Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Hierarchy Administration >

Copying a Hierarchy

A user can use this use case to copy an entire hierarchy to create a new hierarchy. Table 76 lists and describes the use case functions.

Table 76. Copy a Hierarchy


Copying a Hierarchy


Business administrator user and manager user


The user selects the Administration tab, and then the Copy subtab.

Business Rules

  • Only non-billing hierarchies or groups can be copied and can only be copied into a new hierarchy.
  • A Hierarchy need not be published in order to use the Copy function.

Main Path for Copying a Hierarchy

The following path describes the Copy a Hierarchy use case:

1 The user selects the Administration tab.
  1. The user selects the Copy subtab.
  2. The user selects a hierarchy to be copied from the Hierarchy Drop down.
  3. The user clicks Submit.
  4. The user specifies new name for the hierarchy to be copied and clicks Submit.
  5. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing confirms that the hierarchy name does not already exist. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validation passes.
  6. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing creates a new hierarchy with a status of Unpublished.
  7. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing returns the success page. It also displays the following information:
    • Top pane: The hierarchy search criteria is prepopulated with copied hierarchy information.
    • Left pane: The tree view shows the copied hierarchy as the top node.
    • Right pane: The details tab is hard-coded with information entered by user for the copied hierarchy.

Alternate Paths for Copying a Hierarchy

Alternate paths can occur in this use case.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Invokes the Reset Use Case

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays following message: Hierarchy Name already exists.


Exceptions can occur in this use case.

The User Encounters a Validation Error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the validation error message use case.

The User Encounters a Server System Error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the error message use case.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.