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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Location
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer The base classes for writing analyzers. Helper and transform classes for auditing Java nodes and working with the Java object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform The base classes for defining transformations on the Audit object model. 


Uses of Location in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer that return Location
 Location AuditContext.getLocation()
          Gets the location of the construct currently being traversed.
 Location AuditContext.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
          Gets the location of a construct in the model currently being traversed.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer with parameters of type Location
 void AuditContext.produceFragment(java.lang.Class<? extends ModelType> fragmentType, Location location)
          Produces a fragment of another model type from a construct in the model currently being traversed.
 ViolationReport rule, Location location)
          Reports a rule violation for a construct.
 ViolationReport rule, Location location)
          Reports a rule violation for a construct.
 void ViolationReport.setFocusLocation(Location location)
          Sets the location at the focus of the violation.
 void ViolationReport.setTransformFocusLocation(Transform transform, Location location)
          Sets the focus location of a transform for this violation.


Uses of Location in


Methods in that return Location
 Location[] JavaSourceModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location JavaSourceModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a construct in this model.
 Location JavaSourceModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)


Methods in with parameters of type Location
 boolean JavaSourceModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
 TransformContext JavaTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
 Location JavaSourceModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a construct in this model.
 javax.swing.Icon JavaSourceModelAdapter.icon(Location location)
 java.lang.Object JavaSourceModelAdapter.label(Location location)
 java.lang.Object JavaSourceModelAdapter.summary(Location location)


Constructors in with parameters of type Location
JavaTransformContext(JavaTransformAdapter adapter, Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)


Uses of Location in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model that return Location
 Location Location.getBeginning()
          Gets a zero length location at the beginning of this location.
abstract  Location[] ModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
          Gets the locations of the constructs in this model corresponding to an IDE element.
 Location Location.getEnd()
          Gets a zero length location at the end of this location.
 Location ModelAdapter.getEndLocation()
          Gets a location greater than any location in this model.
 Location ModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a location in this model.
 Location TextFileModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(Location location)
 Location ModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a construct in this model.
 Location ModelAdapter.getLocation()
          Gets a location less than or equal to any location in this model.
 Location Location.getLocation()
          Gets this location in fulfillment of the Located interface.
 Location Located.getLocation()
          Gets the location of this object.
 Location ModelAdapter.getLocation(int offset, int length)
          Gets a location in this model.
 Location TextFileModelAdapter.getLocation(int offset, int length)
abstract  Location ModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
          Gets the location for a construct in this model, or null if the object is not a construct in this model.
 Location ModelFactory.getModelRoot()
          Gets the location of the root object of the aggregated Audit object model.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with parameters of type Location
 int Location.compareTo(Location that)
           A Location which encloses another will always sort first.
 boolean ModelAdapter.contains(Location location)
          Gets whether this model contains a location.
 boolean Location.contains(Location that)
          Gets whether this location contains a location.
 boolean ModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets whether a construct in this model contains a location.
 java.lang.String ModelAdapter.contextDescription(Location location)
          Gets a description of a location of this model.
 java.lang.String TextFileModelAdapter.contextDescription(Location location)
          Gets a description of a location of this model.
 boolean ModelAdapter.edit(Location location)
          Edits a location in this model using an editor suitable for the model and location.
 boolean TextFileModelAdapter.edit(Location location)
          Edits a location in this model using an editor suitable for the model and location.
 java.lang.Object ModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location)
          Gets the innermost construct containing a location in this model.
 java.lang.Object ModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location, java.lang.Object parentConstruct)
          Gets the outermost construct containing a location within a specified construct in this model.
 Location ModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a location in this model.
 Location TextFileModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(Location location)
 Location ModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a construct in this model.
 javax.swing.Icon ModelAdapter.icon(Location location)
          Gets the icon for a location of this model.
 boolean ModelAdapter.isEditable(Location location)
          Gets whether a location in this model is editable.
 boolean TextFileModelAdapter.isEditable(Location location)
          Gets whether a location in this model is editable.
 boolean ModelAdapter.isModified(Location location)
          Gets whether a region of this model has been modified since this model adapter was created.
 boolean TextFileModelAdapter.isModified(Location location)
 java.lang.Object ModelAdapter.label(Location location)
          Gets the label for a location of this model.
 java.lang.Object ModelAdapter.summary(Location location)
          Gets the summary for a location of this model.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with type arguments of type Location
 ModelAdapter ModelType.createModelAdapter(ModelAdapter model, java.util.Collection<Location> fragments)
          Creates a fragmentary model for this model type corresponding to fragments produced by a model of a different model type.


