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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

Interface JavaHasType

All Superinterfaces:
Element, JavaElement
All Known Subinterfaces:
CompiledAccessExpression, CompiledExpression, CompiledInvokeExpression, CompiledSelfVariable, CompiledTmpVariable, JavaAnnotation, JavaClass, JavaField, JavaIsGeneric, JavaLocalVariable, JavaMember, JavaMethod, JavaType, JavaTypeVariable, JavaVariable, JavaWildcardType, SourceAnnotation, SourceAnnotationExpression, SourceArrayAccessExpression, SourceAssignmentExpression, SourceCatchParameter, SourceClass, SourceClassInitializer, SourceDereferenceExpression, SourceDotExpression, SourceEnumConstant, SourceExpression, SourceFieldDeclaration, SourceFieldVariable, SourceFormalParameter, SourceInfixExpression, SourceInvokeExpression, SourceListExpression, SourceLiteralExpression, SourceLocalVariable, SourceMember, SourceMemberVariable, SourceMethod, SourceMethodCallExpression, SourceNewArrayExpression, SourceNewClassExpression, SourceOperatorExpression, SourceQuestionExpression, SourceSimpleNameExpression, SourceTypeArgument, SourceTypecastExpression, SourceTypeExpression, SourceTypeParameter, SourceTypeReference, SourceUnaryExpression, SourceVariable, SourceWrapperExpression
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnnotation, AbstractClass, AbstractField, AbstractMethod, AbstractType, AbstractVariable, BaseFileProvider.BaseClass, CastedMethod,, PrimitiveType, QuickComponent, QuickHasType, QuickLocalVariable, QuickMethod, SignatureHasType, Value, WrapperClass, WrapperField, WrapperLocalVariable, WrapperMethod

public interface JavaHasType
extends JavaElement

A JavaHasType object has a descriptor and a signature.

Field Summary
static JavaHasType[] EMPTY_ARRAY


Method Summary
 JavaType getResolvedType()
          A JavaField instance will return the field's type.
 UnresolvedType getUnresolvedType()
          Information about a type that has not been resolved.


Methods inherited from interface
getElementKind, getFile, getModifiers, getOwner, getSourceElement, isDeprecated, isFinal, isHidden, isSourceElement, isSynthetic, printCompiledInfo


Field Detail


static final JavaHasType[] EMPTY_ARRAY

Method Detail


JavaType getResolvedType()
A JavaField instance will return the field's type.

A JavaMethod instance will return the method's return type.

A JavaVariable instance will return the variable's type.

A JavaType instance will return itself.

The type of this compiled object.


UnresolvedType getUnresolvedType()
Information about a type that has not been resolved. Defined in order to provide information when getResolvedType() == null. The typical use is to obtain a String for display purposes.
An object that provides information on the type we are trying to resolve. Always non-null.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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