Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Customer Service Representative Use Cases >

Reactivating a Locked Account

This use case reactivates a CSR or user account that has been locked out.

Table 61 lists and describes the Reactivating a Locked Account use case functions.

Table 61. Reactivating a Locked Account


Reactivating a Locked Account

Feature Area

Login and Authentication


CSR administrator


The CSR administrator logs into Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and clicks the Reports (New) link next to My Profile, clicks the Locked Out Accounts link, and then clicks the reactivate link within the report.


  • The CSR administrator user is currently enrolled in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.
  • The CSR administrator receives a call from the user or CSR user who is locked out.
  • The CSR administrator validates the email address entered in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.


Oracle Self-Service E-Billing-generated validation code cannot contain the characters: a, A, e, E, 3, o, O, 0, i, I, 1, u, U, y, Y, $, @, !, *

Main Path for Reactivating a Locked Account

The main path to reactivate a locked account is as follows:

  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sends an email to the user email address.

    The email must contain an HTTPS link with a unique validation code. The validation code

    • Uses an abbreviated list of characters
    • Contains of at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one number
  2. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing enters the validation code in the database.
  3. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sets a status flag in the database indicating this account has been reset.
  4. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Lockout Account Report, populated with the information displayed earlier, but the action link is no longer active and displays the following message: An email message has been sent to the account you have just reactivated.
  5. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing enters the CSR ID, date and time when the account was reactivated in the database for auditing purposes.
Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.