Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Customer Service Representative Use Cases >

Viewing the Account Lockout Report

This use case lets the CSR view a report showing accounts that have been locked out of Oracle Self-Service E-Billing or reactivated. The CSR can choose to view a report showing one of the following:

  • Locked out customer accounts
  • Locked out customer service representatives
  • Customer and CSR users reactivated after lockout

Table 60 lists and describes the Viewing the Account Lockout Report use case functions.

Table 60. Viewing the Account Lockout Report


Viewing the Account Lockout Report

Feature Area

Login and Authentication


CSR administrator


The CSR administrative user logs in and clicks the Reports (New) link next to My Profile.


The CSR user is currently enrolled in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Main Path for Viewing the Account Lockout Report

The main path to view the Account Lockout report is as follows:

  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a list of the available Account Lockout reports:
    • Locked Out Customer Accounts
    • Locked Out Customer Service Representatives
    • Locked Out Accounts Reactivated
  2. The CSR administrator clicks the Locked Out Customer Accounts Link. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a report that shows:
    • User ID
    • Business Account Number - This value displays if the user is tied directly to the ETL Business Account Number. Otherwise the field is blank.
    • Service Number - This value displays if the user is tied directly to a Service Number. Otherwise the field is blank.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Locked Out Reason
      • Incorrect Login
      • Reset Password
      • Security Question
      • Account Expired
    • Action - Re-Activate
  3. The CSR administrator clicks the Locked Out Customer Service Representatives Link. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a report that shows the following:
    • CSR User ID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Locked Out Reason
      • Incorrect Login
      • Reset Password
      • Security Question
      • Account Expired
    • Action - Re-Activate
  4. The CSR administrator clicks the Locked Out Accounts Reactivated Link. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a report that shows the following:
    • CSR User ID or user ID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Locked Out Reason
      • Incorrect Login
      • Reset Password
      • Security Question
      • Account Expired
    • Date and time the account was reactivated

Exceptions for Viewing the Account Lockout Report

Exceptions can occur with this use case.

No one in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing has been locked out and not reset

A message on the page states: No Accounts have been locked out at this point in time.

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