Uses of Location in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project with parameters of type Location
 TransformContext ProjectTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.project with parameters of type Location
ProjectTransformContext(TransformAdapter adapter, Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)


Uses of Location in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service that return Location
 Location Violation.getFocusLocation()
          Gets the focus location of the violation, or null if none.
 Location AuditModel.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object row)
          Gets the focus Location of an object represented by a row in this model.
 Location Violation.getLocation()
          Gets the location of the violating construct.
 Location AuditModel.getLocation(java.lang.Object row)
          Gets the Location of an object represented by a row of this model.
 Location Violation.getTransformFocusLocation(int index)
          Gets the applicable location of a transform of this violation, or null if none.
static Location ViolationHelper.unpackFocusLocation(int bits, java.lang.Object[] objects, Location location)
static Location ViolationHelper.unpackTransformFocusLocation(int bits, java.lang.Object[] objects, int index)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service that return types with arguments of type Location
 java.util.List<Location> AuditModel.getLocations()
          Gets the locations audited to create this model.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with parameters of type Location
 void AuditListener.auditStarted(Auditor auditor, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, Location root, java.lang.Class type)
          Reports an Auditor audit started event.
 void AuditListener.locationEntered(Auditor auditor, Location location, java.lang.Class type)
          Reports an Auditor location entered event.
 void AuditListener.locationExited(Auditor auditor, Location location)
          Reports an Auditor location exited event.
static Location ViolationHelper.unpackFocusLocation(int bits, java.lang.Object[] objects, Location location)
 void AuditListener.valueReported(Auditor auditor, Location location, Metric metric, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Reports an Auditor value reported event.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with type arguments of type Location
 void AuditModelListener.auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)
          Reports that an audit has started on this model.
 void AuditListener.auditStarted(Auditor auditor, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, Location root, java.lang.Class type)
          Reports an Auditor audit started event.


Uses of Location in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return Location
 Location TransformContext.getFocusLocation()
 Location TransformContext.getLocation()
          Gets the location to be transformed.
abstract  Location TransformAdapter.Region.getLocation()
 Location TransformAdapter.LocationRegion.getLocation()
 Location TransformAdapter.ConstructRegion.getLocation()
 Location TransformAdapter.getSelection()
          Gets the selection set by the apply method of a transform, or null if none.
 Location TransformContext.getTransformFocusLocation(int index)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return types with arguments of type Location
 java.util.Collection<Location> TransformAdapter.getHighlightRegions(TransformContext context)
          Gets the highlight regions set by the apply method of a transform for its model, or an empty list if none.
abstract  java.util.List<Location> TransformAdapter.Region.getLocations()
 java.util.List<Location> TransformAdapter.LocationRegion.getLocations()
 java.util.List<Location> TransformAdapter.ConstructRegion.getLocations()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type Location
 TransformContext TextTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
abstract  TransformContext TransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
          Creates a context for a transform over a violation.
 TransformContext NullTransformAdapter.createContext(Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
 void TextTransformContext.setSelection(Location location)
 void TransformAdapter.setSelection(Location location, int margin, int endMargin)
          Sets the selection to be set after a transform is applied.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type Location
NullTransformContext(NullTransformAdapter adapter, Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
TextTransformContext(TextTransformAdapter adapter, Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
TransformAdapter.LocationRegion(Location location)
TransformContext(TransformAdapter adapter, Transform transform, Violation violation, Location location)
          Creates a transform context for a transform to be applied to a violation.


Uses of Location in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core that return Location
 Location DefaultAuditModel.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object row)
 Location DefaultAuditContext.getLocation()
 Location DefaultAuditContext.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location DefaultAuditModel.getLocation(java.lang.Object row)


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core that return types with arguments of type Location
 java.util.List<Location> DefaultAuditModel.getLocations()


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core with parameters of type Location
protected  void DefaultAuditor.addLocation(Location location)
 void DefaultAuditModel.auditStarted(Auditor auditor, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, Location root, java.lang.Class type)
 void DefaultAuditModel.locationEntered(Auditor auditor, Location location, java.lang.Class type)
 void DefaultAuditModel.locationExited(Auditor auditor, Location location)
 void DefaultAuditContext.produceFragment(java.lang.Class<? extends ModelType> fragmentType, Location location)
 ViolationReport context, Rule rule, Location location, java.lang.Object construct)
 void metric, Location location, java.lang.Object measurement)
 ViolationReport rule, Location location)
 ViolationReport rule, Location location)
 void DefaultAuditContext.setContext(Location location, java.lang.Object construct)
 void DefaultAuditContext.setContext(ModelAdapter model, Location location, java.lang.Object construct, boolean isRoot)
 void DefaultAuditModel.valueReported(Auditor auditor, Location location, Metric metric, java.lang.Object newValue)


Method parameters in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core with type arguments of type Location
 void CountColumn.auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)
 void SeverityColumn.auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)
 void DefaultAuditModel.auditStarted(Auditor auditor, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, Location root, java.lang.Class type)
protected  void AbstractAuditModel.fireAuditStarted(java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)


Uses of Location in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log


Method parameters in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log with type arguments of type Location
 void AuditTreeTableModel.auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)
 void AuditLogPage.auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)


Uses of Location in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model that return Location
 Location[] ProjectModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location[] DirectoryModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location[] RootModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location[] UnauditableFileModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location[] WorkspaceModelAdapter.getElementLocations(Element element)
 Location ProjectModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location DirectoryModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location RootModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location UnauditableFileModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location WorkspaceModelAdapter.getLocation(java.lang.Object construct)
 Location DefaultModelFactory.getModelRoot()
          Gets the location of the root of the Audit object model.


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model with parameters of type Location
 boolean RootModelAdapter.contains(Location location)
 boolean ProjectModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
 boolean DirectoryModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
 boolean RootModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
 boolean WorkspaceModelAdapter.contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
 java.lang.Object ProjectModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location)
 java.lang.Object DirectoryModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location)
 java.lang.Object RootModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location)
 java.lang.Object WorkspaceModelAdapter.getConstruct(Location location)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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