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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SourceBlock The parser API. The parser model API. Various utilities for use with the parser. Used for migrating legacy java model code to the current version. Public utilities for use with the java model, including the parser. 


Uses of SourceBlock in


Methods in that return SourceBlock
 SourceBlock SourceFactory.createBlock()
          Creates an empty code block.
abstract  SourceBlock SourceFactory.createBlock(SourceElement[] elements)
          Creates a code block.
 SourceBlock SourceFactory.createBlock(java.lang.String text)
          See SourceFactory.createBlockFromText(java.lang.String).
abstract  SourceBlock SourceFactory.createBlockFromText(java.lang.String text)
          Attempts to create a block with the given text.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceBlock
abstract  SourceBlockStatement SourceFactory.createBlockStatement(SourceBlock block)
          Creates a block statement.
abstract  SourceClassInitializer SourceFactory.createClassInitializer(int modifiers, SourceBlock block)
          Creates a class initializer.
 SourceMethod SourceFactory.createConstructor(SourceFormalParameterList parameters, SourceThrowsClause throwsClause, SourceBlock block)
          Creates a constructor declaration.
abstract  SourceMethod SourceFactory.createConstructor(SourceTypeParameter[] typeParameters, SourceFormalParameterList parameters, SourceThrowsClause throwsClause, SourceBlock block)
          Creates a constructor declaration.
 SourceClassInitializer SourceFactory.createInstanceInitializer(SourceBlock block)
          Creates an instance class initializer.
abstract  SourceMethod SourceFactory.createMethod(SourceTypeParameter[] tyParameters, SourceTypeReference returnType, java.lang.String methodName, SourceFormalParameterList parameters, SourceThrowsClause throwsClause, SourceBlock block)
          Creates a method declaration.
 SourceMethod SourceFactory.createMethod(SourceTypeReference returnType, java.lang.String methodName, SourceFormalParameterList parameters, SourceThrowsClause throwsClause, SourceBlock block)
          Creates a non-generic method declaration.
 SourceClassInitializer SourceFactory.createStaticInitializer(SourceBlock block)
          Creates a static class initializer.


Uses of SourceBlock in


Methods in that return SourceBlock
 SourceBlock SourceHasBlock.getBlock()
          Gets the declared code block, null if none.
 SourceBlock SourceFormalParameter.getOwningBlock()
          Gets the block that this formal parameter may be used from.
 SourceBlock SourceLocalVariable.getOwningBlock()
          Gets the owning block.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceBlock
 void SourceHasBlock.setBlock(SourceBlock block)
          Attempts to set the code block associated with this element.


Uses of SourceBlock in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceBlock
 void SourceVisitor.whenEnterBlock(SourceBlock sourceBlock)
 void SourceVisitor.whenExitBlock(SourceBlock sourceBlock)


Uses of SourceBlock in


Methods in with parameters of type SourceBlock
static SourceExpression[] Jot2Utils.getMethodCalls(SourceBlock jCodeBlock, java.lang.String name)


Uses of SourceBlock in


Methods in that return SourceBlock
static SourceBlock SourceUtils.createBlock(SourceElement element)
          Create a new empty block.
static SourceBlock SourceUtils.getFinallyBlock(SourceTryStatement tryStatement)
          Fetch the SourceBlock for the finally clause of a try-finally.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceBlock
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addAssignStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhsName, SourceExpression rhsExpr)
          Adds (append) an assignment statement (=) to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addAssignStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhsName, java.lang.String rhsText)
          Adds (append) an assignment statement (=) to the block.
static void SourceUtils.addBlankLine(SourceBlock block)
          Adds (append) a blank line to the block.
static SourceCatchClause SourceUtils.addCatchClause(SourceTryStatement tryStmt, java.lang.String catchType, java.lang.String catchName, SourceBlock catchBlock)
          Adds a catch clause to the block, usin gthe given catch info.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceExpression expr)
          Adds (append) an expression as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceExpression expr, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String exprText)
          Adds (append) an expression as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addExpressionStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String exprText, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts an expression as a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceFinallyClause SourceUtils.addFinallyClause(SourceTryStatement tryStmt, SourceBlock finallyBlock)
          Adds a finally clause to the try statement, using the given block
static SourceIfStatement SourceUtils.addIfElseStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String condition, SourceBlock ifBlock, SourceBlock elseBlock)
          Adds an if/else statement to the block, using the given condition and if/else blocks.
static SourceIfStatement SourceUtils.addIfStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String condition, SourceBlock ifBlock)
          Adds an if statement to the block, using the given condition and if block.
static void SourceUtils.addLineComment(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String commentText)
          Adds (append) a line comment to the block.
static SourceVariableDeclaration SourceUtils.addLocalVariableDeclaration(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, SourceExpression initExpr)
          Adds (append) a local variable declaration to the given block.
static SourceVariableDeclaration SourceUtils.addLocalVariableDeclaration(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String initText)
          Adds (append) a local variable declaration to the given block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addMethodCallStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, SourceExpression[] args)
          Adds a method call invocation as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addMethodCallStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] args)
          Adds a method call invocation as a statement to the block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addReturn(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Adds (append) a return statement to the given block.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceStatement stmt, SourceElement sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a statement to the block by the specified sibling.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.addStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Adds (append) a statement to the block.
static SourceClassInitializer SourceUtils.addStaticClassInitializer(SourceClass cls, SourceBlock block)
          Adds (append) a static class initializer to the class.
static SourceSwitchLabel SourceUtils.addSwitchCaseLabel(SourceBlock switchBlock, java.lang.String caseText)
          Add a case label to a switch block.
static SourceSwitchStatement SourceUtils.addSwitchStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String switchText, SourceBlock switchBlock)
          Add a switch statement to the block.
static SourceThrowStatement SourceUtils.addThrowStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String throwText)
          Adds a throw statement to the block, using the given throw text.
static SourceTryStatement SourceUtils.addTryCatchStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceBlock tryBlock, java.lang.String catchType, java.lang.String catchName, SourceBlock catchBlock)
          Adds a try/catch statement to the block, using the given catch text.
static SourceWhileStatement SourceUtils.addWhileStatement(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String condition, SourceBlock whileBlock)
          Adds a while statement to the block, using the given condition and while block.
static SourceExpression SourceUtils.createAssign(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhsName, java.lang.String rhsText)
          Adds (append) an assignment statement (=) to the block.
static SourceExpression SourceUtils.createMethodCall(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, SourceExpression[] args)
          Creates an expression that is a method invocation.
static SourceExpression SourceUtils.createMethodCall(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String lhs, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] args)
          Creates an expression that is a method invocation.
static SourceStatement SourceUtils.createReturn(SourceBlock block, java.lang.String stmtText)
          Creates a return statement.
static SourceTryStatement SourceUtils.createTryCatchStatement(SourceBlock block, SourceBlock tryBlock, java.lang.String catchType, java.lang.String catchName, SourceBlock catchBlock)
          Creates a try/catch statement to the block, using the given catch text.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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