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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use MigrationInfo
oracle.ide.migration Contains API classes for support the migration of Node types and user preferences in the system directory. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 


Uses of MigrationInfo in oracle.ide.migration


Methods in oracle.ide.migration that return MigrationInfo
abstract  MigrationInfo NodeMigrator.getMigrationInfo(Node node)
          Get the current MigrationInfo for the specified node.
 MigrationInfo[] NodeMigrator.getMigrationInfos(Node[] nodes)
          Get the current MigrationInfos for the specified nodes.
 MigrationInfo NodeMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo info)
          Migrate the node whose migration information is given.
 MigrationInfo[] NodeMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.


Methods in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type MigrationInfo
protected  void NodeMigrator.callHelperMigrate(NodeMigratorHelper helper, MigrationInfo info, TraversableContext context)
protected  void NodeMigrator.callHelpersMigrate(MigrationInfo info, TraversableContext context)
protected  boolean NodeMigrator.checkVersioning(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Method called before migration is initiated to verify if migration can proceed or not dependning on the versioning status of each URL.
 MigrationInfo.MigrationStatus NodeMigrator.checkVersions(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Verify if all nodes can be migrated.
protected  NodeMigratorHelper[] NodeMigrator.getHelpers(MigrationInfo info)
          Get the NodeMigratorHelpers that are newer than the version number stored in the project file.
protected abstract  java.lang.String NodeMigrator.getMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Get the wizard welcome page message.
 java.util.List NodeMigratorHelper.getPages(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Get the traversal pages to be displayed by the node migration wizard.
 java.util.List NodeMigrator.getPages(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Get the list of wizard pages associated with the specified infos.
protected abstract  java.lang.String NodeMigrator.getSummaryMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Get the message for the wizard summary page.
protected  MigrationInfo.MigrationStatus NodeMigrator.invokeWizard(TraversableContext context, java.util.List pages, MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Invoke the migration wizard.
protected  void NodeMigrator.mapInfoToMigrator(NodeMigrator key, MigrationInfo info, java.util.Map map)
          Associate the NodeMigrator specified with the given MigrationInfo by storing these in the specified map.
 MigrationInfo NodeMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo info)
          Migrate the node whose migration information is given.
 MigrationInfo[] NodeMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos)
          Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.
abstract  void NodeMigratorHelper.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.
protected  void NodeMigrator.postMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Method called after migration is complete.
protected  void NodeMigrator.preMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Method called before migration is initiated.


Uses of MigrationInfo in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type MigrationInfo
protected  void ProjectMigrator.callHelpersMigrate(MigrationInfo info, TraversableContext context)
protected  java.lang.String ProjectMigrator.getMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
protected  java.lang.String WorkspaceMigrator.getMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
 java.util.List WorkspaceMigrator.getPages(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
protected  java.lang.String ProjectMigrator.getSummaryMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
protected  java.lang.String WorkspaceMigrator.getSummaryMsg(MigrationInfo[] infos)
 void ResourcePathsMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
 void WorkingSetsMigratorHelper.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
protected  void ProjectMigrator.postMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
protected  void WorkspaceMigrator.postMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
protected  void ProjectMigrator.preMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
protected  void WorkspaceMigrator.preMigrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)


Uses of MigrationInfo in oracle.jdeveloper.library


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.library with parameters of type MigrationInfo
 void ProjectLibraryMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)


Uses of MigrationInfo in oracle.jdeveloper.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type MigrationInfo
 void OutputDirectoryMigrator.migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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