 0
  Automation interface failure: 0
  Firmware failure: 0
  WORM medium - integrity check failed: 0
  WORM medium - overwrite attempted: 0
  Reserved parameter code 0x3d, flag: 0
  Reserved parameter code 0x3e, flag: 0
  Reserved parameter code 0x3f, flag: 0
  Reserved parameter code 0x40, flag: 0
No ascii information for page = 0x31, here is hex:
 00     31 00 00 20 00 01 c0 04  00 00 22 74 00 02 c0 04
 10     00 41 4f f5 00 03 c0 04  00 00 22 e7 00 04 c0 04
 20     00 41 4f f5
No ascii information for page = 0x3b, here is hex:
 00     3b 00 02 c8 01 00 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 01 74 04
 10     00 00 00 00 01 02 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 03 74 04
 20     00 00 00 00 01 04 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 05 74 04
 30     00 00 00 00 01 10 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 11 74 04
 .....  [truncated after 64 of 716 bytes (use '-H' to see the rest)]
No ascii information for page = 0x3c, here is hex:
 00     3c 00 0b e4 01 00 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 01 74 04
 10     00 00 00 00 01 02 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 03 74 04
 20     00 00 00 00 01 04 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 05 74 04
 30     00 00 00 00 01 06 74 04  00 00 00 00 01 07 74 04
 .....  [truncated after 64 of 3048 bytes (use '-H' to see the rest)]