Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Managing Analytic Batch Reports >

Creating Analytic Batch Reports

This use case lets users schedule reports to run in a single occurrence or generate a reports regularly over a period of time. Users can choose the reporting period, when to run the reports, the download file formats, and whether to share the reports with other users with the same hierarchy privileges.

Table 42 lists and describes the use case functions.

Table 42. Creating Batch Reports


Creating Analytic Batch Reports

Primary User

B2B and B2C users.


The user navigates to the Analytics tab in either a billing or business hierarchy, selects a standard or custom report, then clicks Batch Request.

Active Hyperlinks (Breadcrumbs)

  • Analytics. Displays the standard reports for either billing or business.
  • Billing Reports or Business Reports. Displays the standard reports for billing or the standard reports for business for the selected hierarchy.
  • Batch Request. Displays the Create Batch Report screen.

Page Titles

Page Titles

  • Create Batch Report
  • Confirm Batch Report


Create Batch Report page:

  • Batch Report Name. The user enters a report name.
  • Share With Others. Clicking this option lets users share the report with others who have privileges for the hierarchy.
  • Select Report Options:
    • Period Range. The user selects the range of billing periods to report on.
      • From. The options for the start of the range are: Prior (default), Latest, or a particular billing period.
      • To. The options for the end of the range are: Latest (default) or a particular billing period.
    • Chart Type. The user selects the chart type for the report: Bar (Default) or Pie.
  • Select Download File Types. The user can choose to generate the report in HTML, CSV, XML, and PDF (if available) file formats.
  • Select Report Generation Date:
    • Single occurrence. A one-time report (default).
    • Select Day of the Week to Run Weekly. The user selects the day of the week.
    • Select Day of the Week to Run Bi-weekly. The user selects the day of the week.
    • Schedule a Specific Day Within the Month. The user selects a day of the month, from the 1st to the 31st. If the user selects a day that does not appear in a month, then the report generates on the last day of the month.

Prompts, continued

  • Select Effective Period (If not a single occurrence report)
    • Until canceled. The report will continue to generate until the user changes the schedule.
    • Set Maximum Number of Times to Run Report. The user specifies a number.
    • Until Date. The user enters a date or selects one from the popup calendar.

Confirm Batch Report page: None

Page Content

Create Batch Report page:

  • Attributes:
    • Report Details:
      • Company Name
      • Hierarchy Name or Group Name
      • Position
      • Report Name
  • Buttons:
    • Next. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing performs a verification check on the form data and displays the Confirm Batch Report page.
    • Back. This button displays the selected report.

Confirm Batch Report page:

  • Attributes:
    • Report Details:
      • Company Name
      • Hierarchy Name or Group Name
      • Position
      • Report Name

Page Content, continued

    • Selected Report Options
      • Batch Report Name
      • Marked for (Private or Public)
      • Period Range
      • Chart Type
      • File Type Options
      • Generation Date
      • Effective Period (If not a single occurrence report)
  • Buttons:
    • Submit. This button submits the batch report request and displays the Scheduled Billing Reports page.
    • Cancel. This button cancels the batch request and redisplays the selected report.
    • Printer Friendly. This button displays print view of the report request.

Configuration Points


Business Rules

  • The current B2B hierarchical position context is used for reporting criteria.
  • The current bill period range (single period) is used as the default criteria.

Main Path for Creating Batch Reports

The following path describes the creating batch reports use case:

  1. The user clicks the Analytics tab, clicks the link for a standard (or custom) billing report, then clicks the Batch Request tab.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Create Batch Report page.

  2. The user specifies a report name in the Batch Report Name field.
  3. The user clicks or leaves blank the Share With Others option.

    This option lets users share the report with others who have the hierarchy privileges.

  4. The user selects the to and from billing-period ranges.
  5. The user selects the chart type.
  6. The user selects the download file types.
  7. The user specifies the report generation date.
  8. If this is not a single occurrence report, then the user selects the effective period.
  9. The user clicks Next.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validates the information on the form and displays the Confirm Batch Report screen.

  10. The user verifies the information on the Confirm Batch Report screen and clicks Submit.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Scheduled Billing Reports page showing the newly scheduled report.

Alternate Paths for Creating Batch Reports

There are alternate paths for this use case.

The User Clicks Cancel at the Confirm Batch Report Screen

The user clicks the Cancel button at the Confirm Batch Report screen; Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the selected report.

Exceptions for Creating Batch Reports

Exceptions can occur in this use case.

The Form is Incomplete

The user does not fill out all of the options within the form.

The User Encounters an Error

The user encounters a system error.

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