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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (



The parser model API.


Interface Summary
CompiledImport A traditional narrow import declaration imports a single type.
Element The common base type of SourceElement and JavaElement.
JavaAnnotation An instance of an annotation type.
JavaClass A JavaClass is mostly the equivalent of java/lang/Class.
JavaElement CompiledObject is the compiled representation of a syntactic (aka symbolic) java element.
JavaField The JavaField is the compiled representation of a java field.
JavaFile A compilation unit.
JavaHasAnnotations All runtime annotations are provided, both visible and invisible.
JavaHasName A JavaHasName object has a name.
JavaHasType A JavaHasType object has a descriptor and a signature.
JavaIsGeneric A generic declaration declares type parameters.
JavaLocalVariable A compile-time local variable (or formal parameter).
JavaMember The JavaField is the compiled representation of a java field.
JavaMethod The JavaMethod is the compiled representation of a java method or constructor, including the implicit <clinit> method.
JavaPackage The JavaType is the compiled representation of a JavaType.
JavaType JavaType is the common base interface for JavaClass, JavaTypeVariable, and JavaWildcardType.
JavaTypeVariable The TypeVariable is a new concept in jdk 1.5.
JavaVariable The JavaVariable is the compiled representation of a local variable, including formal parameters.
JavaWildcardType The WildcardType is a new concept in jdk 1.5.
NodeBinding A client data object.
SourceAnnotation An annotation (not to be confused with annotation type).
SourceBlock The SourceCodeBlock represents code blocks for methods and statements.
SourceBlockElement A SourceElement that may be a child of a SourceBlock.
SourceCatchParameter Represents a catch clause parameter, which is similar to a SourceFormalParameter except the type can be the union of several disjunct types
SourceClass A SourceClass is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java class: classes, enums, interfaces, and annotation types.
SourceClassBody A class body, sometimes called a class block.
SourceClassInitializer The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
SourceElement Every node in the java parse tree is a subinterface of a SourceElement.
SourceEnumConstant An enum constant.
SourceError An error found in the parse tree.
SourceFieldDeclaration A field (or enum constant) declaration.
SourceFieldVariable A field variable.
SourceFile The SourceFile represents the root node for a complete Source source file.
SourceFormalParameter A formal parameter.
SourceFormalParameterList A formal parameter list.
SourceHasBlock A source element that has a block.
SourceHasModifiers A SourceElement that may have modifiers.
SourceHasName A SourceHasName has a SourceName (notice that this is a SourceToken child) child.
SourceHasType A SourceElement that has a type reference.
SourceImport An import declaration.
SourceInterfacesClause An extends and/or an implements clause.
SourceLexicalBlankline A whitespace token.
SourceLexicalComment A comment token.
SourceLexicalElement A lexical element is what the JLS refers to as an input element in section 3.5.
SourceLexicalSqlj A SQLJ declaration or executable statement.
SourceLocalVariable A local variable or formal parameter.
SourceLocalVariableDeclaration A local variable declaration.
SourceMember The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
SourceMemberVariable A field (or enum constant) variable.
SourceMethod A SourceMethod is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java method or constructor declaration.
SourceName A name.
SourcePackage The SourcePackage.
SourceSuperclassClause An extends and/or an implements clause.
SourceThrowsClause A throws clause for a method or constructor declaration.
SourceTypeArgument A type argument for a type reference.
SourceTypeParameter A type parameter.
SourceTypeReference A type reference.
SourceVariable A SourceVariable is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java variable, including: field variables, enum constant variables, local variables, and formal parameters.
SourceVariableDeclaration The common base interface for a field declaration and a local variable declaration.
UnresolvedType Information about a JavaHasType, useful when JavaHasType.getResolvedType() returns null.


Package Description

The parser model API.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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