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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use HashStructureAdapter
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.externaltools Contains interfaces and classes that allow external tools in the IDE to be invoked, manipulated and extended by extensions. 
oracle.ide.keyboard Defining your default accelerators 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.ide.todo Contains API classes for the To Do Item feature. 
oracle.ide.util Contains utility classes. 
oracle.ide.webbrowser Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE web browser settings. 
oracle.ide.wizard Contains classes that can be used to integrate gallery items and wizards into the product. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Utility classes for working with (for example parsing) PL/SQL. 
oracle.javatools.editor.print The Print package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains a basic Pageable implementation for printing out the contents of a BasicDocument. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.db Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). 
oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels UI panels that are useful when listing, selecting or displaying database connections in dialogs and wizards. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops Extension to the Offline Database that allows the association of a library of user properties to be associated with an offline database. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.config


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.config
 class ChangeEventSource
          Implements the registry of ChangeListeners.
 class EnvironOptions
          This class stores the IDE environment options.
 class GlobalIgnoreList
          This class stores the IDE Global Ignore list.
 class Preferences
          Class that represents shapeable Preferences.
 class SettingsCustomizations
          Provides access to settings customizations registered by a product or role.
 class SettingsFieldCustomizations
          Customizations for a specific field.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.db.transfer
 class TransferDescriptor
          Bean to encapsulte generation options to be used as the model for a deployment descriptor.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.editor


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.editor
 class EditorsOptions
          This class was used to store the editors auto synchronize option.
 class RecentFile


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.extension


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.extension
 class LazyClassAdapter
          LazyClassAdapter is a hash structure adapter that can retrieve instances of a class declared in an extension manifest.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.externaltools


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.externaltools
 class ExternalProgramToolProperties
          Properties for an external tool that provides access to an external program executable.
 class ExternalToolBaseProperties
          Base properties for an external tool.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.keyboard


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.keyboard
 class KeyStrokeOptions
          This class stores the KeyStrokeMap for one global context and multiple local contexts.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.model


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.model
 class ContentSet
          The ContentSet is the fundamental data structure that describes the contents of a Project.
 class DependencyConfiguration
 class NodeMigrationTracker
          A HashStructureAdapter class used to track the status of node migration for Project and Workspace nodes.
 class OwnerMap
 class ProjectContent
 class ProjectVersion
          This class provides a standardized means of storing and retrieving version history information in the project file.
 class ResourcePaths
          This class holds the Resources content set data.
 class TechnologyScopeConfiguration
 class WorkingSet
 class WorkingSets


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.resourcebundle


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
 class RegisteredBundleAdapter
 class ResourceBundleOptions
          ResourceBundleOptions provides a persistable set of options used to drive how the resource bundle manager works.
 class ResourceBundlePreferences
          ResourceBundlePreferences represent the resource bundle preferences that have been registered via role files


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.runner


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.runner
 class RunnerOptions
          Runtime Service settings.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.todo


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.todo
 class AbstractToDoItem
          A AbstractToDoItem represents a task the user wants to track.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.usages


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.usages
 class UsageData
          The base object to use to store information about feature usage.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.util


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.util
 class PatternFilters


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.webbrowser


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.webbrowser
 class InternetFilesOptions
 class ProxyOptions
          Provides access to HTTP proxy options as set via Tools->Preferences->Web Browser and Proxy.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.wizard


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ide.wizard
 class WizardWelcomeSettings
          Settings that define whether a wizard welcome page is displayed.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate
 class CheckForUpdatesPreferences
          Preferences for check for updates.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in


Methods in with parameters of type HashStructureAdapter
protected  void HashStructureAdapter.copyToImpl(HashStructureAdapter copy)
          This method implements the copy operation.
protected  boolean HashStructureAdapter.equalsImpl(HashStructureAdapter other)
          This method implements the equals operation.
 void HashStructureAdapter.forcedCopyTo(HashStructureAdapter copy)
          Copies the HashStructure of this adapter to the HashStructure of the specified copy.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db
 class GlobalSettings
          Class for api settings that govern the behaviour of the api at a global level.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db.ddl
 class DDLOptions
          The options to customise the generation of DDL when using a DDLGenerator.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db.plsql


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.db.plsql
 class PlSqlCompilerOptions


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.editor.print


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.javatools.editor.print
 class HTMLGeneratorOptions
          The HTMLGeneratorOptions defines various options for generation of HTML output, from a BasicDocument, that is currently supported by the DocumentToHTMLGenerator implementation.
 class PrintOptions
          The PrintOptions defines various printing options supported currenting by the EditorPageable implementation.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler
 class BuildSystemConfiguration
 class OjcConfiguration
          Place holder class for defines.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.db


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.db
 class ConnectionInfo
          Wrapper for information about a chosen connection.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels
static class GlobalConnectionPanelUI.ChosenConnection
          Deprecated. - use ConnectionInfo


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy
 class AutoSyncSettings
 class DeploymentView
          A DeploymentView describes how a DeploymentModule should be constructed.
 class SecurityDeploymentSettings


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd
 class DeployCommandState
 class DeployToAppServerState
 class DeployToArchiveState
 class DeployToEarState
 class DeployToFileState
 class DeployToWarState
 class ProfileDeployCmdState


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic
 class DeployToWeblogicState


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt
 class AbstractHashDependable
          Base class for creating Dependable(s).
 class DeployElement
          An extension of DefaultElement that also implements the LinkedDirtyable interface.
 class DeploymentProfiles
 class Profile


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear
 class EarProfile
          Class representing an EAR deployment profile.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ejb


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ejb
 class EjbProfile
          Class representing an EJB deployment profile.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee
 class J2eeProfile


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar
 class AppClientProfile
 class ArchiveProfile
          Data model for the JAR (simple archive) deployment profile.
 class ClientProfile
          Data model representing the J2EE Client deployment profile type.
 class ConnectorProfile
          Data model representing the J2EE Connector deployment profile type.
 class LibraryArchiveProfile
          Data Model representing a deployment campable (as a shared library) version of an ArchiveProfile.
 class TaglibProfile
          The JSP tag library profile.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp
 class PlsqlMethod
          Abstract base data model representing common aspects of PL/SQL procedures and functions.
 class PlsqlPackagedFunction
          Data model representing a PL/SQL packaged function.
 class PlsqlPackagedProcedure
          Data model representing a packaged Java stored procedure.
 class PlsqlTopLevelFunction
          Data model representing a top-level Java stored function.
 class PlsqlTopLevelMethod
          Abstract base data model representing common aspects of top-level PL/SQL procedures and functions.
 class PlsqlTopLevelProcedure
          Data model representing a top-level Java stored procedure that has no return value.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war
 class WarProfile
          Data model representing a deployment profile for a J2EE web module.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.library


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.library
 class JDKAdapter
          Encapsulates the notion of a JDK.
 class JLibraryAdapter
          Encapsulates the notion of a Library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 class JProjectLibraryList
          The JProjectLibraryList class is used to contain Library instances that are defined within the context of a JProject.
 class LibraryAdapter
 class LibraryReference
          HashStructureAdapter encapsulation of a reference to an external Library, as opposed to a reference to a library defined within a JProject.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.model


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.model
 class ApplicationContent
          Class that represents certain parts of Application content, such as the application-level ADF META-INF directory.
 class J2eeSettings
          Settings object for storing the settings associated with a J2EE project.
 class JavaProject
 class JProjectLibraries
          JProjectLibraries is the means by which JDK and JLibrary information may be stored and retrieved from a given PropertyStorage object.
 class PathsConfiguration


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model
 class DataTypeSettings
          Settings class for storing the datatype settings for a given offline provider.
 class IDMigrationMap
 class OfflineDBProjectSettings
          Object to encapsulate offline database settings in a project's configuration.
 class ProviderDefaultTemplateSettings
 class ProviderDependencySettings
          Settings object for storing any dependency information for a provider - i.e.
 class ProviderSettings
          Settings for a provider in the offline database.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops
 class Libraries
          Settings object for storing any user property libraries for a provider
 class UserPropertyDefn
          How to access the user property values for a given Offline Database Object.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.runner


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
 class EmbeddedServerOptions
          Design-time embedded server settings.
 class RunConfiguration
          The RunConfiguration class specifies details about how a Java process should be started.
 class RunConfigurations


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.template


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.template
 class AbstractTemplate
 class ApplicationTemplate
 class DefaultTemplateData
 class ProjectTemplate
 class TemplatePreferences


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor
 class UIEditorOptions
          UIEditorOptions describes the customizations made available to the user.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi
 class VCSCopyableMap<K,V>
          Class for storing a properties in a Copyable map structure.
 class VCSPropertyMap<K,V>
          Class for storing a version control client property map.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences
 class AuditPreferences
          Basic Audit preferences.


Uses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks


Subclasses of HashStructureAdapter in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks
 class BookmarkOptions
          The BookmarkOptions defines an options class that stores bookmark options.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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